Giving up slowly: Carnt find anything on giving... - Quit Support

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Giving up slowly

Alice70 profile image
34 Replies

Carnt find anything on giving up smoking slowly, has anyone succeeded this way ,carnt find anything in pined posts ,my trouble is I've tried to give up by having no cigs in the house this way sends me into a panic,and I jump in car to buy some ,I've tried with having some in the house ,and then I smoke them ,I feel in a catch 22 with no will power ,this makes me sad ,over the past year or so I've been smoking between thirteen and fifteen, so I have cut dow from twenty five a day ,I would like to hear some success stories on giving up slowly if that is possible

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Alice70 profile image
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34 Replies
Veteran250 profile image

Good morning Alice, I live in the Uk, welcome to Quit Support, our friendly community of like minded members who are all here to encourage and support each other on our respective journeys to become smoke free!

I started smoking when I was about 18, I smoked about 30/40 cigarettes per day for 45 years, after a couple of health scares, I decided to Quit Smoking!

I tried patches, but kept smoking(not good)stopped the patches as a waste of time, and kept smoking...... then the Government raised the tax on cigarettes and tobacco, and they became very expensive at that time, thinking back to my health scares, I decided to quit, that was it, no more cigarettes!

I threw my cigarettes, matches and ashtrays in the dustbin!

When I first quit, I had my ups and downs, stress, anxiety, bad temper, etc etc.

I started sucking extra strong mints(Candy) as a cigarette alternative, putting a mint in my mouth every time I had a craving for a cigarette, I had to suck it so that it lasted as long as it would take to smoke a cigarette, so no chewing the mints!

I put on about 20 odd pounds in weight....... but to cut a long story short, I stopped smoking 13th August 2007, and have never looked back, so to speak, the excess weight eventually dropped off over the years, I now weigh about 195 pounds(14 stones)

Alice, if you really want to quit smoking, you have to believe in yourself, believe in what you are doing, and why!

Write out a list of your personal reasons for wanting to become smoke free..... make the first reason.... IT KILLS.... write the list in thick black felt tip pen, and pin it up somewhere in your home, so you see it every time you pass it bye...... I am one day short of my 12th year anniversary of being Smoke🚭Free!

I joined Quit Support in the hope that I cound persuade, encourage and support its members on they’re respective journeys to also become smoke🚭free.

I now live a healthier life style although I am physically disabled, I’m 75, and hopefully have a good few years left in me still,

So Alice, think willpower, think believe, believe, believe! and hopefully, you will succeed in your goal!!


TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministratorLONG TERM WINNER

Hi Alice70,well done for your decision to quit.👏

Welcome to quit support.💙

Quitting is never easy but it's easier with a little support.💪

We are all different and one method of quitting that works for one person may be totally unsuccessful for another.

Quitting by cutting down gradually is probably the hardest way. I did try that too. I cut down from 2 packets to one,but then as you found out we give in to temptation.

If you don't fancy quitting cold turkey (without any aids) perhaps you should look into using NRT (nicotine replacement therapy)

Whichever method you choose,we will support you all the way.

Please let us know when you begin your quit,so that we can assign you a winners' badge and update our database.

Here is a link you may find helpful

If you feel you need anymore help,please don't hesitate to ask.There is always someone here.

Good luck with your quit.🍀🚭xxx

Arizona- profile image
Arizona-26 Months Winner in reply toTheTabbyCat

Good morning tubby☕️☕️

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministratorLONG TERM WINNER in reply toArizona-

Az!! sorry I was having a snack for lunch. I hope you're OK and still coping,hun. I'm so sorry about the time difference 'cos I love chatting with you.💖💖💖XXX

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello Alice,and welcome to Quit Support.

Well done on deciding to quit smoking. Its not easy, however it

Is achievable ,and we will help and support you all the way on your quit Journey.

You have had lots of advice given already, please look at the pinned posts and topics sections.

If you cant find what you require , just shout and we will be here , ready to support you.

We do remind new members NOT to give any personal details out i.e. email addresses,

Phone numbers, or personal pictures. (If in doubt leave it out).

Look forward to supporting you. :) xx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply tojillygirl

Hi jilly girl thanks to yourself,tubby,veteran for your encouragement, I've worked out why I think my problem of given up after all these years of smoking ,and trying to give up , is I'm afraid to let go completely, I think im going try a bit at a time

Arizona- profile image
Arizona-26 Months Winner

Hello and welcome Alice 😊

I used nicotine lozenges which helped tremendously 👍. Plus I still keep my reason for quitting strong in my mind. Scared to death what it will do to my body. You’ll quit soon. You have the desire which is the first step. All the best from Canada 🇨🇦 xx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toArizona-

Yes I do have the desire Arizona, trying to work out why I carnt let go

Briarwood profile image

Hi Alice and welcome. Lots of good advice already but just to say I cut down gradually and that worked for me. It will give you the confidence to know that you can go longer and longer without actually lighting up.

I had one in the morning and one at night before finally taking a leap of faith. Take it slowly and you can do it too. We’re all here for you🚭✅💕xx

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toBriarwood

I think it is the only way for me briarwood

droopyJ profile image

Hi Alice and welcome

You have to do what you think is the right quit method for you.

