DAILY CHAT ON WEDNESDAY, 29TH MAY, 2013. - Quit Support

Quit Support

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65 Replies

Morning to all you wonderful lovely people

It's 7.20 am and I'm well and truly awake having aleready been out with my two and had a bacon buttie for me brekkie. Can't wait to go to work you see and if you believe that you'll believe anything.

As no one has, as yet, opened the daily 'monologue' unless of course someone beats me to it whilst I'm doing this, I though it would be OK to do so but if not, then please holler and I will cease and desist!!

Absolute silence then so I tend to think that means I can carry on so here goes.

Grey, dull and a bit misty here near the Pennines in Yorkshire but as you can all probably tell, not only was I up early I also had the dictionary with my breakfast as well as the bacon sandwich hence the new words dotted about here and there. Today feels good - right that is for me to start on my journey, well actually I started about 9 o'lcockish last night but for ease of counting going to say one minute past midnight was the start of my first non-smoking day so nearly eight hours under my belt and just 16 more to go - bring it on because today it holds no fear for me but tomorrow may be totally different but that is tomorrow, today is what counts at the present moment.

It's actually quite chilly up here in Yorkshire but at least it's not raining. Seen some wonderful flowers coming into full bloom as I walked round including camilla, rhodis and quite a few folk, like Monky, have put there bedding plants out so there are some beautiful colourful displays round and about with the definite promise of a profusion of flowers for later in the summer and I so look forward to that.

Well folks, not much of an opener but the best I can do I'm afraid but I do so hope that everyone has an absolutely brilliant day, with plenty of happiness and good things occuring, know I feel at the moment like I'm on top of the world as I'm ready should nic come a calling cos like everyone else today and every day from now on is gonna be smoke free!

Stress free, smoke free and happy day to one and all - if someone has beaten me to the button, I'll delete mine but if not, afraid you're stuck with it folks. :D :D

Catch you all later hopefully and I've just put kettle on to boil if anyone would like to join me in a cuppa!!

Luv, hug and a great big :) xxxxx

Photie taken a few days ago but hopefully the sun WILL make an appearance at some time today!! 8-) 8-) :D :D

65 Replies
bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Good morning Kath and all.

I would love a cuppa. :-p Thanks :-) Good luck with today and remember to take it hour by hour. YOU can do this and we are all here to help. :-) :D :-) :D

Weather here dry at the moment but soggy later:-o :-o

Chat later

Sue xx :-)

Betts profile image

Morning Kath and bunnysue and all

Sounds like you've had a great start, keep positive, keep strong :) !

Grey here too, so far, but like yesterday, I am prepared with raincoat and umbrella. For my cravings, which still sneak in a lot, I'm armed with a patch and the inhalator. I am a bit of a belt and braces person as you can see. Be prepared :) Ready to face the day!

Have a good smokefree day all :)

Love to join you for a cuppa, thanks Sue. :)

Betts profile image

Woops, just realised you're the one with the cuppa Kath! Is there still one left in the pot for me :) ??

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER

Good Morning everyone.

I'm off to Dorset today, just for a couple of days but I am really looking forward to it. It will be the first time that I have stayed in a hotel and not been concerned about the smoking policy. :)

That has just occurred to me. Freedom. I'm hoping to just enjoy being away from London, walk for miles, watch the sun set on the sea, maybe see some wild life in the New Forest and perhaps see the stars in all of their finery. I'll be happy with that.

So I'm just going to get myself ready.

Enjoy your day.

Sally.. :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply tocleopetra

Hi Sally

Have a great time breathing in all that fresh air. :-) I wonder if you'll see some of the little ponies I remember from my childhood? :D :D :D Have a great break :-) 8-) :D :-p

Sue xx

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER in reply tobunnyrabbit

Hi Sue,

I'm kind of hoping that I do see some ponies because I would love that. Thanks for your good wishes.

