Morning Betts and what a beautiful day. How was the belly dancing? Did it help to lift the spirits? It certainly helped to lift mine although I think I may have put my hip out - ha ha ha
Good morning everyone the sun is out here too though for how long we don't know just having a cup of decaf tea then off to swimming missed it yesterday as didn't feel too good, back playing up yet again but really need to go today and push through that barrier then hopefully later go for a nice walk before going back to the drudge of work tomorrow hope you all have a lovely bank holiday off and for those not off I hope the day flies by so you can do things you want to do x
Enjoy your swim Kaprin, and a good days holiday. Great determimation, pushing that barrier! Ive still got to get out of this door, you've got me going now, thank you :). We are a very determined bunch. Right! Boots on
Good Morning Jillygirl, Chrissie, Betts, Kaprin and all. You sound like a very active bunch this morning, must be those wonderful smoke free lungs Enjoy your day, come what May, NOPE x
And how are you all on this beautiful smokefree day, isn't it amazing I hope you have a wonderful time whatever you are doing
I've just remembered it's my 6 week anniversary today - now how could I forget something like that, thinking about it though, I've also forgotten to eat this morning - silly me xx
Well it's de-caff coffee time, so I might grab a bowl of cereal whilst I'm at it!
Ah thank you Betts - I see it as another successful week that's tucked under my belt now - very satisfying!!! hey you get your badge this week - is it Friday? xxx
Actually Betts, I think the last 6 weeks is actually hanging over my belt at the moment - so bloated - I need to get those slimming world recipe books out right now!!!
You and me both. It's quite depressing, this weight gain, and yesterday I started trying. Feel so huge round the middle.
Saturday, really, because on the Friday morning I had my last of a pack at about 6am, then cleared the house of everything. But I did have that one, so Sat. Whoopee
Decision made - because completely out of the blue I have received an e-mail from a very old friend with a picture of me which was taken on the Golden Jubilee weekend 2002 - Wow I look so slim (and so young actually!). Anyway the lifestyle change/diet and exercise routine starts tomorrow - actually I'll start practicing from tomorrow until I get put my plan into action - I'm going to join a gym! This is going to kill me, I'll die, I know I'll die - but drastic action is required, and besides it'll give me something else to think about!!! (help!!)
I'm good thanks...popping on here every few days...still having a few harder moments...but equally finding the whole thing more "normal". Harder moments tend to be with drinking...which I always thought would be hard!! So proud of 6 weeks. Hope your well and finding it ok!?!?
You are doing really well, are the harder moments when drinking getting any better with time? I'm feeling really good actually, I'm still on the e-cig but a lower nic level now - are you still using any nrt or are you completely nice free now? Yes, life is pretty normal again now , just without the cigarettes - I'm really really happy about that! 2 weeks until our next badge girl! xx
No...I think the drinking times are very hard.....ESP when out with others smoking. I'm managing to get thorough most days with nothing....but at a weekend with a wine etc..will have the e cig. No patches anymore...stopped them....odd gum here and there. Well done you....u have done amazing...xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toMindermummy
Aup Mummmmm, 6 weeks today gal, just flippin soooooooooooper
Well hello all,not been on for a while,just so busy I'm still fag free,and nicotine free,seems to be getting easier,only really think about smoking with certain triggers now,but they soon go
I've put my name forward for the London marathon 2015....(oh my god,what have I done) If I get in I will need some BIG wishes.
Wow, massive respect to you - were you motivated by this years marathon or is it somethng you've always fancied doing? Good luck and we will be pushing you all the way xx
You're not wrong Briarwood, am definitely getting faster steaming up that hill, doing it regularly gives me a way to see the improvement. Need that to keep motivated on this quit journey
Pete, keep loose and enjoy your day there, whatever you get up to
Hi Chrissie,I applied a couple of years ago,to run for The British Heart Foundation.
The reason my darling wife had a heart attack age 36,she is ok now but what a worry.
I was not successful that time,but here's hoping this time.Never done anything like this before so will be difficult,but i will train if I get the nod.I have a treadmill at home,but will need to increase my workout 100 fold.
Yes Chrissie it is something I've wanted to do for a while now (I must be mad) but all for a good cause,and personal achievement xx
Nick it is wonderful that you are doing this for both reasons - a sense of achievement and to support the British Heart Foundation. Your darling wife was so very young to have a heart attack (so pleased she is well now) so I assume it was some kind of genetic heart disease which caused it? I can assure you that your sponsorship will definitely go towards cardiovascular research - I work in this area and many of our scientists receive grants or fellowships from BHF, without which the research simply wouldn't be done - so you running a marathon really does make a difference and will ultimately save lives - so give yourself a massive pat on the back and get those trainers on!! Oh, and when you've got your justgiving page set up let us know xxx
That's the moment to think about as you are pounding the streets in training and when you are actually running on the day- that amazing feeling of running through the finish line of the London Marathon!