As to cutting down, I kept pushing my first cigarette back an hour until my first one was after midday. I stopped smoking in the house, I stopped smoking in the car (just kept them in the boot so I wouldn’t be tempted). Tried to change my smoking habits, not have one after food for example.

I actually gave up with patches and the above had nothing to do with my quit, I needed to save money and buying less cigs was part of it but it may help you.

Good luck with your quit 🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply todroopyJ

Yes the only draw back with giving up slowly is going back up agian thanks droopy

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply toAlice70

How about swapping some of your cigs for the gum or the mints?? That way your still getting the nicotine high?? Or some quitters have moved to vaping??

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply todroopyJ

Will do droopy ,I have some nicorette squirty stuff in the house ,carnt think of name now

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply toAlice70


Jwk1962 profile image
Jwk196228 MONTHS WINNER in reply todroopyJ

Kinda like my quit..... waiting to smoke until coffee was gone.

Stopped smoking while driving.

Stopped smoking while sitting on the (throne).

Left for work leaving them home.. I worked on this 11 days then quit using patches...only used 7mg ones, but used them for a while, I will admit

🚭🔠 Jeff

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toJwk1962

Seen your post now jwk from Jan 2018 thanks jeff

Jwk1962 profile image
Jwk196228 MONTHS WINNER in reply toAlice70

You are welcome....Alice70...

I don't get on this site daily. When I first quit I was on here all the time...

Funny, a year and a half later, sometimes I think about them, but don't dare take the chance. A pack was misplaced in my 11 day cut back and slid out from under my driver seat..threw em in console. They are still there, unopened🚭🔤jeff

Nottobad profile image

Hi Alice you have to want to stop smoking to succeed. I had many attempts but finally did it. Once you are ready you will do it. Take care x

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toNottobad

Thanks notto

Jwk1962 profile image

Alice, see if you can find my posts from Jan 2018

🚭🔠 Jeff

Alice70 profile image

Found your profile jwk ,were you called hidden in them days ,dont really know what I'm looking for

quit07 profile image

I know the feeling where you think you have no will power.. I struggled with trying to quit smoking. I would last a day or maybe less and go back to smoking. Longest I went was 28 days. I kept trying and failing for 4 years before I actually managed to quit it. So the first thing for you to understand is "we keep trying and failing until we don't". I think it's very important to accept the fact that quitting smoking is going to suck, so much so that you will want to run back to smoking again. It is going to be an emotional and physical challenge. Once you accept this, you have taken your first crucial step towards success. You now have to figure out how will you distract yourself from this: take up a hobby that keeps your hands busy (I started knitting), don't let your mind or body be idle, spend time in places where smoking is prohibited, help others with their quit (this has really worked for me) it helps condition your mind and quitting starts to get easier (win win)... It is tough, I will not lie, but it is soooooo worth it and it does get easier (takes time though, took 7-8 months for me). All the best.. You can do this.. U r stronger than u know..

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toquit07

I am taking notice of post to me quit07 ,just trying decide how I'm going to do it ,thank you

Witty41 profile image

Hi Alice I tried this method of quitting before. I counted out 10 cigarettes put them in a baggie that's all I was allowed that day. Would smoke those 10 for 3 days drop two more smokes. I would get to having one or 2 a day and I couldn't just stop having them. I tried an e-cigarette even. I always ended up thinking well I'm still smoking so I might as well just keep smoking.

I also sat and thought to myself why do I need to smoke? Why do i use it as a crutch for everything? I had no answer and at that time i wasn't 100 percent ready to give up my crutch. Everyone quits differently and at their own time and pace. Myself once I managed to get it in my head that smoking wasn't going to solve my problems to fix my stress or sadness, I managed to quit. But this is my 5th serious attempt at quitting in 8 years.

I think nicotine replacement therapies are a God send patches helped me big time. Also you have a great and supportive group of folks here. I wish you good luck😊

Alice70 profile image

Hi witty,did you go back up from the amount of one or two before you used the patches ,and did you have cigs in the house when you gave up ,I've bought some patches ready to stop ,while they are on offer in savers shop,I have visitors at the moment ,they go back Monday, grandchildren Tuesday so it will be one day after that ,already I'm panicking at the thought of stopping ,isn't that silly thank you for your support

Witty41 profile image
Witty41LONG TERM WINNER in reply toAlice70

Sorry for my late reply. This time around I did have cigarettes in my home because my husband is still a smoker.

Oh I was terrified to quit! I was scared my moods would be horrible that I wouldnt have any friends left by the time I was done. I was scared I wouldnt have this one thing in common with my husband ( I found out I have lots)

I still struggle with the feeling of loss sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I lost a best friend and companion. Cigarettes and I were together for 25 years! But I remind myself of the horrible things smoking has done to and for me.

This time of quitting tho i was so determined this was it! I had a quit date I assembled a team of friends who were going to be my support. And I put post it notes all over my house 😄 this I am still doing.