Sally.. :) xx

in reply tocleopetra

Well jell, haha. Have a brilliant time, hope the sun smiles down on you, wish I was there, don't forget pictures.

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER in reply to

I've got my camera all packed along with a mountain of other stuff that I probably won't need....laughs.

Sally.. :) xx

Betts profile image

Enjoy your break Sally, sounds great :)

All the good things, nature and fresh air, away from the big smoke!

It is so much easier not having to worry about where to have the next cig, yep, Freedom!


cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER in reply toBetts

Thanks Betts. Freedom here I come.

Sally.. :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Kath and everyone, Nice to see the daily chat open at a reasonable time. Also something to read on it too.

Weather is still the same Kath , don't know if the sun will come out today, doesn't look soggy though Sue. :D

Betts glad your prepared for the day with your nrts. keep positive.

Sally have a lovely break. like you say no more wondering when and where you can have your next ciggy. :)

Well I am going to see if I can get to the docs today,almost impossible now a days. then I will see how I am. nothing special planned. Waiting for solicitors to call , re house moving.

catch up later. xx ;)

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra2 YEAR WINNER in reply tojillygirl

Thanks jilly. I'm going to enjoy.

Sally.. :) xx

Smile :) at least were still alive.

Have a great day everyone.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


Here is the link I posted before. If you fancy reading it. :)

in reply tojillygirl

Thanx :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Well phoned doctors , got appointment for tomorrow tea time. with a doctor I have never heard of and as for pronouncing his/her name no chance. Still I suppose I should be grateful. My pain in the side will probably have gone by then. I have the hospital consultant next Thursday so at least I can moan at her if needed. :D

I am sure its probably due to stretching or something simple.

Right off for a cuppa now I have had my moan. Anyone joining me? I have some cakes which we can all share , unlike certain greedy people. :P

:) :) :)



I'll have a bacon butty with brown sauce followed by a piece of cake thanx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Sorry a little bit late. Had to go to buy the bacon. :D


in reply tojillygirl

mmm - yummies

Betts profile image

Hi all

Hope you get sorted soon jillygirl, you don't deserve this. Hope all goes smoothly with the solicitors and move planning. Have you got a place in mind?

You know you spoil us with all these cakes :) I love it and can manage a bit please :)

That bacon butty brigade lot taking liberties, jillygirl? Cake and butties!! :) :) ;) I can say that cos already had my bbs in a coffee break pit stop. Oh Mad and sin, I am piling on the pounds here, and enjoying every mouthful. It'll have to stop next week :)

Sally, I hope you get to see some ponies, I'll imagine them, wonderful sight.

Don't work too hard Kath, stay strong though :)


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply toBetts

Hi Betts, Don't worry about me love, I will get sorted. Just nice to moan now and again. :O

Yes we are hoping to move into a flat, all being well. Then I am on one level instead of going up and downstairs. Trouble is it needs doing up, so I will be getting frustrated not being able to do much. However the view is gorgeous so I can sit and relax looking at that.

This is it:-


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply tojillygirl

Can we all come? It looks like a place we can all celebrate being smoke free! :D :D

in reply tojillygirl

What a magnificent vista - it looks like somewhere that dreams are made of - I would even sell our little bungalow for the chance of living somewhere like that! Beautiful and one could even say romantic?! Or is that wishful thinking on my part?

Betts profile image

Wowee that is some view!!! A piece of heaven there all right :)

Hi Everyone

Just popped on to see if there was a cuppa going but it would appear that I've missed them so am putting the kettle on if anyone wants to join me. Definitely not working too hard but hard enough to have a right thirst on. Have got fruit scones made with a virtually no sugar and just a little fat with fat free natural cottage cheese and before you pull a face, try it as it's absolutely delicious!

Using my little laptop/netbook so am slowly but surely learning - way to go - like with the quitting, one step at a time. So hopefully this will post properly when I have finished that's if I've done it right which I, fingers crossed, am hopeful that I have.

