morning , for the last 4 weeks iv had uti infection which keeps coming back i then get antibiotics to clear it . then i go back doctors as it feels like its come back as i feel realy bad when i get then head hurts off meals feel shakey chills and confused . then i get thrush then cenisten cream from chemist . .im not good with alot of antibiotics . as they cause me to have heart palpatations which is one more thing for me to cope with which i dont realy need . i got told my a old lady that her daughter was amcmillen nurse and to try pear barley put it in asurcepan with some orange juice out of a orange and enough water for a good glass boil it let it cool . then drink it . that will cure your utis . i was woundering if anyone as heard of this before . its all natral so i m going to try it .
morning uti infections: morning , for... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
morning uti infections

Hi, have upcountry tried D- mannose? I’ve taken 2 grams directly before going to sleep for years. It really helped me. I took it on the advice of a specialist in infectious diseases.
Barley water is widely recommended for cystitus & UTIs. I have used it in the past for cystitus & it really calmed it down. I don't know about UTIs.I think maybe your prolapsed bladder is making you vulnerable to thrush & UTIs. Here's what I have come to believe but other views would be helpful.Our bodily exits are too close together & they can affect each other's health through cross contamination. (Obviously infections grom the anus). The alkalinity of the bladder & uterus is important (on the scale of acid is low alkalinity).
The vagina is naturally acid & that helps prevent thrush, which prefers a very alkaline environment.
Urine is alkaline.
If your urine is strong & gets in or around the opening of the vagina, it can encourage thrush. So try to drink lots to keep it dilute. Also try to remove or dilute any urine on the area after peeing.
I'm sure you know to be very careful how you "wipe"! Afterwards try dabbing gently with folded twice very damp toilet paper. Dry by dabbing with dry toilet paper. If you wipe instead of dabbing, wet toilet paper can disintegrate.
Also, using a squatty potty foot stool may reduce having to push on the toilet.
Hope this helps.
I have been struggling with UTI's for quite awhile. I have not heard of the concoction you're talking about. But it can hurt to try. I think the thrush is a result of the antibiotics, antibiotics kill off our good bacteria as well as the ones making us sick. Probiotics greatly help with thrush. A mix with prebiotics can be helpful. I wish you the best . Keep us informed how the natural mix helps. Thanks.
I too use the D Mannose as a preventative and when I feel the first sign of a uti coming on google it …it truly helps me
I've tried them all even under Luts Clinic in London now on 3 rd lot of antibiotics
l recently have suffered from water infections and l buy sachets from the chemist that l put in cranberry juice and they help. I have had antibiotics in the past but want to avoid having them if possible. I am currently in the menopause and am informed that it can be a common occurrence.