I had my last few cigarettes (probably more like 6) on Monday morning before work. I had my last cigarette walking to work then put a patch on. Also using lozenges and a puffer. I was smoking around 20 - 25 cigarettes a day, including through the night on waking.
I believe I have tried to quit about 20 times in the last 18 months and don't usually get past the first day, but if I have I then failed at the first weekend. Prior to this I hadn't smoked for 2 years.
This time I feel a little differently, more focussed and am taking every measure to quit for good this time, including signing up here for support, which has been helpful already. I've told my friends I cannot see them this weekend as I find seeing other's smoke gives me a sense of 'missing out' then I end up begging cigarettes and ending up back on them again.
So that's my story.