Don't know about anyone else but I find it a tidgey,widgey, bit cold today. Must be a lazy wind as it's blowing through me rather than around me. Was it only two days ago that we had blue sky and sunshine.

By the way all, was reading about this super, doper diet, late last night in the paper and if it works as easy as it says it does then it will be superb for all us who have gained the odd pound or two whilst quitting. Have cut the article out so will post all the information tonight and we can try it and see what happens. :) :)

It's now 12.45 and my lunch half hour is nearly over so will finish off with thanking you all very much for putting up such interesting comments on the blog as I have really enjoyed reading them all and yes, they have stopped me from nipping outside for a quick drag to not be that refined about it so it's now a little over 12 hours and it's going quite well at this moment. Worst time for me is around 5 pm so if you could just take a few moments at the time to send positive thoughts and vibes my way, I would appreciate it very much.

Have a lovely stress and smoke free afternoon everyone and enjoy the remainder of this wonderful day.

Take care and keep on :) :) as it does make the world go round.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Kath, Yep I will join you for a cuppa. Your right it is cold up here. Perhaps we will get the sun for the weekend. :)

Your doing well 12 hours. Keep strong. will send vibes out at 5.00.


in reply tojillygirl

Just done a lovely little reply and then I go and hit the wrong key and loose the flippin' lot. Typical of me but there you go.

Hope you enjoyed the cuppa and that is has warmed you up a bit Jillygirl because my fingers were frozen before wrapping them round my cup.

Pleased with how these 12 hours have gone although it has helped them 4.5 to 5 of them were spent asleep in bed but you could, I suppose, call that good planning on my part but hey ho, even I have to sleep - honestly! A bit nervous about the time leading up to and the actual time of 5 pm but hey, with all the vibes coming my way, it should not be a problem. Will take it careful and be aware that it is specially important today because if I can do without today at that time and resist the temptation to give in, then I go do the same tomorrow.

Will let you know how it goes.

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

My friend swears by this? Before you leave work knock back a glass of water

:-p and then suck a polo and go home. :-o

I think that you must surely want a pee....maybe that's how it works and you are too busy concentrating on that that you for get about the cigs!! LOL

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tobunnyrabbit

Nice one. :D :D

Talking of views out of windows - am sooo excited. Our bedroom window has been seriously misty (double glazing mega fail) for years. I'm getting a new double glazed unit put in tomorrow so will be able to see out of my window once again. Will post a piccie tomorrow of my view, not quite so green and pleasant land as yours jillygirl but I can still see th'ills. :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Here you are Kath.


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

OK Kath it's 5pm. :-o

Stay Strong, you ARE doing this and you know what I think you'll do it this time as I know how upset you wold feel letting us know that it was actually another practise. :-)

You have all our support and positive vibes :-)

Remember baby steps, hour by hour :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply tobunnyrabbit


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply tojillygirl

Love it Jilly. So cute. You are amazing at how you find the right pic all the time

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Keeps it interesting adding pictures where possible. :)


Good evening everyone

Hope we are that bit bettr than the weather and it has pi errrr persisted it down here this afternoon, proper rain but I do so hope that is has now got it all out of it's system and that we can look forward to some better stuff. Got the song "Here comes summer" going ten to the gallon in my head and just hope that it's right and summer is, at long last, now on its way to us all.

Well folks, the good vibes worked and I managed to get past 5 pm and even 6 pm but I have to be extremely honest and say that at 6.15 pm I had that bloody cig! Why oh why, I do not know I wish I did and then maybe I could do something to stop myself. Whether it's because I've had my tea, I don't know but it may have something to do with it. Stupid thing is I don't want a cigarette after my dinner at work - maybe I should have all my meals there. Any suggestions would be gratefully received and I am so cross with myself because I didn't enjoy one single bit of it, in fact, I put it out about 2/3rds of the way down. Am going to beat this if it kills me which hopefully it won't but why does it all go wrong especially when I've had such a good day and only had the one teeny tiny little 'wobblie'.

