DAILY CHAT/ FRIDAY/ 20/09/2013: Good morning... - Quit Support

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DAILY CHAT/ FRIDAY/ 20/09/2013

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
39 Replies

Good morning,

It`s a beautiful morning this morning. Blue sky, Sun shine , birds singing, I have just counted 15 magpies in the field outside our flat. Don't know if that has a rhyme for that many. i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/200...

Such a lovely day we shouldn`t be smoking and spoiling all the fresh air we breathe.

May be off for a walk later , before the weather changes its mind. :)

Catch up later. Have a lovely smoke-free day. xx

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jillygirl profile image
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39 Replies
sue52 profile image

Good morning Jillygirl and everyone,

I love your pic Jillygirl :) we have a nice day here as well so i might join you and go out a walk seen i've been ill in bed the past few days. We're moving on the 1st October so i can have a day off from packing today, think i need to get my strength up for that :D

That's a lot of magpies, i've never seen that many at once, you better not leave anything shiny by an open window :D :)

I'm sorry to hear you have diabetes but i'm sure you'll manage that easily.

As i'm just up i'm off for a cuppa if anyone wants one, see you later :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tosue52

Hi Sue, so glad your back we have missed you. Hope your feeling ok now. Brill news about your flat. You take it easy. catch up later. xx :)

EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everyone,

Sue, sorry to hear that you've been poorly, I assumed that the hubby had packed you away ready to move :D Glad you have a moving date, you'll soon be able to put your feet up :D

JillyGirl, I'm not sure what 15 Magpies mean, maybe they were having some sort of get together? A reunion maybe? :D :D

Lots to do today, hope I manage to get it all 'ticked off' from my to-do list!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toEmJay

Hi Emjay I have decided its 1 magpie telling his family he has got 2 secrets. :P

andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly, Sue and everyone.

Back from my hols now and need to catch up with the gossip - sorry you've got diabetes Jilly and that you've been poorly Sue. :( Glad to know you're moving though. :)

Yes, I've brought the sun back from Spain with me. 8-) My grass is looking green again but still has some brown patches in it. I think the rain that has fallen in my absence will make my soil diggable so will look forward to a bit of that later. Meantime, I've got to get back into my fitness regime and it looks like perfect cycling weather today. It's going to be really hard work after spending 10 days lying on a sunbed by the pool or on the beach! ;-) :D :D

See you later. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toandi22

Hi Andi, lovely that your back. I bet it feels cold now your back home, or is it still warm down there.

Enjoy your gardening and will catch up later. xx :)

EmJay profile image

Hey Andi, lovely to see you back. I could do with a bit of sunny, sun, sunshine myself and a shed load of lying on a sunbed chillaxing! 8-) 8-)

Welcome back :D

sue52 profile image

Hi all,

My hubby would have packed me away Emjay but he needed me to make his tea :D :D

It's great to have you back Andi :) I can't wait till mine in February.

I will be taking it easy today Jillygirl, sitting with my feet up in the peace and quiet since hubby's away decorating, bliss :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

OY! Pete and Jonathan what are you up to now? Eating choccy cake I bet. :D




sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply tojillygirl

:D :D :D :D

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hello Jilly, Emjay, Sue, Andi, Pete & you all

Been feeling a little low today - just out of sorts - drank far too much strong coffee last night so maybe that is it !!

(was driving so only had two glasses before you ask Pete). We all have days like this and it will pass, had a few cravings today but that is okay they have / will also pass.... "in the front door and out the back door " (thanks Emjay that was such a clever way of looking at it).

Jilly - sorry we mentioned choccy cake but I am sure you are allowed one slice - have Pete's I wont tell him !!

Andi - welcome back & hope you had a great holiday

Sue - lucky you can make tea !! Good luck with the move etc.

