Day 4 not smoking. Trying to do it on my own!!!
Day 4: Day 4 not smoking. Trying to do it on my... - Quit Support
Day 4

Hi tytanner and welcome to this very friendly site 😊😊 well done on 4 days and cold turkey too😊😊 we have a number of quitters on here going cold turkey so i am sure they can help you 😊😊 you are doing the very best thing for your health and your wealth, try treating yourself to something nice during your quit as it will help to motivate you....or save for something really special😊😊
If you need anything please holler and hopefully someone will be around to assist you..... even if you just wAnt to vent 😊😊
Have a good look round the site as there are some very inspirational posts and quit stories😊
Keep focused and stay strong 😊
Thank you. Just diagnosis with COPD . Hope I can do this. Am 75 been smoking many years
Well you are never too old to have a new experience....and not smoking is a new experience 😊😊
Sorry you have copd, some of our quitters also have this and maybe able to give you some pointers 😊
You can do this and we will give you every support 😊😊
Hi Tytanner1 and a BIG warm welcome to our quit support community and a MASSIVE well done to you for quitting the smokes
I see the young Ladies on here have given you some great advice
Tanner soo your 75 then
it does not matter how old you are
the thing is, you've flippin done it, you've quit
whether you have COPD or not, quitting the smokes is the best ever decision that you could have made
I bow down to you Lady for going it cold turkey
cos I know I could never have done that
Tanner, may I ask is your quit date 5th August 2015 cos if it is, then I can add you to the Wall of Winners and keep your Winner badge upto date
As it happens Tanner, av just been a jollying over them flippin fields and court a little something for ya while I was their I hope you like it
Tanner, quitting smoking isnt easy BUT its flippin doable gal
you just stay positive and focused and above all, BELIEVE in what you want
and thats to be smokefree, FREE AGAIN
We have a Mantra on here -- '' NOPE '' Not One Puff Ever
if you can stick to that, you will not go wrong
Good luck Tanner and please, please keep intouch with us and if you need any help, want to scream out or just want a chat, then please feel free to do so
Hope to speak soon
Pete xxxxx
Way hay Pete how you doing.
Aup Kaprin, its sooooo lovely to see ya gal
I'm doing very well thank you for asking although this flippin lot get onto me and give me earache, I tell ya gal
but I have my earmuffs at the ready
I hope you are well and enjoying your smokefree life Kaprin
21 months now gal WOWWWWWW
just cant wait until am at that stage cos then I will know that I've deffo done it
Take care now Kaprin and hope to speak soon

Hiya tytanner and a big warm welcome to quit support😊
Congratulations on 4 days quit, well done to you👍🏼
Sorry to hear your diagnosis, we have other members with this condition also. The good news is that by quitting you really are doing the best thing possible for your health. The support on here can make a huge difference as I certainly wouldn't have got this far without the help of these lovely people. Believe in yourself, you CAN do it. Just take one day at a time and know the cravings will pass. The breathing excercises on the right are very good to help a craving pass. Good luck🍀😊x

Hi tytanner and a big warm welcome to quit support.
Good on you for making the decision to quit smoking - This will certainly help with your COPD
I gave up cold turkey over a year ago.. I did not think for minute that i could do it but to be perfectly honest, for me, the hardest part was making the decision to quit. Once i did that, i worked very hard at changing negative thoughts into positives. ( that is the studying psychology coming out in me) so what ever symptoms i got i just seen them as positives changes to my body and this truly helped me stay smoke free.
I never seen myself as giving up something as this can play havoc with your emotions, i turned it around to - this is the beginning of a new non stinky healthier me ..I would remind myself of this whenever i got cravings etc.
If you have not read the Allan Carr book easy way to quit smoking - even though it is not a well written book, it does put smoking into is available as a pdf - just google it
All the very best on your quit journey and like the others have said, we are all here to help in anyway that we can

Thank you for the kind words. Only been 4 days but I guess that's a start after smoking for years

Only 4 days - these early days can get are doing brilliantly
If you have the determination you can fight any of the cravings...I think worst is not the actual cravings but the recovery of not having all those nasty chemicals found in cigarettes.
We all experience different things when quitting, but there is not one of who say it was not worth it
i smoked 30 a day for 40 years...and survived a cold turkey quit
..You can do this too..have a read of other peoples journeys as this may give you some inspiration.
Chew gum and lots of candy......

Welcome and congratulations, 4 days is awesome. You've done the hardest bit. The nicotine is out of your system and you CAN do this.
One step at a time. One minute, becomes an hour, becomes a day, becomes a week and so on. Before you know it you'll be feeling the benefits with your health and you'll see the financial gains too.
I also quit cold turkey. This is the quickest way to get past any withdrawal symptoms.
I highly recommend Alen Carr's book, easy way to quit smoking.
The most important thing, (I have learned the hard way from previous failed quits), is never smoke again. Don't ever even try one. The Mantra on this site is the most important thing for you.......... Not One Puff Ever. N.O.P.E.