I will seriously have to think about using something but I so don't want to. I really want to do this on my own but I've now got a sore mouth because I have been chewing gum which is a bit silly because the jaw action makes the brain think you're chewing food so it sends a message to the stomach to expect some and then when it don't get any it starts to rumble and you feel hungry. Haven't chewed any gum today but I really, really don't want the patches as they bring me out in a rash and make me itch like the devil. Perhaps a quick spray with a mouth feshening spray or something similar is the answer. Sure I've read somewhere on here about someone who has one that 'squirts' a fruit flavour but I'm danged if I can find it now. So, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee, if you are the one using this spray, can you supply some more info on it as I would be every so grateful. Thank you.

I am going to say yet again I'M REALLY SORRY EVERYONE but if I can just stop this one and honestly, it is only one, then I am hopeful that my quit journey can really start.

I'm going to go off for a little while now because I feel ashamed of my weakness and I am sorry to have gone on like I have but I cannot lie to you, my friends. because firstly I do not tell lies no matter what I have done and secondly, because I personally don't like being lied I would much rather have the truth so I always tell the truth no matter how stupid and/or silly and/or how much it hurst me personally.

Hope no-one thinks too badly of me.

Catch you later when I eventually come out of the hole I've buried myself in - all the world loves a sinner but I most certainly do not love me at the moment.

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Hello, Kath please get out of the hole. :-o

OK so you had one.

One that is all and not a whole one at that. :D :D Yes, I understand that you would be dissappointed in yourself, but honestly from the number your were smoking to just one is amazing all in it's own right. :-) :-)

Try and look at things in a more positive light. I find it helps me. :-) :-)

Don't dwell on the one, celebrate the many you never had and gain strength from that. :-) :-)

You will get there sweetpea, baby steps remember and we are all here for you on your journey as you are for all of us:-) :-) :-)

Always your pal

Sue xx

in reply tobunnyrabbit

You're soooooooooooo right Sue. It's not that one that I should be thinking about and beating myself up about but those that I haven't smoked which I reckon would be around the late 'teens' mark.

Tomorrow is another day and if I've learnt anything from today it is that I am just human and others have slipped but got straight back up and started again and if they can do it, then so can IIIIIIIIIIIII and tomorrow I will prove that to me and to everyone else. Nic is not, I repeat, N O T going to get the better of me and yeah, that's fighting talk so roll on the bell for the start!!!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Its not a weakness Kath. Keep trying have a word with Emjay for her advice. You can do it.

found this if you want to have a gander.

Recovering from a Smoking Slip

If you've smoked one cigarette...or more, junkie thinking has gotten its way and will continue to influence you if you let it. In order to preserve your quit program and avoid a long-term smoking relapse, you must stop smoking now and get your mind working for you instead of against you once again. You'll be busily trying to rationalize why you should put off quitting, but don't listen to the lies. Get right back up on that horse and start riding again.

Use the list of suggestions below to get yourself back on track:

Write out a list of reasons for quitting. If you've done this before, get your list out and read it over and add to it. Carry it with you and refer to it when you’re feeling unsteady. Those reasons are no less true today than they were when you first quit smoking. Bring them back into focus - they'll help you get your priorities in order.

Educate yourself. Read everything you can about what smoking does to your health. Face the dangers of smoking straight on. It's a great way to build resolve.

Get support. In person and online, seek out the help of others. The Smoking Cessation Forum here at About.com is a very active community of people who are going through what you are. Sign in as a guest to read or register (free) to post messages of your own.

Apply yourself just one simple day at a time. Don't worry about the fact that you slipped; it happens and is in the past. Don't worry about never smoking again either. Just think about today, and doing the best you can with it. You can stay smoke free just for today, can't you? That's all you need to do. Your quit program will be much easier to maintain if you follow this rule; don't overwhelm yourself by projecting forward or back. Your point of power is in the here and now. You can't change what happened yesterday, and the best way to influence your future is by doing a good job with today. Keep things simple and in the present tense.

