DAILY CHAT WEDNESDAY 27TH MARCH 2013 Isn't ... - Quit Support

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DAILY CHAT WEDNESDAY 27TH MARCH 2013 Isn't reading much easier when its all in one place? ......

22 Replies

Good morning each! What another beautiful day - snowing like the clappers yet again but it's nearly the weekend and just think, come just after din din time, we'll have less to do than we've already done so the lllooonnngggggggg weekend will be here before we know it.

I must tell everyone that I really do appreciate all the replies I have received to my question which I posted yesterday - very helpful and interesting reading. It is always advantageous to know how other people cope with their illness and pick up hints and tips because sometimes what works on one illness also works on another.

I do know that in a lot of ways I am extremely lucky as there are an awful lot of people out there who are a lot, lot worse off than me and I do count my blessings but sometimes, like others, when you're in the middle of an 'episode' you become very selfish and your thoughts are only for you.

Are we all going to have an absolutely brilliant and smoke free day today? YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course we are. Day 17 for me and I really will have to try and get to know and remember where others are in their smoke free life but whatever day/week/month/year you are on - CONGRATULATIONS AND CELEBRATIONS!!!

Together we can do this! Together we are so strong! Together we will beat Mr. Nic so badly he won't ever want to come back!

I don't know about others but for me this time it just seems SO RIGHT and maybe it is a mind thing and apart from two "near misses" so far it has been not easy but easier than I expected after the last times I've stopped.

Perhaps it is a mind thing - perhaps this time my mind has twigged on to the fact that I WANT to stop possibly that I NEED to stop for various reasons including health and wealth! But whatever the reason I am finding it, with your help, possible to do the impossible and I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Well everyone, what ever you're doing today have a good one. May get back on tonight but may not - I bet you just can't wait, can you?! The suspense?! Watch this space!

Have a super day all and remember, TIME IS PRECIOUS SO WASTE IT WISELY!

Take care and wrap up warm as it's bl***y freezing out there!


22 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Morning buttons, 17days is brill. Have a super day and dont work too hard. See you later. :)

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Great achievmement, I hope that I will get there as well. As you say it is a lot easier to read one blog. Take care and keep smiling suecx

EmJay profile image

Good Monring, Good Morning :-)

I have gremlins lurking about... just trying to catch them and then show them the door, I'll through them all out to the deep blue sea with everyones cravings :-/

I popped up a couple of posts last night that came up twice, deleted one, they both went and then I couldn't get on this morning. Going to have to ask our Mr IT Man can I have my old 'chrome' back, it seemed to give me less troublw than whatever I'm on now - Internet Explorer I think.

It's now starting to snow again here, looks beautiful actually. I don't think its going to stick though.

Lovely to see we have another volunteer to 'open shop', gives Pete a lie in, JillyGirl some time to pull her Norah's up and Andi a chance to go for an extra run :D

More time for me and Sue to pop the kettle on a tad more often then ;-)

I have such a long 'To Do' list with work in general, taking time off leaves a long trail of catch up. Today though is a good day for a serious catch up with folk on here...

There seems to be lots of anniversaries coming up, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year! Wherever you are at, well done to you :-) If you are just venturing out into your 1st hour of your first morning, remember to keep that cheesy smile going as there will be somedays where Nasty Nic will try and wipe it away, we'll be with you through it all though.

Right, kettle is on what's the round? :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Good morning, Emjay Sorry missed the morning tea round. Busy trying to do something with my thinning hair. Flippin chemo! Hopefully it should be getting out of my system soon. Consultant says another month and should be getting back to normal. As for Nora battys I don't need them anymore. Doc reckoned it was part of the cancer symptom. So poor pete cant look at the wrinkles anymore. Got enough on my face. : D

seeing I missed this morning how about elevenses . :)



dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Morning all - Day 10 for me and Simba! Hope everyone is OK and

staying strong and focused! I've been trying to put this on for ages,

think the gremlins are about!

Anyway have a lovely day everyone!

