Day # 4: I am now in my 4th day without a... - Quit Support

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Day # 4

genamarie73 profile image
genamarie7314 Month Winner
12 Replies

I am now in my 4th day without a cigarette/ nicotine. I quit cold turkey on Sunday morning after finishing Allen Carrs book The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It is not easy, and probably one of the hardest things Ive ever done. The book did help motivate me, and Im sure made it easier than if I hadnt read it.

I thought after the 3rd day it would get easier..... still having a hard time today. :/ Im just gonna keep on keeping on, I am determined!

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genamarie73 profile image
14 Month Winner
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12 Replies
Briarwood profile image

Hiya genamarie and welcome to quit support :)

Congratulations on 4 days quit and cold turkey as well :)

Great to hear you're determined and it will get easier so hang in there coz you're doing great, well done :) x

genamarie73 profile image
genamarie7314 Month Winner in reply to Briarwood

Thank you! :)

shantimar profile image

Hi genamarie :-)

I read Allen Carr and it made me question why I smoked. I decided it was psychological and I unlearned smoking. Your right it's not easy but I agree with you that reading the book did help. I've never been one for motivational talks or self help books but something did click when I read that. You can always re read some of the book to see if that helps.

Your doing great and it does get easier :-)


genamarie73 profile image
genamarie7314 Month Winner in reply to shantimar

Thanks! :)

glolin profile image

Hi Genamarie and welcome to quit support. Good on you for making the decision to quit smoking and yes you are right...Its not easy!!.. Stick with your determination and you will get through these few tough days. I quit cold turkey too and i believe for me it was my own determination was the key to getting through combined with coming on to this site and reading other peoples stories and the support provided by the members here.

I read Allan Carrs book about a month or so after I quit and like shanti said, it challenges you to look and why you smoked and makes you realise that smoking doesn't really fix or solve anything - it just makes us think that it did.

It comes back to finding what ever works for each person and a determination that gets stronger to overcome the cravings in those early days.

It does get easier :) :) ...truly it does.....I quit after 40 years of 30 a day....if i can anyone can :D :D

Good Luck

LilyMay73 profile image

Evening genamarie, welcome to this fabulous site and well done on making it through 4 days cold turkey.

I also quit cold turkey and hit a bit of a wall after day 3, it was really tough and that's when I found this site too :). For me it was incredible having people believe in my ability to quit (even if I wasn't sure I believed in myself) and that really helped me through.

I'd also read Alan Carr's book a year prior to my successful quit and it still makes sense now, I will often remind myself that smoking won't reduce stress but actually create it.

hang in there as you're doing wonderfully and pop in on here for all the TLC you need :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Genamarie and a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support forum and a massive well done to you for reaching day 4 on your quit trail :) :)

I see you've met some of the lovely girls on here :) and they have given you spot on advice gal :) :)

There have been quite a few of our members that have said, the first 2 or 3 days were easy, then ''Bang'' it hits them :o but our minds and bodies are all different, so they react in different ways at different times during our quit :o Sooooo, you keep strong and focused on that great quit you got going there :) :)

Like some of the girls have said, maybe try reading some of Allen Carrs book again :) I've read it myself, but am afraid it didnt do much for me :( probably cos I've only got 1 brain cell seee :o :D :D But it has helped quite a few of our members on here :) :)

Try to take your mind off it, keep busy doing something, maybe spring clean your house a bit early :) and wash all your clothes to get rid of that smelly tobacco :P :) :)

I will have your new 1 Weeks Winner badge for you on Sunday :) :)

Try to keep strong and focussed :)

Pete :)

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend

Well done on quitting Genamarie. When you quit cold turkey the first week or so can be challenging. On the plus side, when you get through it, you'll have the added incentive not to allow yourself to go through that again. Monky's right, if you keep yourself & your mind busy, withdrawal won't be so acute. It's a great time to start an exercise program. It will give you something else to focus on, it will help clear your lungs, it will keep your metabolism ticking over to avoid needless weight gain, & ...... with some vigorous exercise, you'll be too buggered to act on any impulse to go to the shop for smokes

after31years profile image
after31years17 Month Winner

Hi Genamarie

Congratulations on your cold turkey quit. There's already been loads of advice on here about how you may feel through your quit. All of us are different but the constant with us all is the support from this site. I have found these guys invaluable in helping me through.

So my advice would be stick with your quit as you are doing brilliantly and come find us on the site whenever you need to for an extra boost of love.....

teddy08 profile image
teddy0814 Month Winner


well done going cold turkey is very hard well done

I bought a cd of stop smoking which really helped, as drank a lot of water and lozenges

good luck u can do it

love liz x

orfordholly profile image
orfordholly2 YEAR WINNER

Hi genamarie73, Welcome to quit support, Well done for bring smoke free for 4 days. And doing it cold turkey. You are doing really well. Keep it up :D xx

EmJay profile image

Hi Genamarie and a huge welcome aboard to Quit Support :-)

You are railroading it through most of your first week already, so well done to you for that :-)

Stopping smoking isn't always a smooth journey, it can be filled with many a bump. However, as long as you ride it through you will come through safely :-)

There are two parts to your journey;

1) stopping smoking

2) staying stopped

This journey has to be completed in this order too and will be as long or as short as it is :o

The positives are that for every moment that is smokefree, the easier it will get.

Remember that you can do this just as long as you remember the NOPE rule;





:D :D

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