After soooo many quit attempts I have made it to just over a month but I feel pretty crappy!! I have copd as well as the trying to get off the stinkies. I feel extremely breathless and ventolin isn't helping. My temperature is normal so I'm not ill as such just feel crappy!!
Feel pretty crappy: After soooo many quit... - Quit Support
Feel pretty crappy

Afternoon winnietyson, lovely to hear from you again
Congratulations on reaching at least 4 weeks of being smokefree - I'll see that you have a fabulous Winner's Badge next to your name in a mo
I'm not sure if you have been reading through any of our past posts to other members with COPD, but basically by stopping smoking you have done the best thing possible for your lung disease, COPD. At least now the disease will not progress any further
During the early days of stopping smoking, it is common for people with COPD to feel a little more out of breath than usual for them (also more so than a smoker without COPD would too).
This is only because cigarette smoke has certain chemicals in it that will numb and widen your airways - allowing more smoke to travel down into your lungs. This feeling of a tight chest or worsened breathlessness may seem frightening at first but it will become easier, I promise. Once the body starts to repair itself, this will become less of a problem
It is really important that you keep taking your medication as prescribed, stay calm and on your next visit to your GP or COPD clinic, be sure to let them know that you have stopped smoking - they will be ever so pleased for you
Try and look at what is happening to you as a positive because your body starting to recognise that you are not feeding it with all those 4,000 plus toxic chemicals
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and you are almost there
Hi Winnietyson..... CONGRATULATIONS WHOOHOO a month quit is a fantastic achievement, so please please stick with it.
We all feel pretty awful when we first quit but with your illness it's probably heightened even more BUT it does get BETTER
There are quite a few people on here with COPD and I am sure they will come on here and be happy to share their experiences with you, because they too will be delighted that you have stayed quit for a month
Keep it up Hun and just come on and holler, we are all here for each other and we don't judge -x-

Hi winnietyson, first of all well done on quitting. I too have copd. I found ventolin didnt work for me, so with trial and error the doctor has come up with 2 inhalors that do work. Just keep on trying and asking you will get there and you will feel better. (Promise). Just give yourself time.

Hi again Winnie, its lovely to see you again
Winnie, I'm sorry but I cant say any more than the Girls have said already, loads of great advice for you but please please keep soldiering on, cos you've managed 4 weeks quit now
and I bet it hurt at times eh
cos we've all been through it or going through it now, so you keep at it gal, it will get easier and much better for you too
Just think, your body is your's again now and not mr nics any more
it will take a bit of time for your body to adjust, but when it does, you feel a lot better and healthier
Please stay with us this time and just flippin shout out gal if you need any help

