I'm so so glad I've found this website, it is helping such a lot I feel so much better knowing there are others out there fighting with this flippin process, and for those of you who have cracked it and are so happy to give great advice. Just wanted to say thank you to you all.
Baby now that I've found you I won't let you go! - Quit Support
Baby now that I've found you I won't let you go!

I'm just now into the start of week 3 and for the first time it's starting to get easier.Didn't use my ECig until about an hour after I got up this a.m and haven't used it in the last 5 hrs.Hooray!! We CAN do this.Welcome Friend just shout out if you need a helping hand

Friezfriend its lovely that we all appreciate each other. WELCOME TO THE HOUSE OF FUN! I`m sure you are of age.
Seriously i think most of us find this site really useful and it certainly helped me quit smoking and i have such lovely friends on here too.

Hi ya Friezfriend, its lovely to see you and I wish you a big warm welcome to this lovely site
If you need flippin help, then come on here and flippin shout about it ok
Hi Friezfriend,
thanks for posting your comment on how helpful the forum is really encouraging for us all.Pleased to hear its going well for you.