Daily chat/Sunday/ 07/07/2013: Good morning All... - Quit Support

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Daily chat/Sunday/ 07/07/2013

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
20 Replies

Good morning All,

Lovely sunny Sunday. Lets make the most of it while the summer is here. Lovely day for walking in the fresh air, but whatever your plans are enjoy a smoke-free day.

kettles on so join me if your up. :) :)

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jillygirl profile image
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20 Replies

Good moorningg Jillygril and everyone else that's up and about on this beautiful summers day and I think I can safely say that the forecasters were right (for a change) and it's going to be hot, hot, hot.

I'll pass on the cuppa thanks Jilly cos I've already had 4 this morning as I got up when our local blackbird decided to greet the day at 4.05 am!!!!

Just hung a load of washing out and think I can safely say that it will dry pdq and then I may just do the ironing but that's it - the rest of the day is all mine to do as I please.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable day doing whatever it is they are doing and as Jilly's pic says relax and enjoy the weather and remember if you're going out to use your sunscreen!!

Perhaps catch everyone later as I'm off now to perspire in peace!


sue52 profile image

Good morning Jillygirl and everyone,

I love your pic Jillygirl and that's what i'm doing today, relaxing and going for a walk later :) i need to get some vit d.

Hope you all have a brill day and enjoy the sun :)

Betts profile image

Morning jillygirl, great to see you're back :) I hope the move went well, and you are settled and happy in your new hom.

You too, Kath :) I am on my first cuppa. Got back late from a concert last night, at Jodrell Bank. The family all came, am I lucky, or what!

Such a beautiful day, enjoy it everyone, who wants to smoke when the air's so good! Smells of summer don't include nast fag smoke!

andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly and everyone.

Don't know about factor 50 for me - I'm off down the beach to get a suntan and lots of vitamin D. 8-) I went yesterday for a couple of hours for the first time and managed to get in the sea - only 6 weeks later than last year and I think the sea's the same temperature as it was then too! (Brrrr! :D :D )

Enjoy your day everyone, in that lovely fresh air. :)

Betts profile image

Hi Sue

Todays the day for that vit D for sure :)

I've been away for a few days, and been very happy not to smoke, so far :)

Last night I was at a Pink Floyd tribute concert at Jodrell Bank, and it was an eye-popping trip back in time. So much less smoking!! I could see loads of people just like me, thinking about it, but not bothering with it anymore, or not the same.

There was plenty of smoking going on, don't get me wrong, but we weren't doing it. No big emotion about those who still did, or were having one just to get back in the vibe' maybe? We are all getting older and can't afford to be so careless of our health.

So, onward and upward on this heavenly day :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Betts,

That must have been an amazing night, i love Pink Floyd :) It's brill that you didn't bother about the cigs :) that must have felt great :)

I'm back from my walk now, it's way to hot for me :o wish i had air conditioning :D Enjoy the rest of your day :)

sue52 profile image

Have a great day at the beach Andi, don't get your tootsies too cold :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tosue52


Not much fear of that Sue. :D

sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply tojillygirl

:D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good afternoon everybody :) :)

Just love the pic Jillygirl :D :D and its lovely to see you open up :)

Yep wall to wall sunshine here toooo 8-) 8-) :) :) am lovenin it, like you've all said, get that vitamin D in ya :) :) are you listenin Sinfree :o :| cos I hope you got the sun too :)

Rite am off in the garden to potter :o :D :D I hope you all have a lovely smokefree day, see you all in a bit :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

hi all, back from my walk. over about four fields up to the woodland area which is what I see from my new home. I am still discovering routes of where I can walk. Bit too hot though as I am not supposed to be exposed to a lot of sun after chemotherapy. :(

never mind I did enjoy the walk I had. 8 - )

Hubby been re doing all the switches and sockets don't think anyone had ever replaced them.


Fitting 2 new doors and re hanging the others tomorrow.

Anyway less of my rambling.

Pete heres a new sign for you


Betts sounds like you had a good time.

Sue hows the décor going. :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Jillygirl,

I'm having a day off today, hubby needs to watch his knee, he goes in for his knee replacememt soon.

You walked further than me, i couldn't stand the heat :D sounds like you had a lovely time :) I see you like to have your hubby working too :D :D

Chickles profile image


Gosh, it is hot! Am watching the tennis, I keep switching over when Mr Murray has a 'glitch', but he's recovered well! One more set to go! Bit like counting the days/weeks/months/years (hopefully) of not smoking! Isn't it funny how when we first stop we count down in days, then as we progress, we count in weeks, my next 'important' date is 11 months! Woo Hoo!

Without the encouragement from Jilly, Pete, Andi, Sue and Kazzachoc, to name but a few, I couldn't have got this far! I think that Jilly has been the most inspirational for me. Jilly, you rock! Your road to stopping smoking, your inner strength and keeping smiling throughout everything you have been through, what can I say, awesome! It's a shame that inspirational and 'top-tips' blogs 'drop' off, as new members can't read them.

Everybody has top tips for stopping and staying stopped. I found the breathing exercises really helpful and in the early days when I had horrid withdrawal symptoms, if I had any questions they got answered. I also found the post aboiut what a cigarette contained very helpful too! It made me realise just what I'd been polluting my body with!

So a huge thanks to all for your help and encouragment, it's much appreciated! It's good to have a good giggle and a chinwag too, that takes your mind off the dreaded weed, as it keeps your hands occupied and your mind focused on something else!

Well, back to the tennis, then I spose I'd best sort something out for tea. My daughter has developed hayfever, bless her., she's a bit brighter now, her eyes were proper streaming earlier.

Have a fab evening all!

