Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Evening to all you winners
Sorry I didn't make it on here properly yesterday - it was more of a flying visit behind the scenes! I was in back to back meetings all day and the one post I did put up didn't seem to make an appearance!
Welcome back to our lovely JillyGirl, you just take it easy and make sure you gradually build up on your good old nuttiness
I guess you notice that you have been sorely missed? Although I have to say, you sure have taught others well as we have had a fair few nutty parties going on
All in good spirit though and they have helped keep those piggin' cravings at bay
Veekatz, lovely to hear from you again and it sounds as though life is starting to treat you a lot more kindly - health wise. Good to hear how well Poppy has settled into your new found life and I'm sure she's great company
Pete, I hope that night shift isn't causing you too much bother, don't forget to take your torch with you as I believe there will be a few badges along the way for you to collect - If it's dark we wouldn't want you to miss them now
Al, I hope the sun is shining for you all today and you are having a good day in work
Morriemoo Ian, lovely to see that you've reached another month in, thinking back to what you went through when you you initially gave up smoking - this is a well deserved milestone - bring on your one year, it's only round the corner
YorkiePam, almost 2 weeks under your belt now - I hope you managed to get a good nights kip in last night. Stick at it and keep marching forward
Briarwood, How are you doing? any nice pictures or motivational messages to share with us today?
Droopy, how have the cravings been for you this week so far? I know you seemed to have a few visits from them last week? I hope you have a nice day
Glolin, how are you getting on now? Keep putting those pennies away and focus on your trip to America next year I bet your son will be well proud of you
Mrssunnyside - I must check to see if that pesky 11 month badge turned up - It has caused me no end of bother this week - It seems a bit squashed in appearance - hopefully HealthUnlocked have helped me to mend it - If not, we just need to get you to your 3 month badge instead
Helen -(YellowSnowdrop) I bet you are on the count down to your trip away - Is it September that you are going? I bet you canny blinkin' wait
Jamesfor, welcome to Quit Support, I hope that your headaches are not as bad (or not there at all) today - Keep on keeping on and you'll see them off, plenty of fresh air and water!
DeeFB - Almost at your 2 month mark, come on now - you can do this
Sin, Andi, Sue and Sue-Betts hope you are all well too
Big waves to everyone else looking in, give us a shout if you need us
Today is a good day and we never know what it may bring 8) - Lets look out for some nice surprises