DAILY CHAT/WEDNESDAY/19/02/2014: Good morning... - Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
38 Replies

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all feeling fine.

Last week we all put what benefits quitting gave us. So today like the picture shows , lets see what advice we can give each other to help quit.

My first bit of advice is to say keep your hands busy.

Lets see what we all come up with .

Have a good day. :)

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jillygirl profile image
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38 Replies
Lenne profile image

Good morning! Another awesome idea, Jillygirl.

My advice: change your routine. If by habit you smoked after dinner go for a small walk, brush your teeth or do the washing up instead. That sort of thing. Make a list of alternative things you can do instead. xxx

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Morning Jilly & Lenne,

Sunny and dry for a change here :)

My advice is no matter how much the craving throws a tantrum, remember you are the boss and no one wants to be a slave to cigarettes :) x

Muddles profile image

Good morning all :) ( well actually it's 11pm Wednesday here but I can't sleep!)

All great advice above by the way and to add my 2 bits worth to it........ask for help! The best person to talk to at weakened moments is another 'quitter'! If you have no one close by just jump on here!

And one bit of advice I read on here (emjay I think I have to thank?) is that a craving only lasts a few minutes. Any time that I think I might weaken I take a few deep breaths of fresh air and know that it will pass. And guess what? It does!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a great day full of sunshine and lollipops :)

EmJay profile image

Hey Everyone,

Ooooh... I'm liking this one JillyGirl :-)

My advice is to remember that you can if you think you can, and that the craving will go away - whether you choose to have a cigarette or not :-)

Have a lovely day everyone, sweet dreams Mardi :-)

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER

My advice is to keep reminding yourself why you are doing this!

(Although I'm struggling so bad today I could do with remembering my own advice)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Hey Rainbow, why you struggling today honey? whats different to yesterday? are you under stress?x

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to Pinkiezoom

Nothing is different. I just really really fancy a smoke today. The last few days I've quite fancied one. Now I'm desperate.

I'm going to try go to a knitting group this afternoon. Hopefully helping others will help me not smoke

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Seems like a good plan hun, and it will give your hands something to do :) x

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to Pinkiezoom

I did so well. Until they all went for their smoke break. I thought I was going to cry with need. Somehow managed though

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Well done hun, see you have the fight in you :) proud of ya, dont feel jealous of them as you are not being deprived of anything, you are the one gaining as a non smoker woooohoooo xx

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to Pinkiezoom

Thanks Hun. Whys is so bloomin hard?

mrssunnyside profile image

Helping others is a good one Rainbow, :-) my advise is :- To become a Healthy older person, and not be a burden on anyone due to ill health through smoking, so keep up the exercising and sensible eating and drinking, :-)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to mrssunnyside

Hey Mrssunnyside, I like you advice....<hides half eaten double decker >l!!!! it is my intention eventually, just need to get over the first few weeks of being a non smoker and then i will look at the rest of my lifestyle choices, which are lacking at best lol!! :( x

mrssunnyside profile image

Hey Pinkie, You know what they say :- everything in moderation !!! Well I had a 'Chunky KikKat ' after lunch !!!! :-* Just got off the exercise bike !!!!! :-D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to mrssunnyside

I`ve been fancying a mars bar all day but didn`t give in. Had melon instead.

mrssunnyside profile image

Oh no I don't like melon, I did have a ' Cox's ' apple with my lunch, Shame about the chunky kitkat though !!! :-P :-D

Kaprin profile image

Know that you are not alone we are all in this together and help pick one another up when low but we also share all things good and above all smile x

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Well its games night tonight (snooker and darts) so wont be back till late. thank you all for all your advice. Anyone got any ideas for tomorrows challenge(daily chat) . :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Yeah !!

How do you sort 1 brain cell out ?

Hmmm, mind you, thinking about that :o what would happen if I had 2 or even 3 brain cells :o :o :o That would be just unthinkable !! :D :D


Enjoy your snooker and darts night Jillygirl, erm would you like to borough my specks gal :D :D

Hi All

Since stopping I have developed an interest in tea...not just the regular PG etc but more exotic varieties. When I want a smoke I choose a tea. It kind of feels like I have had a reward then....a bit like when you have a cig. I know it won't work for everyone but it's less fattening than getting a passion for all things sweet/ chocolates. Also it helps with getting enough fluids.

Hey Pinkyzoom, did you get the Wii?

