Hi, I am in the US, so a few things are different, but I am looking for help. I have MS, and I have muscle tightness or spasticity in other places as well as pelvic pain and tightness of my hip flexors. When I the hip pain worsens, so does the pelvic pain. I found a specialist who wants me to use vaginal Valium suppositories to help relax the muscles to make physical therapy easier to tolerate. I am taking another benzodiazepine for sleep/anxiety (clonazepam) and I'm not sure if the doctor prescribing that will want me to mix the two, especially since I am taking opioids and baclofen, which both tend to slow respiration.
So my question is, does your doctor give you local muscle relaxers before physical therapy? Or are oral ones, like baclofen, good enough?
Another thing that really scares me is that I am well past menopause and the doctor wants me to use vaginal estrogen to make the internal therapy more tolerable. I would love to be able to use it, but I've tried it before and every time it has started out okay, but within a week or two, I get terrible pelvic pain. As bad as it gets. Doctors seem surprised by this. Has this happened to anyone else?
Is physical therapy even possible with postmenopausal atrophy?
I start therapy in less than two weeks, so I will be able to ask the therapist then, but I am in desperate need of help and I'm worried that what seemed like my best option may not be ideal or even possible.