A big big thank you to the 6 people that replied to my last post, you are such lovely people on here i wish you were my proper family not just my quit family haha. I have had a good think and i reckon the reason i failed is i didn't put enough time thinking about me and rewarding me for quitting. I did it cold turkey so i can do it but i just tried to carry on as normal not changing any of my habits big mistake. i have purchased a vape kit but with no nicotine just banana flavouring, so here we go again .
THANK YOU: A big big thank you to the 6 people... - Quit Support

Hi J, I think the vape will help you with the hand to mouth thingy so that's a good idea. Remember to reward yourself for all the hard work coz it can make a difference. Be kind to yourself, treat yourself and look after yourself coz you're worth it. We're always here for you and I know you can do it🚭 Good luck🍀 and please let us know how ya you're getting on🚭😊

Hi J160, Good to see you have a lot of determination , I think that sounds a brilliant idea with the vape kit. I do so hope it helps you. I know when I quit i used the inhalator which was hand to mouth comfort. I ended up not putting the nicotine capsule in , and used it when the cravings attacked. Good luck.
Good for you J, that sounds like a great idea😊 Definitely reward yourself with the money your saving by not smoking.... Fave perfume, clothes, fave takeaway or restaurant or just a bit of pampering 😊
So glad you haven't given up giving up😊🍀🍀🍀🍀🚭🚭🚭🚭
Arhhh j160, so glad your back ok yes treating yourself is a must , I would buy myself something every week , might of only been pjs , slippers, but did spoil myself, and so should you, well earned. I'm glad that you have back up like the e cig, I used one , as you say can be used as back up. Get in on charge, better than fags
your so strong going cold turkey, no way could I do that
I also had to stop drinking coffee for while, as associated with cigs. Sit and write down your triggers , may help. Don't forget to shout out if you need help
Proud of You . Sending you hugs .... Stay strong , you can do this xxxx

Ohh j160,glad you are staying😀😀👍👍
You can so do this, just take one day at time, and acknowledge all your wins..be it an hour smoke free, getting through a tough situation smoke free..and like the others have said, reward yourself often ❤️❤️🍾💐
Hi j160--Great insight--you see the missing component--that is you tried to just go on as normal with no smoking--I think admitting you have a problem and addiction is important and nothing to fear--Decide what you need for a reward--sometimes it is just being able to let your head hit the pillow at night and be able to say I made it another day--Some days you need something concrete--you can touch and hold--Tailor your quit for you--There are a lot of ideas and some basic things across the board for all of us--but you are an individual and have your own needs to satisfy in order to win this.. So onto your next step--I hope you are successful--Just keep tweakin- and know your triggers-you will get it--xxx MmeT