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to

No I didn't get one Hun they didn't have any second hand ones :( will let you know when I do x

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to

What kind of tea Rozi? I've discovered the joy of fruit tea. Right in time for Twinings to bring out a whole new range

in reply to Rainbowlilybet

Loads.......how do you fancy licorice allsort or after dinner mint? Your best bet is to go onto the Twinings shop website and have a browse. They have far more than you would find on your local supermarket shelves. They also have accessories!! The link is shop.twinings.co.uk.

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to

Thanks I'll go have a look!

I know there not easy to find....keep in touch x

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Well done Ellie,proud of you.I've also had a bit of a struggle today,my first birthday smoke free in I'm not sure HOW long! My advice would be have lots if healthy snacks available & NOT wine gums and Haribo. :) For my birthday my fab hubby gave me a September holiday back in one of my most favourite places on earth Thailand (we've been 4 times this will be number 5!!) Stay focused and hope those nicodemons aren't too troublesome.Hugs as always Helen

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to yellowsnowdrop



H, it sounds like your hubby know just which buttons to press eh :) :) You have got something really nice to look forwards too :) :)

Ermmmm, is Thailand somewhere near Skeggy :o :D :D

Luv n huggs heading your way gal :) and hey, not tooooo many glasses of wine eh :o

Speak soon, Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to yellowsnowdrop

Message for Helen, message for Helen!

Enjoy what's left of your birthday - many happy returns. :) Andi xx


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Hey, Andi you running again yet gal ?

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to yellowsnowdrop

Happy birthday Helen.

Nicodemons! Love it

Very jealous about Thailand. And with all the money you are saving without cigs, you can buy a whole new wardrobe to take with you

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply to yellowsnowdrop

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HELEN, and wow Thailand, now thats a birthday present indeed :) x

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Yep regards the Skeggy bit Pete,just up the road and turn left !! Thank you for the birthday wishes x Catch up later x


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to yellowsnowdrop

:D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Jillygirl and everbody :) :) I hope you all had a lovely fresh air day :)

My advice isssssss, when you first quit, you get yourself syked up and focused ready for your quit, which ever way and what ever you choose to help you :) well, you have to keep this focus, erm, positiveness with you all the time, so when mr nic strikes, you CAN fight back, and WIN :) :)

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Thanks Andi, fab pic. Hugs H x

EmJay profile image

Evening All :-)

Just thought I'd pop my head around the door and see if you're all okay.

Ellie, I hope you're feeling heaps better. Look for the positive in that your body and mind is showing all the right signs that you are heading in the right direction in this whole stopping smoking journey :-)

Happy, happy birthday Helen it sounds like you've had a lovely day and what a lovely gift! Thailand is on my list of places to visit. I'd never even considered going in September... so I may come back to you sometime for advice :-)

Rozi, drinking tea is a great idea - I love my tea leaf tea as opposed to tea bags :-)

JillyGirl, hope you're doing well at snooker and darts :-)

Lenne, some great tips there. Lovely to see you about again... 'tis like the 'old days' ;-)

Al, I had a sneaky double decker earlier. Yummy yummy :-) Great to see you're doing so well :-)

Kaprin, that's lovely advice :-)

Mardi, big waves to you. I'm not really sure what time it is for you now but if it's night time when you read ths in the morning, feel free to open up the daily chat and we'll all look forward to reading it... Not sure if that makes sense now that I read it back?! :-/ :-)

Pete, big luvz n hugz being sent to you and I hope things start getting easier for you retry darn soon. Here when you're ready mister :-)

Mrssunnyside, I like the idea of becoming a healthy older person too :-)

Hey Andi, my press ups have been binned... I'm rubbish aren't I?! I wouldn't mind but I kept them up even all the way through a nasty cold I had, missed them one night and then that was it.. Over! Shall have to get myself back on track again pretty soon :-/ :-)

Big waves to anyone else just having a nosie ;-)

Rainbowlilybet profile image
Rainbowlilybet9 MONTH WINNER in reply to EmJay

You know what Emjay, I hope I speak on behalf of everyone when in say it's very much appreciated that you take the time to answer to everyone who has commented individually.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Emjay, I will let you know as soon as I get back on track, Thank you for being here :) :) xxxxx

I will have to say goodnight to you all now, cos am noddin see :o I hope you all have a lovely nights sleep and will be ready for anythink that mr nic chucks at you :) :)

Sweet dreams everybody and God bless you all :) :) xx

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