Ok I see that nic wants to do a marathon and Chrissie wants to join the gym and Betts is wearing out those walking boots, WOW, I'm just speechless! Oh and Sin - will you be hiring out the hubby anytime soon?
Urm, I don't actually WANT to join the gym Briarwood - it's more I need to really - I'm just trying to work out when I'll fit it in! Although they are open 24/7 so I could go at 3.00 am so that nobody sees me struggling (so embaressing!!!) xx
haha, no Briarwood he's all mine, mind you depends how much you're offering. Well done Chrissie on your 6 weeks and cutting down to what is it? 2mg nicotine or something? Yay, that didn't take long. And well done to Nic for even thinking about running a marathon, I don't do running, too much like hard work. Such a worthwhile cause though. My cycling has gone a bit by the wayside, did 22 miles on the canal on Saturday but nothing else much in the way of exercise. Been to the garden centre this afternoon - now that is a very alien place for me
Thanks Sin - but it's 1.2 mg from 1.8 mg so not as good as you thought - I'm staying where I am now for the next week or so then I'll start another drop (0.6mg) but mixing the liquids - and then the long slow process from 0.6 to zero! I think yellowsnowdrop got to nic free in 13 weeks or something like that - I doubt I'll manage that!
You made me laugh out loud re the garden centre - I love wandering around garden centres, not that I do it much these days as I don't actually have a garden!!!
Well it's half what I was on at 2.4mg so that is good, very good. I quite enjoyed the garden centre, we were looking for fish but came back with plants, seeds, bulbs!! grass seed and I've just sewn some seeds from scratch, so I'll be going peeking at them every 5 minutes to see if they've grown
haha, now that would be a miracle - me a gardener. First sign of a greenfly or slug and it'll be "aww its stupid this plant growing am not doing it any more"
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Soooooooo, you havnt got green fingers then Sinfree
I was actually asking Sin but thank you for telling us anyway (ha ha ha) - Ah I bet your garden is lovely - I used to have about 6 hanging baskets when I had a house - they were stunning! xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toChrissieG
Well after tea I sowed (haha, I spelt it wrong before didn't I) some Lobelia in a little propagator thing. Was only £1 for the whole kit including 1,000 seeds. Hope all the seeds don't germinate, will have Roses growing on me - Ooooh.
I think you should do a photo diary of you lobelia growing (like with the garden) - I've just googled them, they look fantastic in pots!!! xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toChrissieG
Yeah but there is about 10 to 20 plants per pot
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Yep, your a bit late gal, butttttttt, they will still be lovely in a few weeks but just remember, you need to prick a bunch of them seedlings to one pot to make a good display eh
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Ahhhh, Lobelia Sinfree
You get a 1.000 seeds for a purpose, when they germinate, you have to prick them out at a bunch of about 10 or so, to make them look like you see them in the garden centres
You need a bunch of them in a pot to make a good show
Well this should be good as the propagator supplied is about 6 x 4" with 1,000 seeds in it Anyone got a magnifying glass and some tweezers, sounds like I may need them
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
Well talkin of greenfly, my poor clematis is just covered with the little beggars! A few weeks ago I had dozens of ladybirds and where have they gone now, when I want them to eat my aphids!
Oh no - that's not good - Monky will help - MONKY.....HELP!!!!!
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toBriarwood
hey, briarwood, I think the late frosts have killed the Ladybirds off for a bit so if you have a water sprey gun, mix a pretty strong solution of washing-up-liquid and water, give that to em gal this should not do any damage to the flower budds
Yes, it's like Gardeners Question Time isn't it. One more question Pete. Will I be able to plant these Lobelia things in my border and will they grow next year or they a one off thing.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
yes, of course you can plant them in your garden this Year, but frosts will kill them later Sooooooooooooooooo you will have to do it all again next Year
Hey talking of water pistols. Hubby made me a groovy little watering can for my teeny little propargator thingy. As I learned a couple of years ago its easy to drown the compost, so he got a Hollands pudding foil tin thing, poked holes in it with a fork and I poured the water through that to wet the compost.
hehe, yes it was very good. I'm always telling him off for leaving them lying around but... it came in handy. Also a used Chocolate muffin container came in handy as an extra propagator too. Sometimes pays to be be untidy.
Ha ha ha - that's brilliant! Including the muffin case!!! Gardening is lovely, except for the hard bits of course - but seeing the flowers in a few weeks will be really great - don't forget the photo diary!!!
