fibroids: hi, I have just been... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Skipping4444 profile image
11 Replies

hi, I have just been diagnosed with a 2.5cm fibroid. I went to see my GP as my periods had been longer/bleeding in between and I was worried. I wasn’t in pain or anything. She sent me for a scan and the lady found the fibroid. She said it’s benign and can shrink with age/menopause. She asked me if I was having painful periods and I said no. I asked what to do and she said they tend to leave them when they aren’t causing issues and they go after menopause. I am just really worried about it, how do they know it’s benign? She said they shrink but I keep reading that they grow? It is all I can think about since being told I have it. I’m really scared. Also I am 36, 4 children (no issues with fertility) eat healthy, exercise regularly and am not at overweight. Just a bit of background info. Has anyone else been in a similar situation or had any advice? Sorry for the long post xx

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Skipping4444 profile image
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11 Replies
Honkytonky profile image

i didn't know I had fibroids. Only when my periods became very heavy in January this year and I was major clotting with periods lasting 2-3 weeks. I also become anemic so I was sent for a scan by the GP. My fibroid was 7cm and giving me issues so I had procedure to shrink it in May this year.

I did my research after finding out I had fibroids they are benign and alot women have them without knowing. I was 49, now 50 so thought it was the start of the menopause changing my periods. Never had issues with my period until this year.

I would keep an eye as its not giving you major issues. If anything changes go back to the GP. Try not to worry xx

Skipping4444 profile image
Skipping4444 in reply to Honkytonky

thanks so much for commenting, I really appreciate it. You sound similar to me, I didn’t know until I went as my periods were longer. So you didn’t have yours removed then? Will you just leave it now, what size did it shrink to? Hope you don’t mind me asking. I feel worried to leave it as it seems like it will grow even though I was told they shrink! I just don’t know what to do, it feels wrong to leave something growing there. Xx

Honkytonky profile image
Honkytonky in reply to Skipping4444

 I wasn't offered fibroid removal. I was offered Uterine artery embolisation (UAE). I was getting so poorly with losing so much blood that I agreed to the procedure. I was desperate.

I am not sure how much the fibroid has shrunk as not had an xray to see - haven't been offered one. Was told that it takes 3-6 months to see and feel better. My periods are becoming lighter following the procedure.

if you're worried, talk to the doctor, tell them your concerns. You do need to push though as they will try and say they will shrink with the menopause but with you being 36 it could be years until the menopause.

Carla2004 profile image

hI 4 years ago I was told I had 6 fibroids when I had a miscarriage. I was told to leave them as the largest was by my cervix at the size of a golf ball. I didn't have children and me and my partner was hoping to try again after our loss. In 2018 at the age of 38 it was very hard to get pregnant again as the fibroids just kept growing we were seeing consultants fertility clinics all I kept being told was to leave them. I was about to give up falling pregnant after the miscarriage in 2016 it just wasn't happening the fibroids were causing so many problems as they just kept growing but finally I did fall pregnant with my miracle child but at 20 wks the fibroids caused me to have a heavy bleed we almost lost the baby and I kept being told they need to save my life over the baby's. The hospital got the bleeding to stop and after a c section I had my beautiful little miracle girl.since then I've had the fibriods removed by embolization and myometomy as they had grown to 10 cm and the theone by the cervix grew towards my bladder leaving me having to have a catheter bag all the time, the fibroids were tested and were cancer free but although although the uterus was saved and my periods came back to normal tests and check ups after the surgery found my fallopian tubes and ovaries have collapsed. Although I still have my periods I can no longer fall pregnant as a result, with out having ivf or a surrogacy. I'm heart broken knowing I can no longer have children it took alot to have my one and only daughter ever since she was born in 2019 even through the heavy bleeding at 20wks and the miscarriages before she came along all I've ever wanted was to have a sibling for her. Anyway, my suggestions to you is get your gp to refer you to a consultant talk through everything possible surgery try to deal with them while they are small, I qas told to leave them at 2.5 cm then they grew to 10 cm causing more problems and a harder surgery with bad results. Ask about zolodex injections they stop periods but they can help to make them smaller. They used to do medication as well in tablet form I forget they name. They stopped them just after I was given them but not sure if they re started them. My main suggestion is talk it through with a consultants ask they any worries you havethey can talk you through it and ease worries you have but also research if u want surgery to remove them while they r small push for it don't do what I done and just leave them, I left them they grew and grew and I had difficultyduring pregnancy now I can't get pregnant due to major operation, I've been left with headaches everyday due to hormones and thyroid problems. Hopefully it won't happen to you but talk , talk alot to g ps talk alot to consultants if u need reassuring ask every question you have to a consultant. Sorry this is so long I had such a bad time due to the 6 fibroids I had leaving them caused problems but so did removing them but hopefully I'm just that unlucky, you will be fine but ask questions and concerns to consultants that specialise in fibroids. Good

