Good morning ,afternoon or evening to everyone. I hope you are all feeling ok. Well we have had a rare old weekend on here, but the outcome is we are all friends who genuinely support each other.These things are here to test us out, and at least we didnt fail and reach out for the ciggys instead. So Pete and all the others its Monday and a new fresh start to the week. Have a lovely day. xx
DAILY CHAT/MONDAY/24/02/2014: Good morning... - Quit Support

Morning all
Well said Jilly, a new week and new focus on getting me through it so i can have my first winners badge lol!!!
I think i will be fine, as at least work gives me a routine, sad but true.
It's lovely here in Kent today, the birds are evening singing outside my office window, and we had a rainbow, was all a bit "disney" really lol. Will post pic of the view x
Morning everyone, and morning to Ifeelfine Just catching up on the posts, have been to the daughters for the weekend as it was her birthday, wasn't very well though yesterday with a Migraine, that's the fourth time in a row it's happened now, and I can't understand it as I don't get them any other time !!!
Yes here we go another week, and I'm doing OK with my reduced nic with my e-cig,
Hope everyone's coping OK too with their quitting the cigs.
The problem is Jilly I'm only getting them when I go to stay at the daughters !!! Yes I used to get them years ago when I was under stress working, but haven't troubled with them for years, I know my daughter is worried I won't want to go and stay again, and I must admit
Oops sent that too soon, Doh. I was saying I am worried about going again and feeling the same !!! Just don't know what the answer is, !!!!
Does your daughter have any air freshners she uses , as these can trigger off migraine, even different lighting can do it.
Yes she uses plug in air fresheners, but then I do use them at home and scented candles, but yes could be the lighting !! Hope we get it sorted !!!

Morning All,
I'm back in the land of signal again - we did have limited wifi in Ruthin but it was so temperamental but the rainbows we collected made up for the loss of connection
Very busy on here and I did try and keep up the best I can. However, just looking though my 290 notifications, it seems that I have missed a fair bit. I shall make my way through them all as I can Please accept my apologies now if it seems to be a while before I get round to any 'personals' - I'm just going through them in the order that I come across them
Al, your 4 week Winner's Badge is waiting for you
Mrssunnyside, I'm loving your new Winner's Badge - congratulations
JillyGirl, I'm loving the fresh new start of the week idea - lets get this show on the road
Time for another cuppa me thinks...
Just glad it's a new week.