Kindest regards



jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Cheer up Jonathan, don't like it when your feeling down. :(


And this is for you too with fresh cream. :)


Eye_ profile image

Hi Jonathan

Sorry to hear you have had a bit of a rubbish day. Have you got anything planned for the weekend to lift your spirits?

The good thing is that you have obviously learned how to kick these cravings in the butt because as you say 'in the front door, out the back' just cast your mind back a few weeks and consider how much more difficult it was then and how proud you are to proclaim your NOPE. I always think of you when I hear that and quote it to the clients I support face to face.

Today is drawing to its close so forget it and move on, that's what the great Champs do and that is how they become winners. That's what you are....a winner.

Saturday is calling

weather been crap here, when is it anything else. No rain just overcast, dull and miserable. Well I think so anyway, not taken much notice. Am in vile mood so am saying no more. Glad you had a good holiday andi, hello everyone else. Only on my second lozenge of the day, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :( :( BAD, BAD MOOD. :( Not helped one bit by glass of wine with my tea, wine seems to make me even worse when I'm tired.

Eye_ profile image

Hi Sin

Must be something in the air today! 2 lozenges is really good. Is there nothing on the telly you fancy? Or a book you want to get lost in? It's 'soaps' night for me , catching up on the weeks stories. Got my washing on the go as well, will feel pleased with myself tomorrow if I get it all done.

Chin up Sin

in reply toEye_

I was just commenting on facebook how very cheery and uplifting Coronation Street is tonight and if my sons status is anything to go by, glad I don't watch Emmerdale too. Oh well Peers Morgan is on at nine, and even though I can't stand the man, I do quite like the program itself. Then I think I will carry on with Free Country a book about two lads cycling from Lands End to John O Groats with no money. Its the funniest book I've read in a long time, will be very sad when it finishes, it would make a brilliant film. Had no nicotine of any kind until 1.30pm. I umm overdosed last night - ooops. Was fine one minute then the remains of a lozenge dissolved in my throat - next minute ugggh, have never felt so sick, heart beating 90 to the dozen, it only lasted a few minutes then I was fine again so I think it must have been too much nicotine. So decided I really must try very hard not to have any today. By 1.30, I was very agitated and annoyed, sooooo addicted, am sick of it.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

hi Sin have you thought about buying some throat lozenges , and have one of those now and again instead of the nrt ones. if its habit and not the nicotine it may work. :)

in reply tojillygirl

Aww thanks jilly but sadly no its definitely the nicotine. I still get really bad cravings when I go a long time without lozenges. I did go from getting up at 6.30 til about 11.00am before the cravings started though. And I did quite well at getting over them at first but then I lost concentration and was trying to send emails, answer the phone, take messages and letting people in and out the door at lunch time and just started getting more and more short tempered until I let someone in and unintentionally must have given him the blackest look ever, cos he stopped and asked me what was wrong - ooops. He does smoke though and has quit in the past so luckily he understood when I explained and was very nice about it all.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Oh dear, never mind its all part of the big struggle to get free from old nic. You will do it just keep on trying. even the lozenges are better than the ciggys. I shall try and get my 1 brain cell working to see if I think of anything. :)

in reply tojillygirl

still only 2 lozenges today. Am going to bed soon so hopefully I won't have any more today so that's good. And tomorrows a new day.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

Sinfree, you have done so so flippin well gal, DONT YOU EVEN THINK about it !!

Look Sinfree, I know you are a Woman, and a stroppy one at that :o :P, but a luvs ya :) Rite gal, your like me, you have to get through the STRESS levels, find somethink to relieve it :) like deep breaths, exercise, thumping somethink, playing with yourself, picking your flippin nose :P :D :D anythink :) somethink to distract you from the norm :)

Take care Sinfree, luvs ya gal :) :)

in reply tomonky

:D :D Ok , I will try my best, haha a stroppy woman, :D I like that, unfortunately I am stroppy, I so wish I wasn't, am sure I'd do so much better with less strops.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toEye_

Hi Eye you look very happy with yourself


Eye_ profile image
Eye_ in reply tojillygirl

You've been peeking

andi22 profile image

Evening all.