Accept yourself. We're all human and make mistakes. You slipped and smoked, but it doesn't mean you're a failure. Learn from what went wrong and make corrections to avoid the same problem in the future.

Be kind to yourself and be patient too. Relax and take your quit as it comes. You'll have good days and bad days, but over time, the good will outweigh the bad. Pamper yourself a little and don't expect too much too quickly. Slow and steady wins the race every time, and this race is one that will reward you with improved health, confidence and quality of life overall.

Smoking Relapse Prevention

Nicotine Withdrawal and Junkie Thinking

There is No Such Thing as Just One Cigarette

Rationalizations for Smoking

Quit Smoking Help

Developing the Will to Quit Smoking

Prepare to Quit Smoking

in reply tojillygirl

Thanks jillygirl really appreciate the time it must have taken to type this all out - am going to copy, paste and then print so that I can read it properly.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Pete ! Pete ! where are you? Better not be working over. dinners ready.




bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply tojillygirl

Pete you lucky boy, your dinner looks fab, you better hurry :D :D :D

EmJay profile image

Evening All :-)

Looks like its been busy here today, nice to see :-)

BunnySue, love your friends advice. It looks quite simple and strait to the point and then waddle home with legs crossed :-)

Kath, try and focus on the positive and realise that you made it past the 5 O'Clock mark before giving in. All is not lost though and as you can see, you have a whole lot of support here for you, we walk with the walkers and run with the runners. You choose what pace you go at. Having read through JillyGirls comment, there's some good information there. If you do want to use something, I would recommend the inhalator and you can have that ready to use as and when you feel you need it. It will curb those cravings for you...

Sin, looking forward to your window shot once you've had your window put in, I want to see th'ills :D

Big waves to everyone else, I hope you're all having a nice evening and that it's not too whet in Hey or Dorset! :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Well Pete dinners keeping warm in the oven, I am off for my shower then chilling out.

signing off now night everybody. xxxx :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply tojillygirl

night night Jilly. Hope you have a good nights sleep and that all goes well at the doctors tomorrow. :-)

Sue xx

in reply tojillygirl

Night jillygirl - so you've heard of this diet too (see below)! Let me know if it works for you too!!!???. :-/ :-/

Hopefully this is a new smiley courtesy of EmJay. :-/ To do is the usual two spaces followed by :-/ and two more spaces and a laughing smiley hopefully as above.

in reply to

Flipping smiley works too well, it is a colon, followed immediately by a hyphen followed by a / .

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

:-/ love it ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tojillygirl

Oooooooh am so sorry Jillygirl :( :(

Dins looks just lovely :P yummy :P yum :) AND !! you got your flippin wrinklies on toooooooo :P :P :O corrrrrre :D :D :D

Nite nite Jillygirl, you enjoy your shower gal, and i hope it re-leaves your pain gal, I really do :) :) you take care now, luvs ya loads xxxxx :)


bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply tomonky

What a cute couple you make :-).

Pete you are so lucky and I hope your dins tasted as good as it looks :-/

I think that Pete has found out about my diet and is trying it out - what do you think ladies and gents (if there any here tonight!).

Lady Diet sent me a warning about shampoo as follows:-

I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner. I use shamp[oo in the show. Now when I wash my hair, that shampoo runs down my WHOLE body and printed very clearly on the shampoo labels is this warning "FOR EXTRA VOLUME AND BODY". No wonder we gain weight!

Well, I have now got rid of that shampoo and am going to start showering with Fair Liquid instead because it's label reads: "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE".


Now if you post any more comments, I'm joining Pete in that I'm having a shower.

And before you ask, no, I'm not joining Pete in HIS shower cos my other half and I'm sure Pete's other half would have something to say about that!