Jan xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Jan, thank you for the lovely comments. It helps me focus when I try and help others. You are really doing fantastic 11 months wow!



Your like Andy Murray a WINNER !

Chickles profile image
Chickles3 YEAR WINNER in reply tojillygirl

Bless you Jilly and thank you! Wasn't that a super-duper game?!!

Even after 11 months, I get the occasional 'moment', when I think that I could just have a sneaky fag! One crept up on me the other day at my local railway station when someone was smoking and I got a whiff of fresh smoke. The moment quickly passed and when I walked out of Leeds station there was a smell of stale smoke and it was vile! It's that stale smell that repulses me, particularly if I can smell it on people I speak to. Yuck, I used to smell like a well stale ashtray!

Are you settling in to your new apartment? All unpacked? I bet it's such a relief to get moved!

Jan xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toChickles

Hi Jan, we are settling into our new home thanks. plenty of modernisation though. Your right its a big relief to actually have moved.

As for Leeds station your right it always smells stale. I think its worse now than when they had the old steam trains and all that smoke. (showing my age now lol. )

You take care. xx

Good evening everyone

It's been a super day although for me personally it has been way too hot but there again, I'm never satisfied - can't wait for summer but then complain when it arrives! :D

As someone who has been on registered on this site on two previous occasions to this one, I have to admit that I do agree in the main with madimad's comment.

To decide to quit smoking is very personal and the reasons for our doing so are also personal and whilst some can share those reasons others can not. We all tend to hear what we want to hear not what is actually said which is a bit like meeting someone face to face, you see what the other person wants you to see and that is not necesarily the real 'them'.

Some of the advice and/or tips are to be fair when first read, very useful but after a while it is a case of have read that, tried that and it worked or didn't work for me. There is nothing new as far as I can see being posted - just old posts rehashed with the words changed around.

I personally feel that a lot of what is said on here does exclude others - it is like those that have managed to quit for a longish time either forget or choose to forget what it is like when they first started out.

I have tried to encourage debate amongst like minded people who wish to quit because debate and adding 'your two pennyworth' is what makes life interesting and we can all learn from each other as we are never too old to learn, but as madimad has said, if a post is away from the norm then the tendency is that some folk do tend to ignore it no matter how interesting that post may be and if it's not interesting then perhaps the poster would benefit from someone else's point of view.

Having first registered as Buttons52 back in March, I personally do feel that the site is not what is was back then but apart from that I can not comment on what is was like previously.

I re-joined again for this the third time because I find that blogging helps me more than I can describe in words and I would like to think that what I say is not just interesting to read but may, perhaps, help others who find this quitting extremely difficult. I have to say that whilst ever I can blog then I will carry on and do so because I find it the most helpful aid to my journey.

I find it most disheartening to log on to this site and find post after post that does not refer in any way, shape or form to quitting smoking and I do totally agree with madimad in that it is more like an 'exclusive' chat line that is not open to any one but a select few.

As with madimad, this is my own personal opinion but I do not find it as supportive as it was back in March and I do not see it now as a support in my quitting and it is only because I can blog on here to my hearts content and say exactly what I feel that I have rejoined.

There are loads of nice people on here but I do feel that 'quit support' is sadly lacking in some aspects of support and help for those that want to make the journey so badly that it hurts.

Perhaps as madimad has said, it needs a makeover or some fresh blood to bring it back to life or just maybe the old blood can turn the clock back and remember how it was in the beginning and offer the support, guidance and help that a support site should.

Chickles profile image

My views are that the Daily Chat is just that, chat about what you want, it's keeping you occupied so you forget about smoking, plus having some banter with similar minded people who all have a common goal, STOPPING SMOKING!

I remember exactly how it was for me when I initially stopped smoking, thank you! I do believe that I mentioned this in my first contribution of the day.

I am not one for reading or writing blogs the size of 'War and Peace', but I certainly wouldn't castigate anyone who does, at the end of the day it's whatever helps you get through not smoking.

I have to disagree with both Mad and Cath. I also don't find 'debating' suits my needs, I told my story on here after a month or so and the support I got was overwhelming! I couldn't have quit 'cold turkey' and admire such as Andi who did! Andi is very supportive to all and is very welcoming to new quitters, as are Jilly, Pete and Sue. The reason that 'top tips' get repeated is for the benefit of newcomers, as at the moment there isn't a facility to retain more than the posts shown on the home page. I recall Emjay saying previously that thismatter was being looked in to. So although the members of the site who joined a while ago might get fed up of seeing the same posts, it's the choice as to whether they read it or not and posts are repeated for newcomers to the site.

I was rather saddened to hear that John had left the site, I used to enjoy his posts about Amor and Vida and how he coped with his grief by keeping busy. I think that his demise was due to more of a personality clash, but hey c'est la vie.

I am not here on a daily or even weekly basis these days, but don't find the chat to be 'exclusive', I am always warmly welcomed and the support is still as wonderful as ever.

I find the term 'old blood truning the clock back' somewhat disrespectful, to such as Pete, who is trying his bloody hardest to quit for the umpteenth time, he doesn't whinge or moan or feel sorry for himself when he has a lapse, to quote the song, 'he picks himself up dusts himself off and starts all over again'!

I lost count the number of times I tried to quit!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChickles

Thank you chickles, :) :)

hey I think I 've flippin got your name right gal :) and i thank you so so much for backing me up on this :) :)

Pete :) :)

sue52 profile image

I was just on my way to bed, then stopped to read this, I agree with you Chickles, a lot of people enjoy chatting, i know that having a laugh also took my mind off smoking. When anyone posts a question, needs help or advice the chat stops and we all help that person as best we can, and they can join the daily chat if they want to.

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