Well I haven't caught up with everything yet but I see Sin and Jonathan are having real craving problems - I so feel for you both. :( Jonathan, I can remember that a couple of months in the cravings really hit with a vengeance! I dealt with it by shouting, coming on here for a rant and stuffing my face. :o I hope it subsides a bit more soon for you. :)

Sin, now you're a completely different kettle of fish. ;-) Maybe you and I could do that road trip you're reading about - I'd help you keep on the straight and narrow. :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Aup Andi, its lovely to have you back gal :) :)

I suspect you have got as wet as us in Spain :| cos its bin just brill here gal 8-) 8-)

:P :P :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Aup Pete, yep, I got very wet in Spain - in the pool, in the sea and in the shower every day. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Huh, typical flippin Woman :P :P :D :D :D

in reply toandi22

umph, its a long, long way. Would be fun though.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Maybe I should get this book - from the library, maybe? :)

in reply toandi22

You could try. Not sure if it's just a kindle book. Will have a look. You can actually read kindle books directly in your browser now which I only found out yesterday. So you don't even have to download any software any more. Free Country by George Mahood. They have a facebook page too, though there's not very much on it. It is published in paperback, bit expensive to buy though at £10.99 :o

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Sin, I just read an American site, where someone was like you addicted to lozenges. He gradually introduced nicotine gum instead. Then kept replacing the gum with ordinary gum . It took him about 3 months but is now off cigs and nrts completely. He admitted it was a rocky ride. :)

in reply tojillygirl

eeeek, can't go back to nicotine gum, I used to chew that when I still smoked. I think the gum is even worse for teeth and gums than lozenges. My teeth have already deteriorated from when I stopped smoking which is why am trying to get rid of the lozenges. Keep wondering about patches but I used them years ago on some other quit attempt, was very allergic to the glue on them, the itching and soreness got to be unbearable in the end. Have even wondered about going back to Champix but I had back ache all the time with that. :o

yellowsnowdrop profile image

Hey there everyone, really happy it's Friday :) I'm now finished day 11 and am trying to get rid of my ECig in favour of an inhilator with a fairly low dose cartridge, worries me a bit but no harm in trying!! Had a fairly bad day because of my back pain but all my own fault sadly as I walked far too far yesterday as also on my first week at weight watchers!! To those who maybe aren't feeling too good or have had a bad day, take heart tomorrow will be better I absolutely promise.Hugs to all. H

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toyellowsnowdrop

Hi ya H, you are doing so so flippin great gal, 11 days quit, :) :)

Erm, am not sure about your back pain, BUT from my experience, I would either quit smoking, or diet, not both together :o

You take care now gal, luv and huggs to you too :)

Pete :)

in reply toyellowsnowdrop

Hi snowdrop, I agree with Pete. I tried dieting not that long after I stopped smoking and I couldn't do it, its just too much deprivation all at the same time - no fun. Perhaps as a compromise you could try staying at the weight you're at for the time being and try not to put on any more. Once you feel much more confident with your stopping smoking you could try dieting if you feel you need to. You're doing really well. Mind you you say its your first week at Weightwatchers so you'll have paid a joining fee now. Did they not offer any advice as you obviously can't exercise much because of your back.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Jillygirl, just looooooooooove the opening pic gal :D :D :D

Rite am off up the wooden hill again, cos am cream crackered :( so I will say good night to all of you out there :) and good luck on your quit :) just try to keep positive if you can, cos I know, it helps meeeeeeee :)

Luvs ya all to bits :) Pete :) xxxx

in reply tomonky

Night Pete, see you tomorrow. Sleep well.

Well I feel the need for another lozenge coming on so I'm going to go take off my makeup and get ready for bed, drink my tea and clean my teeth so I can't have one. Night everyone, sleep tight.

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