Skipping4444 profile image
Skipping4444 in reply to Carla2004

thank you so much for commenting I’m so sorry you’ve had such an awful time. That’s so unfair when it seems like they could have helped you and take me then out. I really appreciate you sharing your experience. I have written down so many questions to ask the gp - they won’t speak to me until they get a copy of the scan even though I know the results. I don’t like the thought of surgery to have it removed but I also don’t like leaving it to possible grow. I hope the doctors can give me some answers as at the moment it all feels very unknown and scary xx

Carla2004 profile image
Carla2004 in reply to Skipping4444

it is very scary at first i read everything I could find about fibriods in the first few months of them finding mine. Probably wasn't the best idea to read everything I could find but it helped me to find out about different surgeries and medications to help. I even tried different vitamins foods to try and help shrink them, I will say all the vitamins different foods like dark leaf veg didn't help at all. You will be fine, just wait for the scan results to come in and ask every question you have. I followed the g p and consultants advice and left the fibroids, although I did finally fall pregnant it came with problems, that doesn't mean it will b the same for everyone. So best advice wait for results ask all your questions but if u do decide you want certain meds or surgery push for it know your body best and try not to stress to much about it. If you feel your periods change and u get pain or they become heavier push for more scans to keep aneye on the growth of the fibiods. You found them early so just keep talking to the doctors about your concerns, good luck and try and stay positive.

Indianajones profile image

l have a few fibroids the largest being about 2cm, l was having a constant brown discharge which is why l went to the GP who referred me to the hospital. They just told me that most women have them and they do not cause most women any problems, they seemed very unconcerned. I am 53 and they told me that when l go through the menopause that they will shrink although l have heard differently. They did not offer to do anything about them because they said they can grow back.

Wxm22 profile image
Wxm22 in reply to Indianajones

im same age as you with same prob biggest fibroid 6 cm and lots of little ones. Leaving for now as my periods are calming down apart from the brown discharge. Also im getting back ache but could be unrelated.

Bassem1979 profile image


I also have Fibroids multiple 5cm possibly bigger now.

My consultant has put me down for a hysterectomy because like the other comment I have so much going on, very heavy bleeding with colts, anemia so now on Iron also pressing on my bowel so have lots of issues with that too. Feel so Ill all the time.

I tried Zoladex injections, however side effects, hair loss (really bad) bone pain where I could not walk on one leg, moods but did stop my periods and helped with my bowels.

However I stopped after 3 injections and now am worst than I have ever been periods lasting up to 2 weeks, bowels so bad, stomach pains unbearable, back on iron tablets, so drained and still not date for my operation.

Just monitor yourself, they can grow but they can shrink everyone is different but why u r not having any issues don’t worry too much.

Ruby_roo profile image

Hi Skippying4444

Just wondering how you are getting on with your fibroid? Did you get the anwesers you needed from your GP?

I have a 9cm Intramuscal fibroid which is causing me lots of issues.

I've had 2 ultrasound scans and just waiting to see the Gynae team to go over my options.

Wishing you the best x

ThatLady78 profile image

Mine is also 2.5cm. I’ve been bleeding/spotting continuously for over 4 months so my doctor took me off BCP. Now I’m back to horrific cramps and migraines, the whole reason I started on BCP in the first place. Anyway, as you’ve likely learned, fibroids show up differently from tumors on intravaginal ultrasounds, which is how they find small ones like ours. It is true that they easily grow back and can shrink or grow quickly, virtually overnight. They are basically accidental tissue. Large ones may need removal as they press on the uterus and/or other organs, but small ones like ours do not. My mom had many large ones and had incredibly heavy periods, so she had an endometrial ablation which took care of both her menses and her fibroids. I have begged for one as my periods are so painful and I cannot take anti-inflammatories or pain meds but she will not. I hope you’re doing much better!

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