Had a relaps on Saturday. Had a few cigs but back on target 3 days clean now have a ecig to help with cravings but mainly cold turkey. Determined to stop completely so gonna keep going forwards
Back on target: Had a relaps on Saturday. Had a... - Quit Support
Back on target
Hiya Andy, good for you getting straight back on your quit again. It's great you got the ecig and this will definitely help those cravings. Stay determined and you can do it. Just remember to drink lots of water as the ecig tends to dry out your system👍🏼 good luck😊x
Hi Andy, well done for getting back on it. It's so easy to give in but you're showing true grit and determination 😁 go for it because we all know you can do this!!
Hi ya Andyoct, ok, you've had a bit of a hic up eh BUT, the great thing is, you got straight flippin back at it, fighting that flippin mr nic off again and I just cant fault you 1 little bit for that Just ACE
Now then Andy, just try to think back at what made you have that first fag ?? then try to think of a way that you perhaps could have avoided it and please remember it, cos this may help you in the future
That was just a practice run, soooo, now we are going for the full run eh
Its lovely to hear your drinking plenty of water cos the e-cigs do tend to dry you out abit so it will help with that too
NOPE, Not One Puff Ever
well done Andy for getting straight back on your quit journey.. you have now had a practice run
Armed with e-cig...and ready to go again....that takes some determination...
I'm with monky - reflect back to see what it was that initiated that first cigarette, then work out what your best strategy is for managing that same situation again
stay strong and NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!! not one puff ever ...you can do this
Stay determined, Andy! Keep positive!