DAILY CHAT/TUESDAY/03/09/2013: Good morning... - Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
17 Replies

Good morning , How is everyone this morning? Well yesterday eventually got busy on here, I see we are setting up our own music group. I am sure we can think of a groovy name for us.

Anyway I hope you are all still feeling optimistic and staying smoke free. Be happy. :)

Off for a cuppa now. so catch up later. :)

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jillygirl profile image
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17 Replies
quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Morning Jilly & all

Great - I will go for happiness as well and almost for the first time in my life I seem to be "in charge of how I feel" - wow !!! It is just great being a Non Smoker and so worth all that pain, craving & madness to get to this new place. Saw my neighbour yesterday, who did the prayer for me to stop smoking and she said I was looking so much better now (think she said I looked rather sickly before !!) - well you get the point.

Love being a Non smoker - it is sooooo worth it !!

From: Mr Positive !!



andi22 profile image

Good afternoon Jilly, Mr Positive and everyone.

Wow, Jonathan, you are like a breath of fresh air on here. It's lovely to here how good you're feeling today and I bet it feels really nice getting compliments from your neighbour. Hopefully that will help with your impetus to keep it up - NOPE! :) :)

It was foggy here when I got up this morning but that soon burnt off and it's like high summer today. We've just got to make the most of these last few summer days and fill ourselves up with that Vitamin D to get us through the long winter ahead. Did you know that Vitamin D is one of the few things that the body can store and use for up to 6 months? We don't get it by covering ourselves in sunscreen though and just 20 minutes of having your arms exposed is enough to help with the stores. :)

Enjoy the day and see you later. :)

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hi Andi

Don't get sunburn & thanks for your comments..... but "Yes" but "No" but !!.... that was all rather too positive this morning and already started to slip off that free high - never mind just levelling out now, its like flying a flipping aeroplane !!

For anyone about to quit or just ended their smoking career - WELL DONE & want to say "once you have got some distance from the cigs you do start to feel miles better - SO GO FOR IT" .


Mr (slightly less) Positive



EmJay profile image

Afternoon All,

I think we may have a few gremlins about still as my morning post seems to have disappeared! :X

JillyGirl, today I am choosing happiness and the more cups of tea I have the happier I am becoming even happier :D :D

I hadn't realised that about storing up Vitamin D Andi, so maybe that's why the Spanish get some early afternoon hours off work... to have a siesta in the sun and bump up their Sunshine Vitamin 8)

Great to hear you being so upbeat Mr Positive! Keep up the momentum, it really does help. Great to see that you are in charge of where you want to go :-)

Sin, what time did you have your first lozenge at today? Remember that they are there to be had whenever you feel that you want them. Don't hold out for too long though and leave yourself 'wanting'. :-)

Sue, I can't believe where the time has gone, baby Nairn 4 months old already, you'll be celebrating his first Christmas pretty soon :-)

Pete, I hope you are having an easy ride today - Please don't look at it as you have to get to at least 3 months before you are doing any good, otherwise you start to put yourself under pressure. The fact that you have stopped smoking now is good enough. You are a winner so please remember that :-)

Dave-the-Chimney came up with the following which I think is brilliant;

"There is no ticket for this ride, we're all on the same bus. If you get off at the next stop, they'll be another one along in a minute full of friends and you know what, they'll be a seat for you."

I have to say that I think that you are all doing rather marvellously and as long as you either stay on the bus, or jump on the very next one then you will obviously get there in the end... Just don't let it fly past you!

David-the-Chimney profile image

71 years old and finally kicked Mr Fag in the backside with a size 12 ... but is it too late, has too much damaged been done. I started as a young sailor when I was 19, and yes, I do feel better for it, but there must be lots of people around my age who ask this question ... Is it too late, has too much damage been done ?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to David-the-Chimney

Hi David, 71yrs yours still a young one. You must feel happier now you stopped smoking.

Your body will certainly improve. I don't think it matters what age you are. enjoy the fact that Mr Fag doesn't control you anymore. Start a new life now. :) xx

EmJay profile image

David-the-Chimney, it is never too late :D

You carry on wearing your size 12's and hang on to the fact that you do feel better for stopping. Your body is such an amazing thing and as soon as you put out that last cigarette, it starts to repair itself straight away. Within 20 minutes your blood pressure returns to normal.

Have a look at the following link that JillyGirl popped up a while ago;


You are doing fantastic, keep up the good efforts :D

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hello David

Good for you and agree with EmJay .... watch your body & mind recover as you get further from Mr Nic and all the damage he has done.

I went through the cravings and slowly slowly they have less & less power + enjoy your new vivid dreams.

Look at it in a positive way and becoming a non smoker is much easier !!!!

It has taken sometime but I am soooo glad to have given-up that horrible dangerous smelly addiction.

Best of luck



- Not One Puff Ever ... again

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hi Pete

Just to say hello & hope today has been smoke free, you are a winner whatever and if today has worked for you then great....

Best wishes from Mr (over) Positive.... don't worry I have come back down now !!!


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to quit

Aup Jonathan, yep am still smoke free pal :) thank you for asking, and yes I will win one day :)

Jonathan, there is one thing I have learnt through my quit attempts and that is to stay positive !! you have to stay positive on your quit, cos if you dont, and you start thinking about it, I tell you, nic is in like a shot !! and before you know it, you've got a fag in ya hand, this is my trouble I think :o I just cant keep positive and focused !! but I am working on it :) I think :o

Stay with it pal, cos your doing just swell :) :)

andi22 profile image

Hi Pete, glad to hear you had a good day today. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Aup Andi, its lovely to see ya gal :)

Just wondering if you've bin for a swim in the sea today :o :|

andi22 profile image

No Pete. I did get my ear syringed this afternoon, though, and haven't had any dizzy feelings since. Result! and I don't need any injections for my holiday. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Nite nite Andi, got to go gal, er in doors is shoutin :o speak tomorrow hopefully, sweet dreams and keep tucked up in ya duvet eh :) xxxx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Nite nite Pete, sleep well. :) xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good evening everybody :)

Just a little question for you all !!

Erm on all my quit attempts, on the second or third day of my quit, all I can smell is erm, a sort of tarmac - smoky smell :o then that goes, and then I can smell a rain drop at 500 yards !!

Is it just me !! cos am old !! or just cos am potty :o :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Do you really want an answer? :o :D :D :D

It is weird, though, how your sense of smell becomes so strong, especially when it comes to whiffing smoke at 500 paces. ;-)

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