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10 Replies

Good morning everybody

Not bright here in Yorkshire at all and not a bright day for our BunnySue and I am sure I speak for everyone on here when I say that our thoughts are with you and we are all here if you need us.

No words will ease the pain you feel today so I am not even going to try but we are all thinking of you at this very sad time. Remember not just the good times but the bad as well as they were all part of your friend and made them what they were - keep your chin up if you can Sue and I send you a big hug which I hope will give you some comfort.

Sombre mood on here today but I think Sue's friend passing over at just 46 makes us all realise just how fragile our life is and how we should do everything within our power to stay healthy and well.

Not much else to say today except have a smoke and stress free day everyone and take care.

Thinking of you Bunny Sue.


10 Replies
EmJay profile image

Morning Everyone :-)

BunnySue, hope you're okay. Stay strong, we're here if / when you need us xx

Hey Kath, the sun was shining when I left this morning but its quite cool and grey now :-/

Betts, many people say that they feel they are letting others down when they relapse. See how you go and if you can get straight back 'on it' then good for you, however if you find that you are a bit up and down and not prepared, then maybe follow as your stop smoking advisor says and set a new quit date that you can work towards. How do you feel about staying stopped from now?

As for that cuppa, I'll join you :D

Betts profile image

Thanks, Emjay, hope you enjoyed it!

I don't know why, but I just deleted my post. Ah well, nothing missed folks, don't worry!

I really am at sixes and sevens with myself, I am going to ditch work for a few hours and go for a long walk. I have a weird selection of heads, and just got to get the right one back. It can be worked on, that's the good news :) Not sure how I feel about anything, till then, so will come back to the important questions in a little while.

Have a good smokefree day everyone, and BunnySue, I am thinking of you. Look after the memories and smile x

sue52 profile image

Hi everyone,

Just back from baby sitting , it started out rainy this morning but now the sun has come out :)

BunnySue, like the rest have said, we're here for you, sending a big hug to you xx

Betts, don't worry about the relapse, we've all done it, you'll get your right head back and then stop again, I know you will, we're all here for you :)

Have a great smoke free day everyone xx

AeonTremor profile image

Hello everyone. Full sun and well over 20 degrees to be enjoyed.

EmJay profile image

Afternoon :D I'm just about to head home but shall pop the kettle on once I'm in. Chat to you all later :D

sue52 profile image

Have a great evening Emjay :) I'll have a cuppa thank you :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Good evening everybody :) :)

BunnySue, Like the Girls have said, love and huggs are headin your way gal :) :) try to stay positive and strong, you come on here if you want to let it out eh :)

Betts, you say you got to sort your heads out :o well I've got a mate that might just be able to help you with that gal :) cos he's got a few himself :)


Betts profile image
Betts in reply to monky

LOL :)

I thiink I might just pass on Worzel Gummige heads - it's bad enough with the ones I already got! Thanks for the tip though :) :)

Betts profile image

Nite nite all

Off for a wash and a read of a good book iin bed before the zzzzzzzzs

Sleep well all, have lovely dreams :)

EmJay profile image

Whooops-a-deary-me! This is the first chance I've had to pop on tonight, I've spent most of the time on the phone! I hope you're all okay and you're evening is as stress and smokefree as possible :-)

Night night Betts, enjoy your read :-)

Pete, I luuuuuuuurve Worzel :D


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