Good morning and happy Easter Sunday.
What has everyone got planned for today. Mine is taken up with childminding. and a short walk.
Perhaps a bit of baking too.
Whatever you do have a lovely NOPE day.
Good morning and happy Easter Sunday.
What has everyone got planned for today. Mine is taken up with childminding. and a short walk.
Perhaps a bit of baking too.
Whatever you do have a lovely NOPE day.
Morning Jilly and a Happy Easter to you
I have just had the weirdest dream which woke me up and you know that feeling of you don't know where you are when you wake up and it takes a little while to realise you were dreaming and it wasn't real - and then you have no clue what time it is - well that was me!
Anyway the weather is very dull in Sheffield today - and it even looks a bit breezy out there, so I'm not sure there will be an Easter Walk for me today especially as Danielle plans to revise all day! So I honestly don't know what is going to happen today ! ? ! ?
But I hope that everyone has a wonderful day
Good morning and Happy Easter to everyone too. Hope you all enjoy your day.
Good Morning Everyone, I hope Mr & Mrs Easter Bunny have delivered lots and lots of magical chocolate eggs to you, you know the kind, ones that taste delicious but don't hang around on your hips afterwards
I am just having a fresh tea leaf cuppa tea and then getting our Easter egg hunt ready for the two little faeries I have visiting later
Enjoy playing Easter Nanny JillyGirl
Chrissie, I had strange dreams too... I couldn't find toilets anywhere in my dream... It's a good job too as I was desperate when I woke up! I'm sure Danielle will have to take a chocolate break at some point
Going on an Easter bike ride Andi?!
Now, best see what kind if eggs Agnes and Gertie have left me
Emjay, I hope you havent nodded off, cos you have got to shine them new badges up ready for tomorrow gal
Hey, did you get your gardening done yesterday ??
Am not sure whether to boil, fry or poach them, what do you think
Good Morning jillygirl Chrissie andi and all. Happy Easter to everyone and make sure no matter what the weather is like, enjoy ur Easter Sunday. Roast Turkey in the oven with all the trimmings as I have a lot coming for lunch. X
Oh yes thanks for reminding me emjay, ihave to hide the eggs in the garden for the little ones, think I need a bucket of coffee first x
Oh that sounds lush - room for 2 more??????
Well Chrissie have you any plans for your big day tomorrow? Think it might be a very special celebration for you tomorrow, you probably dreaming of that pink sparkly badge
Well only one more day and your wish will come true x
You won't believe this but I had to think of what you were talking about! The pink sparkly badge gave it away though I know today is Day 28 - tomorrow I get my PINK SPARKLY BADGE!!!
Wow - the truth is it still doesn't feel real - 4 weeks - WOW!!!! xx
Happy Easter Sunday everyone. Am a bit late I know, I often meet myself going backwards, forward or whateverwards these days. What with all these bank holidays I don't even know what day it is most of the time. Well I went out last night to the back on the lozenges, I guess the 16mg e-cig fluid just wasn't doing it for me. Oh well never mind, at least I'm not back on the smokes.
Eggsciting times for you tomorrow Chrissie and on a bank holiday too, so you can luxuriate at leisure and admire your badge all day long
It was party time yesterday for my little man (grandson) who is 4 on Tuesday. Lots of his invitees dropped out because of the holidays which was a shame, especially for my poor frazzled daughter who worked so hard to ensure a good time was had by all. But......he still had a fun time with his posse of all female party goers, he was the only boy at his own party but he still had a fun time. It has been said at playgroup that he can always be found amongst the ladies
Well enjoy your easter egg hunts everyone, we had ours yesterday at the party. Watch you don't freeze to death out there though, it's a cold wind that doth blow today.
Hi Sin
And a Happy Easter to you too and it sounds like the birthday party was fun - 4, oh how adorable, they are just so cute and funny at that age! I'm glad you had a great time!
I'm also glad that you chose the lozenges instead of crappy cigarettes!!! Well done you No matter how you do it stay of those cigs, you've come way to far to go back now
I have to say that now I'm on day 3 of the bank holiday, I actually feel ready for work again but am so excited that there is another day to go - so exciting!!!! Except that the weather has once again let us down for the bank holiday - it's just so dull here, where has the flipping sunshine gone? xx
Hey there Chrissie, erm, about your weird dream gal, ermmmm, yep, it was weird
I'm sorry for the weather today, but I ordered rain for today, cos my plants needed watering see, and with it being a Bank holiday, I thought I would have a lazy day without having to do any watering buuuuuuuut, I've ordered sunshine for tomorrow for you and the PIPPS to celebrate your first brand spanking new badge
sooooo, maybe if our Sinfree is up to it
we could have a party in her garden eh
and maybe dangle our feet in the fish pond eh
See's ya soon
Ha Ha Ha - ok I'll let you off the weather as long as the sun shines tomorrow okay?
I've been incredibly lazy today so am relieved there is still one more day to go for me to get out there and do something before I go back to work - is that a deal??????
And yes, it would be lovely to be in Sins garden to celebrate tomorrow, but not sure about dangling toes in the pond - her swans might not like it!!!
I hope it's a pink sparkly one, I hope it's a pink sparkly one, I hope it's a pink sparkly ..
Hmmmmm, about the pink sparkly one, I will have to take a look in our Emjays draws to see if I can find a pink sparkly badge for you, cos ers snoooooooozing at the moment see thats why am a whispering
Although saying that, Agnes and Girtie are trying to wake her up cos they flippin want feeding eh
Em flippin jay, they want some tucker please
cluck, cluck
You're in Monky land again, go admit it, you are monkeying about now aren't you? xx
As if I would Monky about on a Sunday would I
Hey, Chrissie dearest, what you bin upto today then, I hope you have had a lovely lazy day and have been practising the bum wiggle dance, cos boy, am I waiting to see you ermmmm, dance eh
Ha Ha Ha - I shall have to put my bum wiggle dance shoes on then!
Once again I am cooking at the mo so forgive me if I disappear - it's salmon fillets tonight (I was inspired by EmJay the other night) and her ladyship loves it
So did you get your toms and cucumbers planted?????
Yep, all flippin planted and bedded in nicely thank you for asking
Ermmm, am just wondering, if her Ladyship could actually cook salmon her self
haha, why not, you can all have one of those pedicure things where the fish nibble off the hard skin on your feet mind you one of this fish is like shark sized so watch he doesn't bite off your toes.
Ooooh that's a thought - not sure I want the shark to bite off my toes though!
It's cold here to, feels even colder as we're watching Frozen lol. It's 3 weeks for me tomorrow and still can't believe it so I can imagine how I'll feel in your position next week Chrissie. Well fingers crossed I get that far I'd better
Yes Fresher, you'd better get that far, cos otherwise, I wont be doing the bum wiggle dance, I'll be doing the kick up Freshers bum wiggle dance seeeeeee
Soooooooo, be warned
Good afternoon and a big happy Easter to you all
I hope you are all staying off them flippin smoky things this Bank holiday eh
Hmmm, ave cooked dins, but could I get my gravy to go lumpy !!!! it just wouldnt had to add some polyfiller to it, job sorted
the only thing I did different this week, was I stirred it
cos I was listening to the radio see, and I was doing a happy bum wiggle dance, as one does, whilst cooking the Sunday lunch
This spoon was just lurking !! so I grabbed it and stirred the gravy to the song on the radio
Do you experts out their think this may have been my problem ??
Its flippin raining here now but hey-ho its off to the greenhouse to plant the tommies and cucumbers, now its all nice and clean again
see's ya in a bit and have a lovely day
What! no lumpy gravy. got a new name for you now .