Well can't believe its 6 weeks on Friday I never thought that I would ever give up smoking but I think this time I'm on to a winner coughing and sneezing has now gone no wheezing at night just need to stop falling asleep at 9 at night but I do get up at 5 tough time coming up on the 28th thats the two year anniversary of my dads death but i ll keep in my thoughts that he would be so pleased that I have given up smoking it can be done for any newbies giving up it isn't easy far from it but you will feel and look so much better went to see some old work mates yesterday and they said how good I looked giving up smoking also gives you more confidence I don't know why that is I guess its because you know you don't smell or have stained fingers you put your perfume or your aftershave on and that's what people can smell and it does feel good just need to get past my last quit of 12 weeks and I'll know I've cracked it happy christmas to all of you and let's hope we have a lot more new members on here next year
Still going strong: Well can't believe its... - Quit Support
Still going strong

Congratulations on your upcoming 6 weeks! .. and so glad you are feeling better! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. One day at a time you will surpass your goals and will be feeling better than ever to boot!

Wow, 6 weeks coming up for you, that's great! What an achievement. I bet your dad must be proud, wherever he is. You just remember that on the 28th and keep your eye on the prize! You are going to double this up, cut right through the 12th week and keep going strong!

Hiya donesmokin, you really have a terrific name as you're donesmokin for nearly 6 weeks and it's the best feeling to know you're winning the battle, brilliant.
be proud of yourself and your Dad would be very proud too. its great to hear you're feeling and looking better and you've got your freedom back
Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year you lovely non smoker🎅🏼🎄☃🎅🏼🎄☃

hi donesmokin, congratulations on your quit achievement. You are doing absolute brilliantly and love your positive attitude.
If you are determined to win the battle, you will do it as you just get stronger
Have a very merry Christmas to you and yours and YES, i hope too that we get many more members in 2016 who want to gain control of their life instead of being enslaved to cigarettes
6 weeks👏 I found the first 2 months the hardest..... Be strong on the 28 th......your dad would be so happy you quit the cigarettes❤️
Well done 6 weeks amazing your Dad would be so proud of you. Hope u have a lovely Christmas 🎄🍸🍾

Brilliant, six weeks 😀😀
u feel good because of what u accomplished your beating it.