Good evening all
Its definitely harder while I'm at home but ha-ho I've got through it again
Its been harder today than it was yesterday
cos in my mind, I have the red demon, who keeps saying '' the cigs are just over there, just go get one you will feel so much better '' but the thing is, they are just a few feet away from me
As you have probably gathered, I've been sucking lozenges and snogggggging the flippin inhalator, I've been rowing, gardening and messing about in my garage today, plus drinking water and breathing exercises ( yes Jillygirl/Andi flippin drinking water
) although saying that, ave cracked a cannie open now slurrrrrrp
That pesky mr nic has been with me most of the day
But I tell you all now, that I feel on top of the World now, cos I know I've beat mr nic at his worse
It's erm, such a great feeling
I cant explane it
erm, if I could float, then I would be floating
Coming down to Earth again, my chest is nolonger tight and although still coughing a bit, its not so bad now which tells me, that my lungs have almost cleaned themselves out
To all you wanaby quitters, please please remember, you have to stay focused and I mean focused on your quit, then you will succeed