Good morning everybody
Well its March already, how the flippin time fly's and its also very nearly Spring time
I love the Spring, cos it cheers me up no end, seeing the lovely colours of daffodils, crocuses, tulips etc, and of course the blossom on the trees
This is the light at the end of the tunnel for me, after a dark, dull, dreary Winter
It's a bit like quitting the ciggies really, because you start at the beginning of the tunnel, and, BOY, does that light look a long way off but as you get on with your quit, that light gets bigger and brighter and above all, closer
and that light is your freedom
I myself have come close to that lovely bright light a few times, but have slipped and fell back down to the dark end of the tunnel
Soooooo, what we have to do is, pick ourselves up, have a little erm, pet talk to ourselves, so that we know WHY we want to quit ! and WHAT the benefits would be for us These are our weapons against mr nic ! so like you would a calving knife, keep it sharp and clean
we have to keep the WHY's and WHAT's in our heads, ready for when mr nic strikes
Ellie, please think before you make your decision eh and please please dont leave our happy Family
Rite, am off to flippin bed soon, cos am noddin Ha ha ha I can hear you all saying, '' I flippin wish he would ''
Just remember this, if you cant put a ciggie down, then dont pick one up Job sorted
I wish you all a lovely smokefree day and a happy one too