SATURDAY / DAILY CHAT / 12/04/2014 - Quit Support

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SATURDAY / DAILY CHAT / 12/04/2014

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
70 Replies

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all feeling well. Some of you early quitters have been feeling sad and a little depressed, but dont worry it will pass. Your body is still adjusting to being smokefree. Once your brain excepts there is no more harmful chemicals heading your way you will start to feel much better.

I have lost track on how many days you PIPPS are on but your doing great.

Enjoy your Saturday and stay Happy! :) :)

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jillygirl profile image
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70 Replies
monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good morning Jillygirl and everybody :)

I hope you are all well and have your sun glasses ready cos have ordered some sun for today to cheer us all up 8-)

I bought some petrol lastnight, soooooo now I've got no excuse not to mow the lawns :P :D :D so thats my first job today. Mind you, I do like the smell of freshly cut grass especially now I can smell it more with quitting smoking :)

Hey Jillygirl, you done your supermarket dash yet ??

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to monky

Hey Monkey, watch your back, I'm catching up on ya! You're a week ahead of me and I'm watching ya ha ha x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Briarwood

Aup Briarwood, I hope your having a lovely Saturday :)

Hmmmmm, soooooooo your chasing me eh :o rite I'd best make sure I dont trip up then eh, cos if I do, I know you would be stomping all over me :D :D

I see I shell have to keep an eye out for you young Lady :o :)

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to monky

Oh yeah, you better believe it and as I haven't been called a young lady for a very long time - I might not stomp too hard x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Briarwood

:D :D :D

Thankyou Briarwood, you are sooooooooo kind :P :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to jillygirl

Ah, I've always wanted to know what you looked like Monky!!! :D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to ChrissieG

Hey Chrissie, believe it or not its not far off a look alike. just ask him. :)

Kaprin profile image

Morning everyone a lovely day in the North West this morning, sun is shining, blue sky, grass cutting here today as well it's so very long noticed it when I got home from work last night. Hope everyone has a fab day today and gets out in the lovely fresh air, keep smiling x x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Kaprin

Good Morning Kaprin, well you sound on top of the world today! Fantastic :)

Sadly the sun hasn't reached Sheffield yet but I'm sure it will get here eventually! I'm actually thinking of hanging my washing outside today (first time this year) - I do love the smell of freshly dried washing don't you!

Have a wonderful Saturday sweetie


Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply to ChrissieG

I thought the same Chrissie hung it all out and it decided to rain, just brought it all in and put in the dryer and guess what yep it's sunny again, never mind exercise is good for me x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Kaprin

Hi Kaprin.

Well I'm afraid I never got my washing out, the sun did not shine here at all today and is still very overcast! So you got further than I did! I bet your washing still smells fresher than mine will! xxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Kaprin

Hey Kaprin send a bit of that sun down to Yorkshire its just overcast here. :) xx

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply to jillygirl

Did it arrive sent you a bucket load, think that's why it started raining here sent you too much jillygirl x

Briarwood profile image

Morning everyone , so you have the sun huh! I read this in the paper last night and thought it was so good I would share it with you all. Life doesn't get better by CHANCE, it gets better by CHANGE. I think that about sums up what we are doing - making changes so life gets better. Good luck with the changes everyone, we are all on this journey together x x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Briarwood

Wow Briarwood, that is awesome!!! and yes that sums us up beautifully!!! Thank you for posting it, this will now be my thought of the day! Have a lovely day sweetie xxx :)

ChrissieG profile image

Good Morning Jilly and Good Morning All :)

I can barely believe it myself but today is DAY 20 for the PIPPs, we are now in Double Double Figures!!! (day 10 being the first double figure)

Double Double Figures for the PIPPs is AWESOME!

