Daily Chat: Monday 2nd September 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat: Monday 2nd September 2013

EmJay profile image
56 Replies

Good Morning, Good Morning :-)

Whose ready to live a smokefree day today then? :D

If you are making a fresh new start today then make sure you have everything in place;

- A positive attitude - Remember that attitude is everything!

- NRT or other therapy that you may be using

- Appointment booked at your local stop smoking service - for extra support should you need it

- Practise breathing exercises

- A good decent plan - and stick to it!

Make sure there are some things out of sight!;

- Ashtrays

- Emergency stash (brave up and get rid!)

- Negative attitude - Remember that attitude is everything!

For those of you who have more than a couple of weeks under your belt;

- Keep on, keeping on

- Always be on guard ready for those little blighter's to strike when you least expect

The big thing to understand is that no matter how bad you feel, this feeling will not last and if you see it through it will get easier. Every-time you say no, you will become stronger and if you haven't smoked by the end of the day, the feeling you get will be amazing :D

Written by
EmJay profile image
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56 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello Emjay,

I thought I was late getting on the site, seems I am earlier than the rest. Where is everybody, I know school holidays are over, so no more child minding unless like me today was a training day. I would love to know what they train for. :O

I hope Pete and Simba Sue are doing well today . positive vibes been sent. see you soon. xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello Emjay,

I thought I was late getting on the site, seems I am earlier than the rest. Where is everybody, I know school holidays are over, so no more child minding unless like me today was a training day. I would love to know what they train for. :O

I hope Pete and Simba Sue are doing well today . positive vibes been sent. see you soon. xx

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jilygirl, I didn't see you till after i'd posted :D :D

what are you training for, hope it went well :) I have the kettle on if you fancy a cuppa :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

thanks for the cuppa Sue. :) love the piccy by the way,

Going to make something for our teas now or evening meal. Don't know what yet. will back soon. :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Emjay and all,

It's quiet on here today, hope everyone has been out having fun. I'm just back from the park, all the family went for a picnic while we still have the sun :) it was great not feeling the odd one out, i was the only one that smoked before, that meant more time with Nairn :) :)

I'm away to have a cuppa now, catch you all later :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Hi Sue , I tell you talk about spooky , both of us replying to Emjay within minutes of each other. :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Seems gremlins are joining us. Argh!

sue52 profile image

Hi Jillygirl, things just get spookier every day :o :D :D

sue52 profile image

Pete and Simba Sue,

I hope your day is going well, positive vibes being sent to both of you so you can kick nics butt :D :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hey Sue just got myself a new pic so we can set up our own group. :D :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to jillygirl

:D :D :D now we just need a name, how about the dat and cogs :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

love it! :D :D

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hello everyone

Just to say I am with you & positive about my quit. Quite strong cravings today but it is Monday & stressful !!

But the great thing is I know what they are and why I feel like this so it is just a question of waiting for them to pass / leave ("in the front door & out the back door" to quote Emjay - let the cravings come & go - it is o,kay).

Have a great evening & stay smoke free.


Non Smoker



sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to quit

Hi Jonathan, i'm glad your staying strong, your doing this :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Jonathan, glad your staying strong and positive. :) Have a good evening. :)

Eye_ profile image

Hi everyone

Great posts from you all. Sue isn't it a fantastic feeling to recognise yourself as one of the 'smoke free' crowd, well done to you. Jonathan brilliant attitude, glad to see you kicking Nic's butt out the back door. As you say NOPE!

Have a great evening everyone


sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to Eye_

Hi Eye, It is a great feeling :) Nairn tired me out though and he's only 4 months old :o :D :D hope you have a brill evening :)

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Hi Sue, Jilly & Eye

Thanks & you have a good evening.

Best Jonathan


Hellooo everyone. Am sat here smoking my e-cig inside out. Its been a busy little day in the life of an ebay sales executive. Spent this morning taking photos of stuff and writing some listings. Then it all took off this afternoon, people placing offers and stuff. Some serious negotiating been going on. Now left to me, I'd have just let the auction go to its natural end but hubby says different. Eeeeek am rubbish at being a sales person, I get cold feet. Now I'm thinking they just want our address so they can come and rob us and kill us, haha, now where's me lozenges. If I still smoked I'd have smoked all the profit away by now :D

Hope you're all having a good evening. I see you had some nice picnic weather Sue, its been rubbish here, thick grey cloud hanging around since Saturday afternoon and its freezin, well I think so, I wore my big fluffy socks in bed last night my feet were so cold.

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to

Hi sinfree,

I'm the same as you, i'd be thinking they wanted to rob me too :D :D

sorry you didn't get good weather today, hopefully you get the sun tomorrow :)

in reply to sue52

Its funny old weather. According to my weather app thing on my browser its 20 degrees and it does feel quite warm outside but its so miserable and dark so its always much colder in our house. Mind you the weather app says its partly sunny too, well you'd need flipping good eye sight to see any sun through those clouds.

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to

I hate weather like that, especially if it's colder inside, we had that last week, dull and grey but hot and clammy. We need to have a laugh, get a pic with an animal playing a guitar then you could join me and Jillygirls group, the dat and cogs, we just need some songs :D :D

in reply to sue52

umph, I can't sing and my piano playing would probably be as good as Les Dawson but I shall go off and see what I can find.

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to

That's okay i can't sing either and i've never played guitar :D :D

in reply to sue52

ooops sorry Sue I forgot you said playing a guitar. Still you always need a drummer in a band and I've always wanted to play the drums so here I am. Must get a new razor. :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to

:D :D drums it is then

in reply to sue52

dat, cogs and the daft Apeth hahah, what shall we play?

