Hi All. Please could someone kindly give me advice about supplements. I seem to have ended up taking a lot because every time I have read about something that might help my body cope with PMR or the side-effects of the Pred I have bought it as am feeling pretty low. I would like to know which if any of them I should continue to take and which I could chuck away - and if there any others that would be recommended. I have put the makes because I know some are better than others.
This is everything I am taking daily at the moment (and Pred 15 mg):
Nutravita - Omega 3 fish oils 2000 mg
Together - combined Curcumin 400 g / Turmeric 600 g
Nature's Garden - Sea Kelp 30 mg (Iodine 300 mcg)
Solgar - Vit B12 1000 mcg
Solgar - Folate 800 mcg
Solgar - Bromelain 1000 mg
Puritan's Pride - combined Absorbable Calcium 1200 mg / Vit D3 1000 iu
H&B - Zinc 25 mg
Better You - Magnesium oil spray at bedtime
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Thank you and warm wishes,