I wouldn't splat ur hubby of course, he's very handy but my hubby well ummmmmmm errrrrrrrrrrrr . I had a friend who said her hubby was neither use nor ornament - her words not mine :D. I thought it was funny though
oooh, now that's a well used saying of mine that one. That, and as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Oh yeah, and as much use as a pot with a hole in it. Oh dear says a lot about me doesn't it, no patience with anything, a bad workwoman always blames her tools.
Good evening everyone, nice to see you all enjoying your Bank Holiday and probably the best place to be - at home - on a day like today, gardening.
Congratulations to Chrissie and Mummy for getting to 6 weeks quit today.
Chrissie, you could maybe invest some of that newly saved money in a personal trainer who might keep you on the straight and narrow. He could even get you running, then you could maybe go and run a marathon with Nick.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Hi Andi, lovely to see you I was thinking along those lines once I've got a few weeks experience under my belt - I'm just not sure how I'll be when it comes to the cardio training yet, so I need to build that (and my confidence) up a bit before I let a PT loose on me! And as for a marathon - are you trying to kill me? I am thinking about the C25K but not even that yet! But yes, a PT for the future to really get me working out properly - good idea!! Hey you do running - London Marathon - 2015 - what do you think???
No way do I ever want to do a marathon! I worked at the Bournemouth Marathon last year and saw everyone after they'd finished. I wondered why they all put themselves through it cos most of them looked like they'd just come out of a car crash!
It did look a bit like it. The sun was out for a while. I had my winter coat back on today though after yesterday. Brrrr! Just checked outside - not raining here yet, I can see the moon but it has got a thin layer of cloud over it.
I actually had just a vest top on yesterday morning and went out without a coat today. Was quite nice this afternoon. We must have stolen your warm weather.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply to
hey, Sinfree, just slow down a bit gal, dont get rushing eh
No, no gardening for me since Saturday, unfortunately, just as I'm starting to get into it I suddenly have other things to do on the days following. I did give the back grass a double cut on Saturday and weeded half a border but couldn't bring myself to get the fork out and start digging.
I went with my friends to Portland Bill yesterday. He went to watch his team play cricket and my friend and I walked round the end for a bit. It was lovely but the wind was bitter. Didn't get home til quite late so by the time I had my dins I was too knackered to come on here and went to bed early.
Today I went out with a group on the open-top bus (sat inside) to Swanage then got the steam train to Corfe Castle. A lovely day again. I went out for a run before my dins so am now knackered again. o I'm watching the snooke in the background - I think Ronnie's lost it now. ;-
Oh you are totally bringing my childhood holidays back to me - I know everywhere you have been, in fact there is a hilarious picture of me, my sister and my 2 cousins sat on a gate below Corfe Castle when we were so young! I just love Dorset! xx
That'll be those tinnies, they make you want to turn your bike around all the time! And once you start you can't stop - it happens to me all the time! xx Oh my bath is running, don't let me forget!!! xx
Well I heard on Saturday that apparently my pt has put my story all over facebook (naming no names!) about how I found him and how it was 2 years since I gave up the evil weed.
Well, if you lot are going to bed, I suppose I'd better tooo then flippin spoil sports
Nite nite everybody, a luvs ya all a doooo take care eh and have the most wonderful sweet dream that you ever did want cos I know I'm going to have one tonight so flippin there
Just remember, if you cant put it down, dont pick it up xxxxx
Night Pete and everyone. Sleep well and watch the greenfly don't bite. I've picked up my cherry pie and custard and have no intention of putting it down
hi all just passed my 2nd week of non smoking even went for a beer yesterday 1st time since i stopped smoking found it hard but did not weaken ,,,
Has anyone who is on e cigs suffering from heartburn as i have had it lots the past 3 days gone through 2 bottles of gaviscon ????? takecare all John x
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tojohnxxx
Aup John, great to see you pal and a big warm welcome to this lovely quit site
A massive well done to you for staying smoke free for 2 weeks, and having a beer tooo, cos I tell you John, that is a great achievement on its own
Now then, down to the nitty gritty, erm, am sorry, but dont know much about the e-cigs, cos am on patches, but they do give me, ermmmmm a bit of wind although saying that, I did try champix and that gave me some heartburn in the early stages
Am just wondering, if you have changed your e-cig or your supplier in the last few days ?? or changed any eating habits ??
Emjay, is our lovely quit support adviser and I will go have a nosy at her past posts to see if I can find anything about heartburn on them
You stay strong now John, your doing ever so well Why dont you come onto our Tuesday Daily chat, that way we wont have to come all the way down here eh
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