Welcome winny to this lovely site and congratulations on 4 weeks quit, well done
Yeah most of us felt rubbish in the beginning of our quit but you will definitely feel better as the days go by, so hang in there
This site will make you feel better as you realise there are other people going through it
The worst is behind you now and we are all here to help x
I hope you manage to keep quit ..what stage copd?... that will help slow copd as you know. Meantime are there other things that will aid breathing ?... maybe nebuliser inhaler and saline new too? Steam inhalation? Carbocysteine tablets for mucus. Lung exercises like blowing through straw etc . You probably know all that ... just in case though. X
Hi ya Julie
Thank you sooooo much for helping Winnie with some great advice
much appreciated
How are you coping with copd ? I hope its getting better for you now Just wandering if your still quit and if so, how long for now then gal
You take care Julie and hope to speak soon
Hi Pete. Not managed it yet ... was cutting down so well then exacerbation chest infections ... One after another. Now hoping and building to the window i need to cope with worse breath on quitting. Gotta be soon ! Thanks for caring
Hi Julie, when the time is right you will be able to do it and we will all be right behind you, hope you feeling better soon x
Aup Julie I'm sorry you havnt managed to quit yet, BUT like Briarwood has said, when the time is right for you, you will do it gal
Just wandering Julie, If I was to draw up a quit plan for you, would that help you erm, I dont know much about copd, but I dooooo know how quitting the smokes has helped a lot of members on here
as in, they can walk up stairs easier, they can walk to the shops without getting out of breath
and so on
I'm lucky Julie, I have no complaints like copd YET !! but hopefully with quitting the smokes I never will do eh
I will help you in any way I can gal
Take care now Julie and just remember we will be with you every step of the way
Yes that may help. TA.
Hi Julie, yes I will rite you a quit plan out, but not tonight cos av had a few cannies seeee
BUT I shell do it tomorrow morning while I am cooking Sunday lunch
when my head is clear
May I ask you if you have any hobbies or likes in life ? or wannabies cos they just may help me to help you Julie
Take care now
Hi monky. This is so very kind of you ... I so appreciate it. My hobbies ... pottering in garden very slowly. Watercolour painting. Jewellery making. X julie
Don't give up. A friend of mine gave up because of COPD and struggled at first, but she is fine now, her husband still smokes heavily but has to go outside. She is so glad she persevered. Hope the symptoms subside soon
I am quite ancient but bearing up under the strain. Having one of those days when I could really have a cigarette. So am sitting here quietly humming to myself ' we shall overcome' not a pleasant sound. In fact I am expecting someone to say, for god's sake have a cigarette at any moment.
No no no no is what I'm saying to you Pam and in case you didn't hear - NO NO
You do not want one and you do not need one and you just keep humming coz it will pass soon
Resist temptation as you are doing sooooooo well with your quit
Hang in there hun and things will get better x
I believe you. Strange how one day it doesn't bother me much and others it does. Perhaps I am ruled by the moon, or the tides. Hopefully easier day tomorrow. Thanks
That is the worst thing about smoking, you are a slave to it. If Sir Walter Raleigh wasn't dead I would shoot him for bringing the stuff over. Bet if it came in today it would be a banned substance. Thing is those who have never smoked don't understand. My daughter has always said well if you want to give up just stop. If only
Yeah unfortunately people don't realise how blooming hard it is
The good thing is we all know here and that's what makes this site so brilliant and you're doing brilliant as well x
Oh and just remember that you nearly have that first badge under your belt and the hardest part will be behind you
It will all be worthwhile, believe me x
Pam I have said it on here before but my mum says if she had to give up chocolate or cake..... she would really struggle, they are her addition. Smoking is ours.....
Ask your daughter to give up something she loves and maybe then she will understand what you are going thru'....
Aup Pam
Yeahhhhh, I know what you mean cos most of the time now for me is not bad, but then that flippin mr nic comes a calling
and carries on calling
and calling
and calling
its hard gal, but what I have found out, issssssss, when I get these urges to smoke, my mind is in doubt I think, then I doubt myself
if you see what I mean
As for your Daughter, if she has never smoked then she wouldnt know how hard it is to quit, would she !! and a big well done to you for keeping her smoke free
Pam, nicotine is a drug !! never mind all the 4000 other toxins that they put in them but the government get toooooo much revenue out of it, soooo, they will never class tobacco as a drug !!
See's ya soon Pam x
Sorry forgot to say Pam, that most of us have had those really bad days and felt just how you feel now, so we know what's it's like
Just come on here and shout about coz it always makes me feel better to come on here, stay strong, you can do this x
Mind you I am tone deaf and have a very deep voice for a woman, sort of contralto heading towards bass. Great fun when we get cold calls because they always call me sir all the way through the conversation. When they ask for my name extreme embarrassment and apologies. So I don't reach the high notes very well.

Hi winnietyson well done you . I know it isn't easy, I will have been smoke free 3wks this Mon 4th Aug. I also have copd . Im on the patches but it is still hard at times. This past week I have noticed that my breathing has been worse and I have had to use my inhaler more. I don't know if its the weather or to do with not smoking, I had to see my Dr for check up and mentioned it to him, he checked me over , no sign of infection and he said could be not smoking, weather, virus, pollen . But I do agree it does make you feel 'crappy'. Think we must just try to persevere and stay positive! OH my goodness , this is me, the one who didn't want to give up but needed to for my health, Ha Ha I'm amazed I've got this far !! I find drinking lots of water helps .. Anyway hope you feel better soon x