Hi Everybody
I've made my decision. I've decided to join Louby by officially stopping smoking on Monday 24th March - Wey Hey!!!! Here we go, here we go, here we go girl! ha ha ha
Since joining the site on Sunday night I've already cut down quite a lot. I've stopped driving further down the bus route so I can have a cigarette in the car before and after work so I've completely stopped smoking in the car and I now take the bus from where I live (which makes the journey feel longer although my journey time is actually the same). To make sure I stick to this I leave my cigs at home.
I've reset my alarm to later than I was getting up (to give me time to smoke before I go to work) so I smoke less in the morning and I've naturally cut down in the evenings without even thinking about it.
SO when the e-cig arrives I am going to start using that intermittently so I again reduce the real cigs I'm smoking so hopefully over the weekend I will cut down dramatically, especially as the weekends are possibly my worse smoking times!.
By Sunday night if any cigs remain they will be destroyed and put in the bin so when I get up and follow the new routine of my plan I simply couldn't smoke if I wanted to!
If it all goes well over the weekend I might actually stop smoking a day or two earlier - but no matter what happens over the weekend, Monday is my official stop smoking day!
Phew - I just hope I can follow this plan through - I am feeling positive but a teeny bit scared!