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to

:D :D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Hi Sin, weather same here in Yorkshire. Like you I was frozen last night. but then I woke up about 2.30am feeling too warm. I heard it is suppose to be 28 degrees on Thursday so we will see. I hope it brightens up for Lytham St. Annes on Saturday.

might just pack a hot water bottle just in case. I know I am a softy. :D

in reply to jillygirl

oh, I'm sure it will be 28 degrees and brilliant sunshine on Thursday, it always is. Thursdays and Fridays are practically guaranteed sunshine all the way as its the two days I'm in work :( happens every week. Good job you're going away on Saturday. I'm due two days hol on 12th and 13th and so is one of my colleagues - it always rains when we're off :D

sue52 profile image

I'm away to watch my program, will be back on soon :)

in reply to sue52

me too - is it Corrie? Poor Haley!!! :(

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to

I was watching what remain, recorded it on Sunday, it's really creepy

in reply to sue52

oh. Corrie was really sad :( Never mind Doc Martin's on now :)

sue52 profile image

I'm off to bed now, can barely keep my eyes open

nite nite everyone, see you all tomorrow, sweet dreams

love and hugs :) xx

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to sue52

Nite nite Sue, sweet dreams. :) xxx

in reply to sue52

Night Sue, sleep well.

andi22 profile image

Gooooooood evening everyone. :)

A bit late on today. I started digging in the garden this morning. It was like concrete. My friend phoned as the clouds were drifting away again and the wind didn't seem too cold so we went to the beach with her grandson (5). Much more peaceful after all the shenanigans of the weekend. I said to her as we were lying on the sand that I was getting cravings today and had been shoving the mints in. :o Seems they never go away. ;-)

As for night time - I'm still getting 25C in my bedroom overnight and sweltering. Might be even hotter next week in Spain but we're supposed to have air conditioning. :)

in reply to andi22

Humph. You can swap if you want, 25 degrees will do me just fine, its probably about 16 in my bedroom now.

in reply to andi22

Umm, just one question, what do you find to dig in a garden? Don't think we've ever dug our garden in the 25 years we've lived here. :o

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Lots of weeds and brambles cos I haven't been on top of it for over a year now. :o Also, I planted a tree the winter before last that died due to the wet. I've now got a replacement for it so have got to dig out the old one and I need to get it done before my holiday.

in reply to andi22

oh right. I hope its a small tree, they have a habit of taking over the whole community at some point in their usually very long lives :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Yep, very carefully selected. My garden's not too big. I had an old Bramley apple tree taken out a couple of years ago at the bottom and in the area I've got a hawthorn, a cherry and a dead mountain ash. They should be big enough to screen the houses behind me in the summer and not give too much shade to the rest of the garden which faces south.

in reply to andi22

I'm not a lover of trees myself, mainly because there's so many of the dam things where I live, most of them blocking light off my house and far too big for residential areas. That's why its so flippin cold in here.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup you lot :) :) its only little ol me :o

My first day quit has been successful :) and I have now got a challenge to beat 3 months :o but I know I will :) :)

I have had a rite job getting on here tonight for some reason :o just kept getting an error message, saying '' Watch Corrie '' or something like that :o :D :D :D

Gosh its bin flippin busy on here today :) rite am off to read all the chat :| see ya soon :) maybe ! !

I will bid you all a good nites sleep :) and get tucked up in that duvet, cos its getting cooler at night now, thank goodness :) sweet dreams and God bless you all :) Love and huggs heading out to anybody who needs them :) xxxx

in reply to monky

I kept getting an error message at one point, said bad gateway :o Am watching Doc Martin at the mo

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Hiya Pete, glad to hear your day was a success quit-wise. :) Have you never got past 3 months before?

OMG, I just remembered have got a nice piece of chocolate gateau to go with a nice cup of tea when the Doc's finished. I would share but its only a little piece so unfortunately its all mine.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Blimey, that takes me back! All this nice weather and we haven't had cake for yonks. Now the weather's going to cool down we'll start thinking about it again and worse still - eating it! :o :D :D :D

in reply to andi22

Sorry, I was watching Doc Martin, hahahah, it was brill. Yes cake, its not been mentioned for a while has it. Mine is not a picture tho, its a nice yummy real piece of choccie cake, mmmm yummy. :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

I think I switched to ice cream when it warmed up. I'm not eating any this late though cos that's what made me fat! :o Btw, how's your weight reduction going? ;-)

in reply to andi22

haha, its kind of stuck at the mo. I lost a couple of pounds last weekend but nothing between last weekend and this one, not surprising really as I've not done much bike riding and keep eating naughty things, still I only weigh 2lb more than I did when I stopped smoking so not doing too badly.

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

I think that sounds pretty good, I'm still about 3 or 4lbs more than when I quit and that's well over a year now. :o I did some exercise every day during August. The last couple of times out on my bike I thought my trousers (don't do lycra for biking) felt a bit tight in the legs so I guess my quads must be getting bigger. I've been doing 10 - 15 miles 3 or 4 times the last couple of weeks or so.

in reply to andi22

That's good. No Lycra is not good in warm weather. I was really tired last week after all that cycling I did over the bank holiday weekend. The weather hasn't been very inspiring since then. Is your ear better now?

I'm gonna go to bed in a mo to read my book. Night Andi and Pete, not sure where you disappeared to Pete - must have nodded off :D Glad to hear your first day went well. Night everyone.

andi22 profile image

Nite nite Sin, Pete and everyone, sleep well and see you tomorrow. :)

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