Hi everyone
I’m in UK .
I have been suffering intermittent constipation since March ( normally I am regular) . This started off about 2-3 weeks after starting Vagifem, taking antibiotics, and doing kegel exercises.My first thought was the antibiotics disrupted my gut ( did take probiotics ) and it was just a blip, but alas no
Did try to sort myself for two weeks and then back and forth to Drs .Eventually, Referred to hospital l , had a sigmoidoscopy in Aug, was normal, do have small internal haemorroids, but said not an issue, but have to wait now for follow up in Jan.
Consultant on phone, prior to procedure, does think functional not diet related , did suggest pelvic floor dysfunction,but I was already attending NHS physio for a mild prolapse ( rectocele) and the physio said I did not have PFD or hypertonic floor. On my first visit to her she said rectocele was small and not to stress over it.
I have awful pressure/discomfort in my rectum/anus that feels like I need to do a big poo all the time or like there is something wedged in my bum, that you want to reach in and pull it out to relieve the discomfort, and its just taking over my life.
This has been going on for a few months now. I do feel like I need regular anus massage LOL...
I Know the sphincter muscle is a band of muscle and wonder if it's that I can feel ??, but the actual muscle/ligament that is attached to my anus is the part where I feel my discomfort comes from, and is probably the bit working hard when going to toilet. doing kegels. Though I only do one set of each in morning now. one set of 10 x longer holds, and one set of 10 quick releases.
Straining on toilet is a no no for prolapse I kept being told, which did make me stressed, as I was trying so very hard to sort that and still am.
On my last visit in Sept, she did do a rectal examination and said muscles were all good, no tension, no sign of rectal prolapse.
The physio has now discharged me after 4 sessions, These consisted of internal examinations, and everything was the same when I went each time. She said rectocele does not move when I bear down. She has written to DR to ask them to refer me to gynae, and said even though prolapse is mild , it might be that causing me the issues . She said I had good pelvic floor and only need to do kegel exercises a couple of times a week.
However I know that is going to be a very very long wait. 😒
I now feel Im trapped in limbo waiting and just want to get better.
Constipation has returned after two weeks being off the Cosmocol, so back on the Cosmocol sachets, ( tried lots of other things that didn’t work ) These give me side effects, and I really hate relying on these, when prior to March I was fine.
anyone else had similar or can office advice ?