I guess we should do a Double Double Dance to Celebrate! :) :D :) :D

I had the most wonderful evening with my girls last night and I cannot describe to you how proud they are that I've stopped smoking. Emily joked that I only had to get them out of the way (off to uni) to do it and they really believed that this was happening now. I was actually online here when they arrived last night and so I showed them the site and what was happening and they were SO impressed,.They could see what a fantastic support system this was to help people like me - long term smokers who were determined to kick the habit once and for all, and they LOVED it! :)

So that was lovely wasn't it! :)

Anyway I left my car at the pub last night so now I have to try to cadge a lift from my ex husband to fetch it, or I've got a fairly long walk , a good part of which is up a fairly steep hill ahead of me! I actually wouldn't mind either, it would really be quite a challenge for me! :)

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone :)


Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to ChrissieG

Hi Chrissie, glad you enjoyed your night out. Hope you enjoy your walk ha ha. Congrats on double figures, keep up the good work x x x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Briarwood

Ha Ha ha - thanks my friend - but it's Double Double figures you know! That extra double is so important! :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

Aup Chrissie, Day 20 now then eh, wow, thats gone sooooo quick and a massive big well done to you :) :) hmmmm, I see I will have to watch you too, otherwise you will be catching me up as well as Briarwood :o :D :D

Am sooooooooo glad your night went well with your Daughters and you enjoyed it :)

My '' Now 87 '' CD has just come, so am going to listen to that for a bit while I do a bum wiggle dance for you :D :D :D

Hey, you flippin walk for your car, about time you did some flippin exercise gal :P :D :D :D

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

Hey thank you Monky Minky! Yes I'm pretty proud of hitting the double double figures now! So EXCITING!!! :)

hey I'm happy your NOW 87 CD has arrived - I stopped buying them when I didn't know any of the artists who were on them anymore :) :) :)

And you are so right - I really should walk to fetch my car back - it really is lazy of me to ask for a lift - it would be very very good for me to text my fitness too (although that hill scares me a bit!)

I shall let you know if and when I do it! :) :D :)

Enjoy the happy dancing - I might join in if you do it again tonight

And have a great Saturday :) xxxx

in reply to monky

Hi Pete, aww I was looking at that CD in Asda the other day. They were playing it and first I heard Tsunami which I love but like Chrissie am rubbish with names so I used my Track ID app on my phone to see what it was, then Calvin Harris came on which I know so I thought ha! compilation CD and went and found it. Enjoy your bum wiggle dancing, though Happy and Hey Brother am just a tad sick and tired of hearing so I don't think I'll buy it myself.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Hi Sin, sorry nearly missed you. Hope your ok. I too am rubbish with names. remember the songs but not the artists. Mines old age. :D :D

in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jillygirl, oh, I just remembered reading yesterday that you didn't sleep too well cos of cramps and stuff. Hope you're feeling a bit better today and that you managed to catch up on your zzzzz's last night.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

No cramps in bed but got one whilst having morning shower. Hopefully get sorted on Monday. Thanks for caring, :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hi ya Sinfree, so sorry gal, I must have missed you before :( ermmmm, am not sure how I did that :o :D :D

just wondering if you have heard '' All of me '' by John Legend :o I bought this CD cos it has 46 songs on it, it cost me £13.99, sooooooo, what I do is, sort the songs I like, maybe 20 - 25 and burn them to a CD :) if I bought these songs single, then it would cost me at least £20.00 eh :)

Ha ha ha yes, Hey Brother by Avicii is on it :P :D :D

you take care now gal :) :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

John Legend = All of Me = AWE SOME!!!! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

:) :) :)

You have my taste of music gal :) :) xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

In which case you have excellent taste!!! So where are you on motown because I just luuuuuurrrrrrve that! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

Yep Chrissie, I like motown too, Stevie Wonder, Dianna Ross and the Supremes etc etc :) I love all music really, good music that is :)

Have you ever heard of the '' Ink Spots '' ??

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

Just listening to them now - "If I didn't Care" - it sounds sooooooooooooooooo Old! It sounds like the sort of music they had on Downton Abbey or something like that!

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

I think these songs have been covered more recently - is that right? :)

in reply to monky

I have heard of the Ink Spots, I don't know what for but I have heard of them. You're going back a bit there.

in reply to monky

You taking the mick with these Ink Spots Pete, they're absolutely ancient.

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

ha ha ha - I totally agree Sin!!! :D:D :D xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hi Sinfree, yeah there ancient gal, but when I was young, my Dad always listened to them, and when I had been dumped by a ermmmm, female, I used to listen to them and they eased my sorrow :)

If you highlight it, right click on it and '' go to '' you will see it :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

Ah, that's actually sweet - I still don't like them though (sorry!) :) :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

:P :P :D :D :D

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

I've realised what they reminded me of - Ivor Novello - very turn of the last century! But honestly if they make you happy then that's good isn't it :)

in reply to monky

Awww, :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Suppose its not toooooo bad eh :|

in reply to monky

Yeah. This is good too, I love this

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

Now that's more like it, I love this one too Sin! :) Could definitely dance to this! xx

in reply to ChrissieG

yay, I only like dancy music.

