My names King Sulley, I'm new around here so this is gonna be a long one
I've been smoking cigarettes for about 3-4 months, and smoking cigars & ecig vaping for about 9 months now.
I'm 18 years old, I realize it's a terrible thing for me and I notice all of the impacts smoking tobacco has had on me as a person. So I decided to simply take a break, I've become much to dependent on it recently. I decided to quit for 72 hours (the point more than 90% of cigarette's contents have left your body) and see what happens, my aim in doing this is so I can push myself to quit cold turkey after having 72 hours, three days, of no nicotine under my belt already.
I smoked a pack every two weeks, and at my peak a pack weekly, but I smoked it mostly straight out of water pipes and other paraphernalia so my cravings were worse. Vaping and cigars were replaced with cigarettes before I quit, however I still have my ecig vaporizer.
My lungs got to a point where I noticed difficultly breathing and a slightly sore throat, this is when I started cutting myself off, but when I quit cold turkey the sore throat is worse and I have numb gums.
I know about the health difference between vaping and smoking, and I don't plan on quitting forever, I want to reach a point where I can have a cigarette once a month or week without cravings.
So, my question for you guys is:
What kinds of things do you have when you control your cravings? (even the stupid small things like if it's wearing pj's or eating cheese)
Those who have quit gradually using a vaporizer, do you recommend it? did it make quitting easier or does it just reset your nicotine levels back to pre-withdrawal
I'm 18 years old, I wont hide the fact I get high A LOT, my biggest aid in resisting cravings has been using my weed vaporizer (not a nicotine ecig) and blazing my way to cloud 9. I'm in search of other habits or techniques to resist cravings that I can use at work or school, because I cant get high for those.
I REALLLYYY want to hit the ecig vape right now, but i figured I should post on here and get your guys opinions on weather or not I should.
I know if I can boot this before it gets out of hand I can have a bright, healthy future.
-Thank You