Dawn xxx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Nice to hear from you Dawn, was getting a bit worried1! Nearly two weeks, but must admit do not feel much better for stiopping, had this before and thats why I re-started but have you to keep me going this time. Sue cs

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Yes my love we are in this together...lol! Stay strong, wev'e done 10

days so I think the worst part is over, hopefully!

Take care and have a good day!

Dawn xxx

EmJay profile image

Morning Dawn, same here with the Gremlins! Lovely to see you about again :-)

Hey Simba, there are many, many positive changes going on inside your body that you are not aware of. Can you think about how you would be feeling if you still smoked? Are there any positive or negative aspects that spring to mind?

Both of you are doing brilliantly and as Mad says, sometimes you have to 'trick' your mind and tell yourself something enough until your mind believes it... use this in a positive way and you will have positive outcomes.


thenunn profile image

Morning all :) Dawn and Simba well done ..you are both doing great ! Mad does say some great stuff :) Buttons well done you're doing great too :) Jillygirl hope all going well for you ,certainly sounds like you're smiling :) Emjay ..thank you for this site it is certainly the best Ive come across.

Well I have one job im due to start on the 8th and an interview for another on the 7th lol which I will go for as I think id prefer it. DWP have just stopped my benefit even though nothing has changed,so I have the pleasure of another appeal ..its a crazy world well uk system . We've had little flakes of snow falling so soft and slow beautiful to watch and disappear into for a while..we wont get anything else here on the coast it has to be serious before we get real snow.

Right Im just off to drive my lady to see her husband will be back later (excuse spelling errors meds again lo)

love and hugs Jan xx

sue52 profile image

Good Morning everyone,

Congratulations Buttons on day 17, and Dawn and Suec on day 10, your all beating nic brilliantly, keep going strong :)

I ditched Internet explorer a while ago Emjay, it was useless, so it's google chrome for me, hope you get it fixed soon :) I missed the cuppa, i managed to get a lie in today, so i have the kettle on now if you want a cup :)

I'm sure your hair looks lovely Jillygirl :) bet you'll be glad when all the chemo's gone though, as for wrinkles on your face, you should see mine :D :D :)

I'm away to get my cuppa now, stay strong everyone, we'll do this together :) xx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

You keep strong John, you can keep on the cigs and time is a great healer. You never forget but things do get easier. Thinking of you and those two lovely birds of yours. Sue cx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Sorry should have said OFF the cigs, lack of nic is making the brain go haywire!! suecx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi everybody :)

Dont know whether you've all gone to bed yet or not :o :) will go and do some reading now, back soon :)

Oy Chickles, erm did you have a dream about me last night ?? cos I woke up this morning with a flippin sorrrrrre flippin throat gal :P :P :D now I think its turning into flippin Woman flue :o :| thankyou Jan, flippin luv ya tooooo :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

40 What !!!!! hmmmm you mean cakes :D :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Now where would they have a cake party, I wonder :o :P :P my mouths watering already JC :)

Hya Pete, aww, that woman/man flu is horrible, you look after yourself with some lemsip. My nose is feeling a little fuzzy too but then every single person in my family has had it except me.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to

Aup Sinfree, I hope your well :) :)

Are you a mind reader :o cos have just downed a lemsip !!! made with warm water :) not flippin lager, before you say anything :D :D

in reply to monky

made with warm water and washing down with lager :D only messin. Aww that's a shame just in time for Easter as well. I don't know, you work every week from Christmas to Easter and then end up poorly when it's time to be off. Hope it doesn't hang around for too long.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hiya Mad, huh typical flippin Woman, take that :P :D :D

Aww, hope he soon gets better, sounds like he might be on the mend John.

Aww, it's awful the bug that's going around, it's not far removed from proper flu, really takes it out of people and is taking over a week to go. I will not be best impressed if anyone at work has it when I go in tomorrow after the lengths me and my hubby have gone to this week to avoid me catching it off him.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

I will try some of that Mad :) hmmmmm :o

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