Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well. Yesterday we all got together and listed our benefits of stopping smoking. So today how about we list the negatives. Mine is getting cancer. Lets see how many we can come up with.
have a good day
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well. Yesterday we all got together and listed our benefits of stopping smoking. So today how about we list the negatives. Mine is getting cancer. Lets see how many we can come up with.
have a good day
Good morning Jilly and everyone.
Your hooray! is a bit ambitious today. It's p***ing down and blowing a hooley (just for a change) down here on the south coast. I've got to go out and about in it today, coffee morning first then try to visit my friend who's moved out to the Forest. I keep hearing about bad traffic and closed roads due to flooding so not sure how/if I'll get there.
She picked the right winter to move out of town!
I'll ponder some of the negatives when I'm sat in the car and come and let you know later. Have a good day.
Morning All,
Yup same here in Kent too, very wet and windy ... the weather not me lol!!
My negative is the £45,990.00 i have spent on cigarettes in the last 21 years ( obviously a bit of a rough guess as the cost of smokes gone up, and not always smoked 20 a day ) but it will be in that region somewhere!!!
Soooo shocking as my first house cost....£18,495.00.
Hope everyone has a safe and smoke free day x
Thank you so much for the welcome!! Its nice to know that people care.
Hey everyone! The weather is seriously not pleasant. I live right on the seafront on the south coast and I need milk but there's no way I am going out in this, I will fly away I will have my granola without milk this morning, methinks.
My therapist tells me not to focus on negatives or it makes me eat the wallpaper (kidding..or am I)?
Aww Lenne no milk thats a poor do.Lets hope the floods soon go for you.
Were on snow alert. 20 miles north of us have been hit hard so we're just waiting.
So my negative has to be like yesterday, the not having to go outside for a smoke
Morning Jilly and everyone, Just light rain and quite calm here so far, I think tomorrow is going to be worse here.
My negatives are - The money I have wasted all my life, and how I let smoking rule my life !!
Hope everyone has a Happy day, x.
Hi. I'm new to the site and stopped smoking on Sunday in Memory of my Nanna who died of Lung Cancer and to raise money for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. I agree with the money I have spent. Having decided that I will donate 90 Days of Smoking Money I realised that this equates to £693 A shocking amount really!! A good incentive is that Friends and Family are also sponsoring me and I don't like letting people down, with the money I save so far I've raised over £1000. I believe and speak only for myself that smoking is progressive and went from 20 to nearly 40 a day when I was under a lot of stress and ended up being more stressed and depressed due to the amount I have been spending. Getting cold and getting dirty looks from people when smoking is definitely a negative and seeing your two year old nephew mimiking you smoking is bad too. Oh and watching my mother struggling to breathe while inhaling a cigarette is another negative. Being out of breath when doing anything that requires any amount of energy!! The list goes on. Hmm what did I get from Smoking? Cold, Breathless, Smelly and depressed
Well done on raising £1000 thats brilliant. Welcome to the site. I agree smoking does you no favours as I too found out the hard way after having lung cancer. Luckily I am all clear now. Keep up the good work.
Hi Chrissy and welcome, good for you hun, and wow what an achievement to raise £1000.
Yeah it is amazing how much we spend on the nasty little white sticks of death! i was basically working one week a month to pay for my habit!!!
Hey Everyone,
Sorry I'm only just popping my head around the door here, one is chasing one's tail today and it's taken some time
Another great start to the day JillyGirl
My negative about smoking is for the control that it HAD over me. A control that had me feeling almost helpless really. For something that doesn't have a mind or a heartbeat - It doesn't half control a fair part of your life. Considering it's not alive, it has a rather loud voice that is able to shout from the roof tops at you until you succumb to it's powers.
It's only now that I realise I gave it the power initially. However, I've now taken the control back
Andi, hope you don't end up stranded with your pants rolled up at the bottom! Take care Missus
Lenne, wallpaper tasting isn't so bad if you are round at Willy Wonka's place
Smokefreelife, welcome to our happy place There are lots of friendly folk around to help you to get to where you want to be
Al, that's a fair whack of pennies to spend only to go up in smoke
Mrssunnyside, enjoy the quiet and calm weather whilst you can
Ellie, see that you have everything in that you need before the snow hits - then you can stay in all toasty and warm
Chrissy_Fur, welcome aboard to Quit Support Well done to you on raising so much so far already, that's amazing. If you have a Justgiving page, let me know and I'll make sure we post it out on Twitter for you
You are doing ever so well. Stay positive and we'll see you through to a smokefree lifestyle
Hi all
A negative for me was having a horrid cough most of the time, thank god that has gone now
Thanks everyone for the supportive messages yesterday much appreciated. Today is my first day without a patch on and so far so good. I've sucked one lozenge today though when the craving got intense. I would've probably sucked more if they tasted ok but they taste rotten so only using when absolutely need to, which I think is a good thing so only getting a small amount of nicotine
Hope everyone else is doing ok today.