I'm new here and I have C.O.P.D. I need to stop smoking rather than want to which as I'm sure you all know is abit of a dilemma, however I am going to give it my best shot, been to the "stop smoking clinic" and had a lovely "honest" chat with them and have come away armed with patches and inhaler. My stop day is Monday 14th July . I have tried to stop many times before and have reached 3 months smoke free and then it seems I wake up one morning and I have a craving so intense it takes over completely. I then go out and buy pkt 10 assuring myself I will just have the one! Well you know where that leads! So here I go again. Would appreciate your support and with your help perhaps I will make it this time ! Hopefully without murdering anyone ! Ha Ha!
I: I'm new here and I have C.O.P.D. I need to... - Quit Support

Welcome Cornishlady - You have come to the right place to get all the support you need.I only recently joined this forum and have found the support awesome. I am on day 17 smoke free and doing it cold turkey. I wish you all the very best on your quit journey

Welcome Cornishlady, you are doing all the planning for your quit and that builds a good foundation to start, so well done
Just look at the other attempts as a learning experience and take each day at a time
Stay close to this site as it really really helps and if you get a craving come on here and shout
It really is the very best thing you can do for your health
This is your time, you can do this x
Hi I am new here as well and today is my day 1 so we can do this together.
Welcome to Cornishlady and Suzzi. This is really a fantastic support group with lots of tips. Read through the older posts and shout and scream when you need support.
I have hit my 6 months today and have never felt so good about anything, except maybe having my children, !
I have also saved lots of money to use on lovely trips away.
Onwards and upwards x
Congratulations KC, 6 months is awesome, well done to you
I hit 4 months yesterday and it is a great feeling
Suzzie and Cornishlady you have good things to look forward to so stay focused and days will be weeks and we will all get through it x

Thank you everyone for replying so quickly and for your advice and support , got a feeling I'm going to need you all. Well done to those of you who have already begun your journey and I hope you continue to travel this tricky road without mishap . Monday is my start date and half of me is dreading it and the other half of me can't wait for it to come! Don't think that makes much sense but its how I'm feeling. Thank you all again .Xx
I think I understand something of that mixed feeling of excitement and dread. On the one hand, you have the motivation (your health) but, on the other hand, you can't quite imagine it actually happening. I felt very much like that. I know it is trite but take it one day, one hour or one minute (if necessary) at a time and, slowly, all those minutes, hours and days start to add up and it gets easier. Yes, there will be times when it seems impossible or, even, seems not to be worth the "pain" - but that "pain" isn't really bad, you *can* get through it.
Good Luck!

Hey there cornishlady Just wanted to send over some hugs and prays to you as your date draws closer. You are making the BEST decision for yourself by quitting! And although the road ahead is going to be a little bit bumpy, we are here for you. You won't have to go through it alone
So be sure to get some rest and drink plenty of water and have a piece of chocolate
Hey Cornishlady, you have definitely come to the right site, we will give you all the support we can but you need to come on here and holler if you need us
You need to give up hun for your health, I used patches for my quit this time round..... and so far so good
Good luck with Monday and let us know how your getting on :D)

Good evening CornishLady and a big warm welcome to this lovely site
I've used the patches and inhalator and very good they are too gal The patches may probably leave a red and itchy mark for a few days, but as your body gets used to them, these will soon go, so dont worry about that eh
maybe just try to cut down a bit before Monday, your quit date, as in, when you feel the urge to have a ciggie, say no to yourself but the next time you feel like one, then have one
Then try saying no twice before you have a ciggie and so on Good luck gal and dont you forget we are all here to help each other if we need it, so you just flippin shout out if you need any help or advice
Take care now Pete

Hi Cornishlady,when I quit back in Jan this year.........there was(still is)a lady called Yellowsnowdrop,she was my inspiration,every thing she said was so positive,and I personally would like to thank her xx.Anyway like I said back in Jan she was on 4months give or take,and I thought GOD I'm never going to reach that long,anyway here I am nearly 6 months later,and feel better than I have for years,thanks to mainly Yellow and her positivity,but also all the other quitters as well.
My advice:
1.take 1 day at a time
2.Avoid triggers as much as you can.
3.Healthy snacks
4.Exercise if you can
5.Start counting the money
I'm not really gonna add much to anything else that's been said except that I didn't really want to give up but had to for various reasons.I've tried lots of times before and not made it but this time I'm over 10months (just) & have no intention of going back.If you make your mind up that you are going to do this, even if it's just to prove everyone that thinks you can't wrong,then you'll succeed. Stay focused, plan ahead & take just one day at a time and you'll do just fine.Tons of help and support on here so stay close & good luck to both you and Suzzie.The journey is scary at times and you'll have times when you really think you can't do it but you ABSOLUTELY CAN. Hugs H

