Daily Chat Saturday 29th March 2014 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Saturday 29th March 2014

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
30 Replies

Good Morning Everybody, and a big warm welcome to all the newbies :) :)

It looks a bit erm, iffy here in Derbyshire at the moment, but it gives a nice sunny day later and just looked on my barometer, and their's a big SUN on it 8-) 8-)

Well, its Day 26 of a long haul for me, I'm not going to pretend that its been easy for me, far from it sometimes :( but have got through with the help of all my lovely friends on here :) Erm, I dont know, but just to come on here and have a chat and a bit of a laugh, and knowing that I'm not alone on my quit helps me tremendously. So thank you all dearly for that :) :) xxxxx Thats enough of me rabbiting on about mi sen :o

PIPPs ( Pack In Puffers Possie ) Day 6 now :) How are you all doing today ? How has your week been ? Come and let us know, and if any of you newbies would like to join them, then come on lets do this together eh and beat mr nic once and for all :) :)

Erm am just wondering, do any of you Ladies do press-ups against a wall ? cos I think I got a bit confused about it last night :D :D

I hope you all have a lovely smoke free day :)

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monky profile image
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30 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Morning Pete, How are you today? Have you done the shopping yet. Thats my next task supermarket run. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Aup Jillygirl, yep, done shopping and am fighting fit gal :o :D

Ave got all my seedlings to pot up today, so that will keep me out of mischief for a while eh :)

I hope you didnt mind me opening up today, cos thought I would give you a lay in see :) :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

Well I'm not food shopping and I'm not gardening (I do miss having a garden you know) so I'm going to be a domestic goddess this morning, and then hopefully pop into town this afternoon just for a stroll around and to do something different!

Actually it's a date! :) I've been seeing this guy for a few months now but I'm a bit worried because he's a smoker. I know I'm going to have to have a chat with him about it today because I would love it if he decided to stop smoking too, how do other people cope when they still have smokers in their lives? I must admit I haven't seen him for the last 2 weeks because I've been on my stop smoking mission, but I can't keep him waiting for much longer!!! xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

This is a hard one Chrissie, just let him know that you have quit and ask him if he has ever thought of quitting ? and would he like to ? If so, then you will help him :)

Perhaps let him know that it will be harder for you if he keeps smoking :o but please dont push him eh, he's got to make the decision :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

Hi Monky - we spoke on Thursday night and he was genuinely pleased at how it was going for me and he made an off the cuff remark about how I would have to help him to stop. But then he said he that he is so stressed out with this massive job he is doing at the moment so wasn't sure he could do it yet.

I definitely do not want to turn into a nag and I know it has to be his decision anyway, I guess I just have to find a way - actually I just don't know what to do!

No, I'm hoping that he will realise himself that it will obviously be difficult for me if he does continue to smoke and I'm hoping that him seeing me feeling so much better about myself now, will moitvate him to do the same.

So I guess it's fingers crossed time!!!

Thanks Monky, I'll let you know how it goes.

Now I must get on with my chores :( xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

:) :) :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to monky

Hey Monky, how was your day?

Did you get your seedlings potted? It was a gorgeous day wasn't it?

xxx :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

Hi ya Chrissie :)

Got about half of them done, but I got side tracked part way through by one of my neighbours :o so I had to go and help her out :)

Hows your day been gal ? xxxxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Pete its lovely letting someone else open up. I hold on until after 11.00 am, somedays thinking someone else will open up but they never do. Thank you .

Washing and ironing to do next. so see you later. :) :) xx

Mindermummy profile image

Morning :)

Im feeling good today...I got through a night of some alcohol...which to me was going to be the biggest struggle...and I made it :)

Off out for a family day out in this lovely sunshine

And yes...you can do press ups against a wall.....PMSL!!!

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Mindermummy

Morning mummy - it was so brilliant and so funny having a drink with you last night - we MUST do it again sometime! :D

It sounds like you have a fabby Day 6 planned, so enjoy yourself and please send some of that sunshine to Sheffield if you don't mind - it's all a little misty around these part! :)

Speak to you again soon and Have fun!

Love Chrissie xxx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to ChrissieG

Mummy thank you - the sunshine has arrived! Unfortunately I can now see the dust - but I shall move that around a bit before heading into town this afternoon for some window shopping! xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Mindermummy

Good morning Mummy PIPP :)

A big well done to you for having a little tipple and coming out smoke free still :) :)

The suns just coming out here now :) 8-) Enjoy your Family day out :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Mindermummy

Hey Mum, have just Googled PMSL :D :D :D

ChrissieG profile image

Good Morning Monky Pete!