Just notes like smoking won't make you happy. And reasons I quit like my kids really hate it. So those notes stare at me all the time.

Now patches I did not smoke on the patches. They say if you feel the need to smoke your patch is not strong enough. You however can smoke on them according to my pharmacist.

2 years ago I tried quitting with patches and I didn't make it through the first morning. It fell off...I could have put it back on with a band aid something I did quite often this time around. Instead I said oh patches aren't working for me and I went back to smoking right away.

You sound like you have the determination which is the first step in the right direction. I wish you lots of luck keep in mind your doing this for you and the people who love you😊

Alice70 profile image

Thank you witty you have been so helpful ,I always think patches take two or three days to get in your system, so patches Tues hopefully quit by Friday, I've smoked on patches before so I've also got some nicorette spray

Witty41 profile image

Yeah I didn't do the whole patches program. I had already spent the week before cutting down to 10 cigarettes so I didn't start in the strongest patch which is 21 I believe. I started on 12. I did 12 for a week then dropped to 7 did that for a week. Then i seemed ok. But some people do need to follow the program so if you are one of them don't rush yourself through the process it does take time. One thing I have caught onto tho during this time is I'm one of those people who will always be quitting. My brother quit no problem and never had another thought. Me on the other hand at least once a day I think of cigarettes not necessarily craving one. But like I said the feeling of loss of something. And there is a "first" everything. I am nearing the end of my first summer I had to change a few things up like not spending as much time on the patio sipping drinks with friends in the evening. Instead I tried to visit friends during the day when no alcohol was involved. Now booze I never drank I alot anyways just socially. But for me booze and cigarettes are buddies😄 so I stop at two drinks.

I'm so going to deal with the return of school for my boys my oldest handles this very badly. His anxiety is so bad he will spend 5 days before going back crying everyday. And the first day of school is horrible I usually go through at least half a pack by the time I walk home crying after drop off and cry and smoke all day. This year I already have a plan ib place to have a friend ome with me and I will spend the day with them after.

Love me my coffee I do crosswords in the morning now usually have some gum after I'm done my morning coffee as it and cigarettes are also buddies 😄

So it's a lifestyle change that including changing alot of my habits. Good luck I will follow you so I can keep up😊

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply toWitty41

Thanks once agian witty ,our children are everything to us so I understand the worry you must have while your boy is so anxious, if you can not smoke while your boy is so stressed that would be so good,think you are doing the rite thing by meeting up with friends on your boy first day back to school, I hope with all my heart felt that your boys anxiety goes after afew days back in school ,sending you and him my best wishes

Witty41 profile image

Thank you 😊

I’ve tried that many times and I didn’t succeed with it. I used to cut down by smoking a half a cigarette and got down to 2 whole cigs a day. Unfortunately I began to use them as more of a reward than before or focusing on my next smoke more as well. It got to be rather torturous after awhile and when I would try to quit, I would fail not long after.

I can tell you this. There is no way to make withdrawal painless completely. Because that’s what that slow process is that we do to think it’ll make it easier or that the body will just accept it one day and make withdrawal easier. I also tried every nicotine replacement product on the market and it helped to a point. Lol! I found my skin turned black using the patches. The nasal spray stung so bad and I eventually got chronic nosebleeds. The gum was useless. I used wellbutrin without success. I didn’t feel anything with that. The inhaler just burned my throat and I would get nauseated intensely.

I used to use the lozenges and tried to stick to the 12 week regimen but I never made it! Last December I finally figured out that I just had to endure the withdrawal and trying to taper off slowly just wasn’t working for me. So I used the lozenges for 3 days and then went cold turkey after that. My symptoms of withdrawal were the worst the first week with insomnia, headaches, irritability, and hunger. They tapered off each week and I started walking and drinking lots of water. The water definitely helps and can stave off the munchies some as it acts as a filler if you drink it before you eat.

I have been learning to cut out unhealthy habits and people from my existence to promote stress management. That has been key to remaining smoke free for me. It may help to practice any techniques you find before you quit or have them ready to use immediately afterwards. I’ve heard people say that they’re waiting for their lives to not be stressful before they quit. That’ll never happen. Lol! Stress and life still happens to nonsmokers too!

If elongating the quitting process is going to work for you, then great! But in my experience and others’ that I’ve seen, it hasn’t panned out. Accepting that nicotine is a drug and withdrawal is imminent and quicker if one just experiences it with a plan of distractions, a support team of some kind, exercise, lots of water, and knowing your limits and telling others no when necessary will help yourself maintain your desire to quit. Remember, you can quit this dastardly habit. And this forum can help you. Good luck, Alice...!

Alice70 profile image
Alice70 in reply to

Everything you have said ,you are so write ,and makes sense to me ,I have done all the things you have mentioned ,and still smoking ,the reminders you have given me has hit home I am sycing myself up for next Friday, I have some patches ready ,patches only helped me cut down in the past ,so this time I am going to try and use them as they should be used to cut out completely, thank you for your reply ,morphicism

in reply toAlice70

You are very welcome Alice70! Friday, eh? That’s great! Keep this forum handy along with your other supports, doll! 😉

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