Hi Cornishlady, it's fabulous that you are about to embark upon a quit and everyone on here will be behind you 100% (I couldn't have done it without this support) there is nothing more I can say as it has all been said above but you can be sure everyone will be wishing you luck and sending you positive vibes for tomorrow. Good luck and remember, if you feel like caving in come on here first to tell someone and wait for a reply, even if it takes a while as I can guarantee that will make you feel better
Hello Cornishlady, Yes its all been said, Good Luck for tomorrow, stay strong, xx

Thank you everyone For your support and good wishes . I would give you all a big hug if I could x

Hello Cornishlady, l wish you well, believe in yourself and keep telling yourself you CAN do it, I smoked for 43 years and had tried albeit half heartedly several times but when l got diagnosed with copd it kind of hits you like a hammer in the head, this time l had no choice l had to give up, that was 13 weeks ago today, had my last half a ciggie on that day, one the day before that..started on the patches, they did irrititate my skin quite a lot and have sensitive skin too but stuck it our for 6 weeks slowly getting down to the 7mg patch when l also supplemented that with a gum here and there as l got close to finishing the patches l then bought 4 mg gum for those odd occasions if the cravings got too much, yes l guess l am still addicted to the nicotine as l am still on the gum but with copd the main thing is l have stopped smoking which l NEVER thought l could do and still have time to address the nictoine problem more slowly and to my own pace.Good luck to you and l am sure you will succeed, be positve..you CAN do it!!

Hello and well done to you on your decision. Everyone on here is amazing so you come to the right place,, watch that Monky though he's very huggable and loves a bum wiggle

If nothing else you all make me smile . Thanks again for your support , hope I can keep smiling. xx Tomorrows the start day an I'm feeling good about it . Just smoked my LAST cig. !!!!
WHOOHOO Cornishlady, real proud of ya hun, you won't regret it..... come on tomorrow and let us know how your getting on

Hi guys well they have put me on 15mg patches, I'm really surprised cos I smoked 15-20 day an I expected to have the 25mg . Perhaps its because I have the nic inhaler too? Hope everyone is ok x
I would suspect that the 25mg patches would be to strong for you Erm, about your inhalator, when I first used it, I got a sore throat
BUT, I found out I wasnt using it rite
Emjay our lovely quit adviser posted this
It's funny isn't it?! It's because it's called an 'inhalator', people think you should inhale them. We get a lot of complaints that it catches the back of the throat and tastes awful.. this is because it is pure nicotine - and (as with cigarettes) no chemicals that will numb the airways allowing for smoke and nicotine to travel more easily to the lungs.
The nicotine gets in your system through the mucous membrane within your mouth instead. Much better for you than what is in tobacco and smoke
Use your inhalator as and when you need it. The trick is not to inhale on it, put it in your mouth, point it to the roof of your mouth and kind of 'tut' on it.

Thanks I will try to remember that x grateful for all tips x

I really cannot add anything to the advice shared by you all for Cornishlady
You are all blinking well amazing
Interesting when you said, half of you wants to stop on Monday while the other half doesn`t .
This is because you have two major parts of your mind- conscious and subconscious . Conscious mind is the logical decision part that has decided to quit. However you have the other part where the habit drives you to smoke. This is the part you need to address, as it overrides the logic. Like a person who has a phobia- they know that the fear is irrational, but cannot stop themselves from feeling anxious.
Quitting is all about mindset. I use these following questions as part of my therapy that may help you along the way-
*1st : Find the reasons why you smoke. Write a list – stressed out – bored – to help concentration – relaxing – or simply enjoy – anything other reasons ?
*2nd : ask yourself what situations leads you to smoking a cigarette. Write a list – at the end of a meal – before going to bed – with a drink – on the phone – maybe you can add more ?
Note on List 1 and 2 – These are the associations you have established with cigarettes that triggers and perpetuates the habit. Start to be aware of these feelings and situations and do something else instead.
*3rd : ask yourself what are your reasons for quitting Do this for you primarily, not to please some-one else; make quitting your decision. Write a list of how quitting smoking benefits you personally. Then add the other people in your life it will positively affect.
From List 3 – Keep the reasons all in the positive and as specific as possible. For instance, if you are wheezy every morning, ” I don`t want to wheeze ” will be turned around to… ” I will breathe easier when I get up each morning. ” “My breath will be fresh, I will save money, I can run around with my children… anything that resonates with you.If you need help on this, ivertherapy@gmail.com
Write these down and read them every day as a personal reminder.
warm wishes Linda