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48 Replies

HALLELUJAH!! HALLELUJAH!! F R I D A Y !!!!! The end of the week with the weekend so near so what more could one want to be full of good cheer.

Morning everyone. Can't believe I've beaten Monky to it - well I had when I started this but time will tell. If I keep it short and sweet should beat him hands down.

Cool and grey at the mo here in Yorkshire, well my part of it anyway, and so very, very still after the wind - even the birds seems to have slowed down and are not singing like they were a couple of days ago. Maybe they've found their soulmate and have settled down - like that thought and will keep it in mind for the day.

Short as promised (longer one later I also promise - no, not even you are that lucky!) so whatever you do on this day, may it give you pleasure and joy, be stress and more importantly smoke free!

Have a good day everyone

Luv, hug and a couple of big :D :D :D :) from me - come on, people, it's Friday!!


Another pic from yesterday - no sun as yet this morning!

48 Replies
bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

Morning All

All I can say is Yipee it's Friday and am looking forward to a weekend with no real plans :-)

Catch up with you all later but in the mean time enjoy a great smoke free day

Sue xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


Betts profile image
Betts in reply to jillygirl

Whooofffff! That's a powerful one jillygirl. It hits the mark, and we all have to take note.

So, no, I won't be smoking today again :)

in reply to jillygirl

Hello. Hope Chico is doing ok.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Hi John, Chico is fine. Jayne had a friend and a baby round yesterday. The baby started crying. So did Chico. what a softie.

Jayne showed him the photo of your little ones on her lap top. Chico responded with Peek a boo I love you.

Hope the meds work for Amor. xx

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to

hi John

I don't have a Chico, but I do have a cat, Wilson, and now 2 goldfish, I have called Nipper and Silverfin.They are all lively and healthy thank you.

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to

Oops, sorry, just read jillygirl4s reply below!

Betts profile image

Morning Kath, bunnySue, jillygirl

Beautiful picture Kath, that Kodak does very well! And way,hay! yes Friday here :)

Have a good day all, smokefree, stressfree as far as possible, looking forward, and enjoying the moment. Tall order and possibly nonsense! Best shut up about that then.....

But I am enjoying this moment with a cup of tea, it's the little things! Off to try dig a garden path out when that's done.

Looking forward to seeing Star Trek late afternoon! Woohoo! I'd wear the outfit if I had it ;)

This is a good day, and even better, no nasty smoke in my lungs to spoil it :)

Hello. Off out soon to get little Amor's medication that the vet has sorted out. It's not a cure but should help with the feathery ones skin irritation. John

Betts profile image

Struggling with the link there, Madi.

Whatever it is, it will need to strtch well :) :)

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to Betts

Stretch, even :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to Betts

I think you would look like an intergalatic Princess :-)


Betts profile image
Betts in reply to bunnyrabbit

Lol :) :)

In my dreams I am! :)

sue52 profile image

Good morning everyone,

I've finally managed to come out of hibernation, all my body wants to do these days is sleep :o :D :D It's not as sunny here today, but at least not cold, I hope your all getting good weather.

Your all doing brilliantly on your quit journeys, together we will are all winners :) I hope you all have a great smoke free, craving free day :)

Kettles on if anyone wants a cuppa :) xx

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to sue52

I'd love one Sue :)

It must be all the amazing and wonderful excitement you've had, grandma :)

Adrenalin and love recovery period needed :).

Hope you enjoy this lovely Friday, Sue.

Not too much milk please xxx

Betts profile image

How d'you know my size! Bang on!

Every inch a winning inch :)

Betts profile image

Got it now! A klingon beauty eh!

Don't mess with this lady!

Like it :)

sue52 profile image

Hi Betts, cuppa is on it's way :) just what you need before digging your garden path, don't work too hard :) xx

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER

I would love to join you and Betts. Thank you xx

sue52 profile image

Cuppa on it's way bunnysue, when i get on the laptop i'll send some cake :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Hello Sue52, Glad your ok I was getting worried. How is Nairn I bet he is all cuddled up. :) xxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee





That should keep everyone happy for a while. :)

bunnyrabbit profile image
bunnyrabbit5 YEARS WINNER in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jilly. You should win the "Hostess of the year award!!" yum :-) . Thank you.:-) Have you been for your exercise yet today?

Sue xx

in reply to jillygirl

Very happy :-)

How about a ciggy shaped cake? :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

You only have to ask. :D :D :D


sue52 profile image
sue523 YEAR WINNER in reply to jillygirl

:D :D :D

sue52 profile image

Hi Jilly, thanks for the yummy cakes :)

Nairn is doing brill, and mum is almost recovered, she had her last iron yesterday, boy is she glad, she hates needles. Wish i could recover as easily, but that's life :)

Have you done your shopping exercise today? i did mine early so i can laze all day :D :D xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Yep! done the supermarket exercise. and the D.I.Y exercise. sorting bits and pieces out of my wardrobe. Hopefully to get replacements. Not told hubby yet. bless him. ! :P

Enjoy your day love. xxx

Betts profile image

Thanks for those yummy cakes, that was one of each for me, but I am prepared to share the first one.