I do love it when you give us an update of your non-smoking experience because you are always so supportive of others on here that it's easy to forget that you are going through exactly the same thing yourself! :)

You are like the Camp Mr Motivator!!! Not that you're camp, well I don't know if you are or you aren't, but my point was like the Hi De Hi camp - you go around motivating everybody and making us laugh - it's been amazing! So well done you on your own achievement and you REALLY should be proud of yourself, because we are definitely extremely proud of you!

Well I'm Chrissie PIPP, and when you say Day 6 for us it just feels unreal to me! Before I even found this site I had ordered an e-cig set online so I was going to attempt to stop smoking again. It was whilst I was waiting for that to be delivered (at which point it was 2 weeks since I'd ordered it so I believed it would be here any day) I decided to browse around the internet for a website which supported stop smoking, I was surprised and delighted to find this one! I did not expect to find anything like this with real people on it who were thinking of or actually going through exactly the same thing! I joined up very quickly!

This site did something for me which I've never done before, it taught me how to plan to stop smoking and to me, that has made the difference from all the attempts I've made to stop smoking before. And the people on here are just sooooooooooooo supportive and caring and helpful and genuinely inspirational, you just can't go wrong.

And I can't remember laughing so much either! The funniest moments of the this week were darling sinfree mixing up calamine tea with camomile tea, sin I know you laughed at yourself over that one, but it had me in stitches - so funny! And then Mr Monky Motivator advising that if I did wall press ups which I felt would involve banging my head against a brick wall, at least that would help with the cravings!!!!!! - THAT ONE had the tears running down my face with laughter!

Giving up smoking is so so hard, let's face it, if it was easy, we would have all done it a long time ago! It's not easy but it's not impossible either, you just have to adjust and I've learnt on this site that you just HAVE to stay positive. :)

Those 1 days really do add up! So thank you, thank you, thank you everybody and a massive well done to the PIPPs

Day 6 ........Wey Hey! :D xxxxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

Good Morning Chrissie PIPP :)

You sound full of the joys of Spring gal :) :) ha ha ha Mr Monky Motivator, you've got me laughing now Chrissie :D :D :D

Your doing ever so well Chrissie, you really are :) you just try to keep focused and positive eh and you will beat mr nic :) :)

You got anything planned for today then ? or you just chilaxing :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

Pressie for Mr motivator.


ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to jillygirl

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Jilly - THAT is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO brilliant! Mr Motivator you are so lucky! :D :D :D


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Just looooooooove the wheelbarrow Jillygirl :D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to ChrissieG

Chrissie, I tell you Pete is one in a million. I have been quit for nearly 2 years now and Pete was the one to get me through the rough times. :) :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to jillygirl

Oh Jilly, that is soooo amazing! Massive congratulations honey and when is your 2 year anniversary - I really need to practice my dancing in preparations for THAT! :) xxx

And yes, Pete is amazing - slightly bonkers, but amazing! ha ha ha xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ChrissieG

What do you mean Slightly :o :D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to ChrissieG

2 years on 5th April. As for bonkers I`m next in line. :D :D

Looking forward to the dance. :D xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to jillygirl

Jilly that's next Saturday! WOW I hope you think of something lovely to do to celebrate the occasion! In the meantime I'm going to be practicing the Happy Dance for you whilst I move the dust around my lounge this morning - I'd better put the radio on I guess! I'm so excited for you!!! :) xxxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to ChrissieG

Yeah ! I will be out celebrating as its my birthday too. defo an oap now. :D

Kaprin profile image

Ha hahahaha there you go again with ladies press ups soooooooooo funny! X

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Kaprin

Good morning Kaprin, how are you today, well I hope :)

Are you still on your jols, or you back home now gal :o

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply to monky

Still on hols back tomorrow well 1.30am Monday morning to be exact I AMA fine thanks Pete

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to Kaprin

Good Sunny Morning to you Kaprin (I'm still jealous of you as I face the chores I have to do today!)

Wasn't that hysterical last night? I was still laughing as I got into bed for goodness sake! So so funny :D

Enjoy the rest of your weekend sweetie xxxxx

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply to ChrissieG

Yes it was had such a coughing fit almost ... Myself hilarious x

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