WEDNESDAY/DAILY CHAT/ 04/12/2013: Good morning... - Quit Support

Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
10 Replies

Good morning you lovely people, Hope you are all well , slept well and raring to go. :)

Congratulations to Marion0151 on reaching 8 months. :)

Congratulations to Kronoskeylock on reaching 4 weeks. :)

Everyone on here is a winner :)

Lawnranger, Hope you managed to get some sleep eventually.

Jonathan have a lovely nope day. : )

Ysd., hope you are ok and not too worried about the op or your weight. :)

Kaldon22 , hope the memory has improved. I am posting an article about memory.

Pete, Hope your day is going quick for you . nearly the weekend, hang in there. :)

Emjay kettles on ! :) :) :)

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jillygirl profile image
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10 Replies
michaelbinns profile image

You are all legends for quitting im cut down to about 1 or 2 a day a.t.m but some days i go smoke free. Im working for a health charity that is working on a intervention to get young people healthier and to quit smoking is a big part of that. Any tips or things you might know to help me just let me know. Thanks

in reply to michaelbinns

Hello Michael. People must be very busy today as normally you would have had lots of replies by now. That's really good cutting down to just 2 a day. I was doing that about this time last year, its soooo hard to do that. You must be quite strong to not have any at all some days.

I think its brilliant to try and get the very young to try and stop now before it becomes a part of every aspect of their emotional life. Perhaps you could direct them to this site just to have a read. The trouble is when you're just a teenager or even in your 20's you tend to think of people in their 50's and 60's as being at the end of their life. I suppose we are really but I'm sure we'd all like to keep going as long as we can :) They think that they'll stop when they're a bit older or by the time they're 50 or 60 they won't really be bothered if smoking kills them. So here we all are in our 50's and 60's with lots still to do and enjoy in life, trying desperately to rid ourselves of smoking and nicotine before it affects our health so badly that we can't enjoy it or worse still it kills us.

There are members with COPD, one lady, Jillygirl who has recovered from lung cancer and another lady who is currently undergoing treatment for lung cancer so there are lessons to be learned on here for younger people just starting out on their smoking career.

Anyways to your own quit. Tips? Well you seem to be doing very well up to now. Trying to keep up the 2 cigs a day is incredibly difficult though, I remember. Have you considered NRT or there are a couple of people on here who have successfully quit cold turkey, eeek, I could never do that.

How about Champix? I stopped with Champix in January but I made the mistake of also taking Nicotine lozenges too. It's not easy with Champix but it does take some of the craving away, but for me obviously not enough and now I'm still hooked on Nicotine both with lozenges and to a lesser extent with an e-cig. How about an e-cig? Although I suppose if you're working with young people and you're trying to set an example with smoking you can't really be seen using an e-cig.

Keep going, you're doing well and welcome to the site by the way.

Oh well I'm going now as everyone seems to have left the country :o you know something I don't? ;)

Hello to Pete, hope you're OK, never mind, only 2 more days left to go. I'm off this week - yay :)

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Weight is still a worry but I'm still smoke free HOORAH !! Jilly, you're such a star for asking, You've really made my day.x

EmJay profile image

Good (very late) evening to you all!

I am so sorry I've not made it on any earlier. We've had a busy day at work today and on top of everything are having a move around between offices. By the time I finished what I needed doing it was almost 6.00pm. I was meeting my friend at 7.30pm to go to see Diversity at the Liverpool Echo Arena. So had to rush home, have my tea and get back out again! Phew!

I hope you've all had a good day.

Well done to you YellowSnowDrop - I hope you are as chuffed with yourself as we are of you :D

Sin, thanks for the great advice you've given to Michael above. I bet you are well looking forward to your days off! I'm not in until Tuesday now but will still be about on here :D

Michael, welcome to our happy place :D It is usually quite busy here, everyone loving to have a good old natter. We've had a few projects working with young people. I might be able to share some information with you. Sounds like you are doing well so far on your own stopping smoking journey. We're more than happy to support you along the way :-)

JillyGirl, I love your memory post. Lots of very good information in it, thanks for sharing :-)

Big waves to Pete, I hope they never kept you too late in that there work place! :-/

Right, would you look at the time?! I have an early start tomorrow with a drive down to London with my friend. I should be able to pop on first thing in the morning, if not I'll be on tomorrow evening :-)

Good night for now everyone.


michaelbinns profile image
michaelbinns in reply to EmJay

hello you mentioned share of information? and i was thinking how i could convince young people to this site and listed to some of your stories it would be really good , especialy the bad ones (scare tactics).

MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to michaelbinns

I personally think that young people wont listen or care. I never when I was at that age! I was invincible, nothing could hurt me. And who cares, 40, 50 60 years old is ages away, I will deal with it then!

Unfortunately I am now dealing with this hence why I'm on this site now! - I believe the only way to stop young people from smoking is to to ban the sale of fags altogether.

If I couldn't of brought a fag when I was 17, I could not of started smoking! - Is that just to simple?

I would love to see a campaign where all fags are banned from sale from all shops. If current smokers want to smoke then it's prescription only from the doctor!

This is just my view, although it can't hurt to try and educate the young ones..

michaelbinns profile image
michaelbinns in reply to MMoo

fully understand what your saying but we have to try. and i wish we could ban cigerattes or even take all the chemicals out but we cant so we have to come up with innovatve ideas to encourage young people to quit or not start in the first place and what you can do is halp get plain packets in the uk, it worked in OZ so it could work over here

MMoo profile image
MMoo in reply to michaelbinns

Agreed that we should never give up trying but I also have to disagree that we could never ban the fag!

If you got enough supporters governments would have to listen. And the best way to spread the msg is though social media. Facebook and tweeter could be the key, maybe?

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Nite nite everybody :) you have all given me some ermmm, interesting reading eh :o :)

Sweet dreams to you all, and I hope you all have a lovely nights kip :) zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Lawnranger, am off up that wooden hill gal :D hmmmm, I'm still thinking about making a lift :o orrrr, maybe it will be easier to kip in my garage, cos thats downstairs :| :D

Luvs ya alllllllllll :) xxxxxx

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