I have pudendal neuralgia or pelvic floor pain diagnosed by several doctors and specialist. I have had this for 15 years and was forced to retire early. I have been to Mayo clinic, Virginia Mason, and other specialist. The procedures that l have had are many blocks ganglion impar block etc., PRP, Botox, Pulse radiofrequency. My question is does hypnotherapy and cognitive therapy help and I have tried physical therapy but the internal made lots of pain latr that day for around 7 days. She told me to. Go to cognitive therapy.. Then come back that might help the problem. Does anyone have any new procedures that can help.
New Pudendal neuralgia or pelvic floo... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
New Pudendal neuralgia or pelvic floor pain procedures
I went to pelvic floor therapy for about a year and a half and the external work helped but if I had internal it just caused a terrible pain flare so that's when we figured out I might have some nerve involvement once we got the muscles relaxed... anyway I didn't want to do any procedures because I was afraid it would make it worse and I was having anxiety and low mood because of the pain and of course covid was happening where I lost a couple of friends to it,so I ended up going on a small dose of a neuromed which is for nerve pain anxiety and depression and yes it helps all three....that has helped the most...... Mine is mainly rectal so I figure it's the rectal inferior branch of the Prudential nerve. At the CT scans in the MRIs I have never had an MRN which probably will some something I will do at some later date especially if I want to come off the meds, however I am in my late sixties even though I'm young for my age I don't mind if I have to take meds long-term.... I've heard of the hypnotherapy helping and I think the curable app is helpful to address the mind body connection and also I think that calming the nervous system down is super important... I do exercises, stretching, breathing and some meditation all which calm down the nervous system... You might want to check out Nicole sachs TMS on YouTube... I am also in trauma reframing therapy called HMR... Best wishes to you
Dear Kalecolbe12. Thank you for this hopeful information. Would you be willing to share the name of the neuro Med and dosage which helped you? Thank you
Hello pudendal1, You mentioned a ganglion impar block - that is for the tailbone. Did they directly block your pudendal nerve? Just checking. Have you tried the interstim? It helped me for a couple of years. I have had pudendal neuralgia now for 12 years. I am getting better. I have gone to PT for 10 years, 1 1/2 years ago I went and the therapist told me I had gotten as far as I can go. I get botox, which helps combined with radiofrequency ablation and my tailbone hurts so I get pulsed radiofrequency on that. I was severely hurt by transvaginal mesh complications. I am a mess, but at least my pain is somewhat better. I lost my sex life at age 49. It hasn't come back. Grieves me. My husband has stood by me and that is a great help. I can get to 0 pain. But I'd say my average is around a 3-4. They have started using stem cells. I had a disc slip on lower spine and had stem cell therapy, that worked great. My back has not hurt again and that was 2 years ago. I am looking for stem cell therapy on my nerve if it can be done. I believe God is a part of my healing as well, I have prayed and been prayed for through this whole time. Yesterday I was able to help my daughter in her garden and take care of her 7 mth son. I was in a wheelchair for 4 years, which was excruciating. I wish you the best of luck, be well.
I feel for you - I have had this condition for 5 years - I cant imagine 15 years. Apparently everyone's is caused by something a little different. The only thing that has helped me live a relatively normal life are: PT with the right therapist, learning how to do self PT, learning to relax the pelvic area through self meditation, exercise & specific exercises and drugs. I take Pregabalin twice a day 150 MG each time and alpha lipoic acid twice a day 600 MG each dosage. I have learned what to do if I feel an attack coming on. Read this book: A headache in the Pelvis. I wish you good luck!
I have had this condition for 5 years now and I take valerian root and hops as well as yoga and meditation along with cardio in the form of walking I tried may drugs and treatments and they made me worse and a prisoner so if you can try to go as natural as possiable ….meditation has been a life saver I hope this helps try to find yourself an herbalist …I am so much better then I was also chiropractic help me in the beginning…when I was trying all the medical things drugs and therapy’s I lost 2 years of my life I hope this is helpful much luck