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

LOL :-) :-) :D :D ;-) ;-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Kath, am with you gal, erm, not in the shower that is :o ;)

I've made a boob everybody, yep you've all guessed it !! I'm suckin on them white sticks again :P :( :(

Sinfree, erm I was tooooo scared last night to answer your question gal :o so sorry :(

BUT !! am ready now, cos av got my crash helmet on, books down the back of mi trousers, am ready for anything that you lot could throw at me, I think :o

Rite am off in mi fridge with a cannie, and wait for Armageddon :( :(

Pete :(

in reply tomonky

Hi Pete

Pete I am so sorry that you are with me in that you are on the fags again. What happened as you seemed to be doing so well? Hey, no one is going to lamblast you cos it takes guts to come on here and admit that you have fallen. I know because I had to sike myself up tonight to do it - couldn't lie just like you can't.

What I will say is a quote really from the Bible 'let him/her who is without sin cast the first stone' so there's no need to put your defences on - well, I don't thinik there is. WOOSHHHHH! Well, perhaps the helmet was a good idea after all!! :-/

You enjoy your cannie Pete because I bet you've worked your little socks off today and I know I speak for everyone when I say that when you're ready we will be with you all the way.

All I would say is that remember the longer you wait then the harder it seems to be which is why I am going for it again tomorrow but when it's right for you then you do the same and not a moment before.

Feel for you Pete as I know exactly how hard it is to admit firstly, to yourself that you've fallen, secondly to come on here and tell the world in a sense and thirdly pick yourself up and start again.

Don't beat yourself up - we'll do that for ya!! :-/

Still luv ya and will stand by ya and help ya as much as we can!

in reply tomonky

:D :D haha, what you like. Oh dear, ah well you don't have to carry on smoking, call it a holiday. But.....when you've finished the pack DO NOT GO OUT AND BUY MORE. Just go back to your e-cig, lozenges, patches or the whole lot and carry on regardless.

in reply to

By the way Pete, I wasn't laughing at you starting smoking again, cos I know that it's really annoying when you've come so far. I was just laughing about the crash helmet and books down your pants bit.

sue52 profile image

Don't let it get you down Pete, you'll get there, just learn from this so you know how to beat it the next time, and if you can, come on here and moan when those pesky cravings show up, we're all here for you Pete, we'll never give up on you :) xx

in reply tosue52

Second, third and fourth that Sue - are you listening to this Pete, sure hope you are.

Well, I;'m yawning like the clappers so think it's time I said night night to everyone and in doing so wish you all a lovely nights sleep with dreams that relax and make you wake up refreshed.

Been a good long chat today and some very interesting food and so many cuppas but all very welcome I must say.

Thanks to everyone for their support and helpful hints and tips and tomorrow is another day and then one will become none!!!

Pete, get a good nights rest and whenever you decide that you're ready we're all here for you!

Night night all and take care for tomorrow is another day and we've got a new smiley :-/ so thanks EmJay it's smashing.

Luv and hugs and catch you later alligator! (back to my childhood)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

nite nite Kath

Sweetdreams :-/ :-/ :-/

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Pete, as I commented to Kth earlier, don't beat your self up over having a cig think about all the hundreds you haven't smoked along your quit Journey :-) :-) :-)

No roasting from me either just love, support and positives vobes :-) : D;-) :-/

we are all here for you babes, just try again :-/

Sue xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Rite am off up that erm, where was i goin to :o anyway, am goin for some kip :)

Thank you all for your nice comments, and I luvs ya all :) :) and thanks for not bashin me eh :) :)

Nite nite everybody, I hope all your lovely dreams come true :) :)

Pete :)

sue52 profile image

nite nite Pete, sweet dreams, luv ya :) xx

Yeah, I agree, Pete - don't beat yourself up over them, just enjoy them like I did when I had a little break, then just carry on quitting where you left off. The key is not to dwell.

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to

Nite Pete

I agree with Sin :-)

Off now too. Chat to you all tomorrow when we get through another smoke free day :-/

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monky profile image


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