Thank u to everyone, briar, Monky, droopy, yellowsnowdrop, lilymay, emjay, shanti, everyone that has commented and helped me thru my quit the past 6 weeks!! Could not have done this without you and you all have supported me thru my new job, my good and bad days, my naughty children, lack of pennies at Xmas, many many funny side effects of my quit. Unfortunately I had to put my best friend archie to sleep yesterday finally, many many tears last night and lots of puffs on my ecig, but no smokes, again thank you for supporting me with archie, my vet felt unfortunately the meds were not enough to keep him with us until after Xmas so he is now sleeping peacefully and pain free. Will continue to chat to u all because you are all lovely caring people and I will continue to try and help anyone that has any problems if they arise like me. I'm a non smoker now because I have all your support and I just hope everyone finds this site if they want to quit. If I left anyone out I didn't mean to because everyone on here is absolutely special and kind. Love u all my extended cyber friends xxxxx
Thank you and merry Xmas : Thank u to everyone... - Quit Support
Thank you and merry Xmas

Hi Sharon, so sorry to hear about your Archie, now he is pain free and flying with the doggy angels
You have done fantastically with your quit so far
I hope you and your family have a great day tomorrow
Glolin!!!!!!!!!! Soooooo sorry
Why does only one line of my message appear, urghhhhh
Sharon you have had a really hard time one way and another, and I'm really sorry about Archie.
And through all this you have managed to quit smoking too! That's tremendous, you are tremendous
Stay strong. Wishing you a lovely smoke free Christmas x
Thank you so much Betts, yes it's been a rocky year but I'm so glad I found you guys, support has been fantastic, I no I keep saying it but I couldn't have got thru this without all your advise and kind words, merry Xmas Betts xxxx

Good morning Sharon
This is why I love this site, cos no matter what stage of quit were at, we all help each other
I'm sorry to hear about Archie, but like you say, he is now pain free and enjoying a long sleep
Although you have had a tough time of it lately, you've come through it and stayed quit sooooo you be flippin proud of yourself gal, cos I tell ya, am dead proud of ya
See's ya later xx

Aw Sharon, I know how painful yesterday must have been for you to let Archie go but he's in doggy heaven now and you have stayed smoke free through it all, so huge credit to you and sending some hugs to help you through
x x
Hey there Sharon flower, Sorry to hear about Archie,I know how hard that is so sending you a big virtual hug.Life is hard but you got thru it without the white sticks which just goes to show how strong you really are.REALLY proud of you,you're a real shining example of how to manage in a world without cigs.Have a lovely Christmas & a really happy and smoke free New Year.Hugs Helen x

Hi Sharon so sorry to hear about Archie Glad to help that is what we are here for. I hope you have nice Christmas as well
Aaah so sorry to hear about Archie
You've had a lot going on and you've still stayed on your quit your doing great
Have a lovely Christmas
Talk soon
And best wishes to you too. Hope you have a lovely day! Xx