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

Hey, why not start a new post called Party Time, and we can add our fave dance tunes???

I'm off for a bath now but will be back to join in :) xxx

in reply to ChrissieG

haha, that's a good idea. Have a nice bath :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Well, Sinfree, are you going to start the party time eh ?? or shell I ??

in reply to monky

Been Hypnotised by the love in your eyes - :( it's all gone a bit naff now. Sounds a bit eurovision song contesty. How about this

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

Hey Chrissie, if you want your back scrubbing, I'm ya man gal ;) :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hey Sinfree, what about this then ?

in reply to monky

:o 2hours 57min, I'll have Mr Tesco shouting for using all our broadband up :D I like the first one up to now.

in reply to ChrissieG

I remember absolutely ages ago, when we were all putting video's on off youtube, I put a series of songs on all lamenting my sad loss of old nic. Oh well, never completely kicked nicotine into touch anyway, she says typing away with e-cig hanging out of her mouth. They're flipping heavy these things to have hanging out of your mouth. haha not that I ever used to go round with a fag hanging out of my mouth :D

Is anyone watching BGT on ITV at the moment, those light people dancing were good.

in reply to monky

Hi Pete I think you went off to potter in your garden :D. I had a look on Amazon, CD2 is the better out of the two for me. John Legend :0 dunno, will have to look back on Amazon.

in reply to

Stupid tablet, will have to wind up the laptop. :D this has done my faces all wrong

in reply to monky

I just found it on Amazon, John Legend, nope, in all honesty despite I listen to radio 1 have never heard it, but.........I may well not have noticed it, not my kinda music, too slow. When I got married (my 32nd wedding anniversary coming up on Wednesday) the useless DJ at the reception never asked me what I would like for the first dance, what did he play? 3 times a lady!! Lionel piggn Richie, I hate, hate, hate that song soooooo much.

in reply to

My Love - Route 94 is better than All of Me, me thinks.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to ChrissieG

Hi Chrissie, glad your not sad anymore and had a good evening. Congrats on reaching day 20. fantastic. :) xx

Briarwood profile image

Hi jillygirl, the voice of experience. You are here to keep everyone on the straight and narrow, you are like our Mother Hen looking after her little chicks! We all need a little looking after at times, so thanks Mother Hen for looking after us and setting such a good example. 2 years - we all want to follow in your footsteps x x x x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Briarwood

I second that Briarwood :) Jillygirl, mother Hen eh, I wonder if she lays golden eggs then :o :D :D :D

Rite am off out to do some more pottering cos my tea break times over see :P see ya soon :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

oops! where did that come from !

in reply to jillygirl

ha, I could do with one of those hens. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

hey, me toooooooooo Sinfree :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Briarwood

Thanks Briarwood, I used to be a community carer and a lot of my patients used to call me Mother. xxx :)

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Hey there Jolly,

GOOD to see you.Love the poster caption at the top of your post,so very true.Hope you're O.K. and staying well.Hugs H x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to yellowsnowdrop

Aup Helen, I hope you are well :)

Just wondering if you have your party frock on, cos we got a party going :)

Re: Pete, Chrissie and Sin's Saturday night fever. My favourite dancy tunes:

Sub focus - Turn back time

Disclosure - F for you

David Guetta - She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) ***favourite****

Ok, all on the floor now, are you ready hahaha

Now where's my handbag for dancing round

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

Listening to the 1st one now with the volume up high.........let's go girl! xx :D

yellowsnowdrop profile image
yellowsnowdrop in reply to

YOU GOT OOPS UP SIDE YOUR HEAD !!! Let's all start rowing !! Flippin' heck does that ever take me back a bit,LOVE LOVE LOVE it.H x

in reply to yellowsnowdrop

:) I thought I'd throw that one in. I loved it too. Did you see Jools Holland's Hootenanny on new years eve just gone, one of the original Gap Band did that hit, haha, it was really good to say he must be knockin on a bit now. I love Hootenanny, watch it every New Years Eve, sooooo much better than going out. It's on youtube if you want to look.

ChrissieG profile image

Oh my gosh, this one takes me back :)

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