After spending a few days in hospital just before Christmas with "Infective exacerbation of my Asthma" with Bronchiectasis on top of that, I decided I had to quit the fags once and for all!!
I've been fag free now for 40 days, but still feel as rough as anything!! What is going on?
I can still hear me wheezing at night, I can't do long walks without getting out of breath, I can take a slow amount of air in, but if asked to blow out quickly, I think I would pass out!! My skin doesn't look glowing, more like rashy and pale, I've put on half a stone, am permanently tired and could sleep for ever, Oh yes and I feel dizzy most of the time.
Plus I snore like a p.i.g so my husband keeps telling me!! (I have to beleive him as I woke myself up, lol)
I actually felt sooo much better when I smoked!!!
Someone please tell me when or if it does get better.
The only thing I can say that is a positive thing, is that my fingers don't smell anymore.
So someone somewhere, please say something encouraging to me.