Hi all,I quit smoking 4 days ago using nicorette inhalator. I'm doing OK,had a few temptations to go to shop and buy some but I've resisted.
My tongue has ulcers on underside and throat hurts, is this all connected?
Thanks for reading.
Hi all,I quit smoking 4 days ago using nicorette inhalator. I'm doing OK,had a few temptations to go to shop and buy some but I've resisted.
My tongue has ulcers on underside and throat hurts, is this all connected?
Thanks for reading.
Hi Tracey, well done on your quit. Yes these are common symtons of quitting, suffered myself in the first 2 weeks. No one tells you about them don't go out and buy cigs before you know it you will have already done a week , so well done to you. Stay strong , have a read of some of the pinned posts very helpful, and stay close to this site, as we have a wonderful quit family here, who all know what your going through. Just shout out. X
Thanks hun, it hasn't been too bad so far, apart from the throat and ulcers, we're going away on Tuesday to Disneyland Paris and I really didn't want to be a smoker when we went.
Well Done and enjoy your holiday, avoid the duty free too lol you can do this , and it's great you are feeling good all bar the mouth ulcers. Try corsodyle or warm salt water and swish around mouth , worked for me xx
Thanks, I'll try that, taking lots of vitamin C too. Xx
Hi Traceypo, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community and look at you, 4 days quit already, I am sooo proud of you for not going to that shop
I see our lovely Maddy has given you some excellent advice, to which I cant add too, but please take a look at the Pinned Posts and Topics, to the right of your post
Tracey, what your going through at the moment, is the norm gal and hopefully it wont last long
but we are all different and therefore it takes our bodies different times to heal
Your doing just fine and I know just by reading your post, you are determined to quit
Please shout out if you need any help, or just want a chat or even if you want to vent, come on here and let it go gal
cos we know what its like
If you could please let me know your quit date, then I can keep your Winners badges upto date and add you to the Wall of Winners
Good luck, Pete
19th April was my quit day, in a way the ulcers are welcome cause they're stopping me from eating everything in sight!
Ha ha ha Nice one Tracey, cos we dooooo tend to put a bit of weight on when we quit
Thankyou for letting me know your quit date, I will go and logg you into our data base, soooo, now I can keep your Winners badges updated
Are you ok using the inhalator ?? cos its very good if used the right way
I am, I have a history of anxiety (general anxiety and health anxiety) the patches made me shake previously so I didn't want them. I done a month on the inhalator before but stupidly had a drink and started smoking again.
I'm using between 2-3 cartridges a day, don't know how many is average, strangely the cigarettes I thought I'd miss the most aren't the ones I do, I'm managing mornings and evenings well,it's the 'boredom' smoking that I miss.
Yes Tracey, drink and ciggs go hand in hand !!!! so maybe try to keep off too much drink for the time being eh
I think your about right with the cartridges, and its sooooo good to that your not missing the ciggs probably what your getting an empty feeling, something is missing !!!!
Try to exercise, do something different, find a hobby, etc to fill this emptyness Try to change your routine if you can, have a look around your house, can you alter it for the better ?? does it need a coat of paint ?? try to keep yourself busy doing something and the emtyness will soon go
That's why I chose this time, on Tuesday we go to Paris for a week, I'll be constantly on the go, plenty of exercise and certainly won't miss the old dread of 'where can I smoke'.
By the time I get home I'll have been quit two weeks.
Then my dining room needs decorating, transferring all cigarette money into my saving account so I can physically see the financial benefits also.
Tracey, it sounds like you got it all sorted, ACE gal, am loving the way your thinking
I think the first 2 weeks are the hardest for us, sooo thats good your going away but please be careful and watch what you drink eh
Yes, you watch that money growwwww
These night sweats and regular night time waking are fun aren't they!
Good morning Tracy from 🇨🇦3:24amYep, I remember the sweats and I still only sleep 3 hours at a time... After a month , the nausea, bloating, sweating and muscle aches went away ... Quitting isn't easy but it's worth it... I keep my quit family close ... They're awesome support... 1 puff =1 pack 👍🏻❤️🇨🇦