Really glad Nairn is doing well, and mum will soon be able to enjoy it more too.

Well, best get these gardening clothes off and put on my Star Trek outfit now, we need to be getting off in about 20 minutes, and I'll need that to get into the dress, madi :)

I hope it doesn't turn nasty, like it did at this convention. I don't want any trouble...

The Force called to Star Wars clash

**Police are called after trouble flares between rival clubs at a sci-fi convention in Norwich.

< bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/news/u... >

May force be with you! Make it so! :)


Back from a walk to the vets with a bottle of inflamitory medication (Meloxicam) and a tiny syringe for Amor. 'He' will be starting that tomorrow because I need some time to double check at a lovebird forum about what has been prescribed. If it's ok, little Amor will be back in the hospital enclosure tomorrow for a few days - easier for me to catch him and probably less stressful for Amor than being 'chased' around the usual enclosure that 'he' shares with Amor.

I saw the 'Dambuster' fly past yesterday on the news and it reminded me of a 3D model I had made of a Lancaster bomber some years ago. I gave it fictional 'Rainmaker' markings because old footage of bombers discharging their load always reminds me of falling raindrops.


Back ground image is was taken on a visit to Cosford aircraft museum.

My 3D 'Rainmaker' in action. (deleted last post because of incorrect link).


EmJay profile image

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Friday is here again already, it feels only a week since the last one :-/ :D

I hope everyone is well and is set for the weekend, whatever you decide to do.

Remember though (for those of you who have recently quit smoking) the importance of planning and preparing for any times that those sly cravings will try and catch you out. If you have practised your breathing exercises then you will find it much easier to use them as and when you need them. If you are going out (or staying in) and having some of your favourite tipple, then what strategies do you have in place should you start 'thinking' and 'believing' that you really do want to smoke?

There's lots for me to catch up on here, I had a day off yesterday and although I was popping on and off I didn't make it to the daily chat. It feels as though I've not posted for ages! There seems to have been lots of activity, which is always good to see :-)

A fresh cuppa has been made and I think I may even partake in some of the cake eating that seems to be happening ;-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

You`ll get fat! :D :D :D


only joking. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

OK test what? my 1 brain cell , or my imagination. or are you testing the cake I made you.

:O :)

EmJay profile image

The way my waistline is expanding I'll not get fat, I'll get fatter :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Join me Emjay we could be tweeledum and tweedle dee.


:D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Did you like the ciggy one. ?

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Awe John just want to cuddle him. :)

Hello everyone

Early finish for me today (3 pm) as boss said I could go as I still looked a little 'pasty faced' or should that be 'pastry for a face - crinkled and cracked' (no sniggering in the background please :D ) suppose if truth be told it's nice when a boss shows concern for a worker so I obviously did not need telling twice to 'be gone;' so to speak.

The promised rain has not yet fallen although the sky does look 'unhappy' I must admit so once I've done this, will get my two walked hopefully in the dry and then for a lazy evening just chilling and blogging!

Hope you've all had a good day and all have an enjoyable evening - enjoy your tea whatever you may be eating - treat for us tonight - prok pie with homemade mushyt peas!! Not everyone's cup of tea but my other halfs favourite! Bonus for me, not much washing up!!!

Catch you all later,

Luv, hug and as it's Friday a very big :) for everyone.


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


sue52 profile image

Hi everyone, just got back home, thought i'd better take advantage of the lovely warm weather, it's gonna rain all day tomorrow.

I love your models John, that's very clever, I want to give Amor a cuddle too, but with falconer gloves on :D :)

I could join you Jillygirl, i'd probably be tweedledum and tweedledee :D :D

I hope the rain stayed away for your walk Kath, hope your feeling better now :)

Have a great craving free evening everyone :) xx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52


On that note Sue I am signing off. bath time then reeeeeeeeeelax. !

see you tomorrow. xxxxx nite nite.

sue52 profile image

:D :D :D love the pic :)

nite nite Jillygirl, see you tomorrow :) xxxxx

nite nite everyone, I hope you get in a bit earlier Pete

see you all tomorrow :) xxx

Just found this whilst surfin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope you all have a nice sleep

Night folks

Luv hug and and great big :) from me to all of you


Betts profile image

Really good to hear :)

Hope you get some sleep tonight ;)

Betts profile image

Night all. Sleep well xx

Betts profile image

Hope there's lots more merry chirping today, john :)

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