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Fed up with this anal pressure and discomfort

Lovemy2woofs profile image
22 Replies

Hi everyone

I’m in UK .

I have been suffering intermittent constipation since March ( normally I am regular) . This started off about 2-3 weeks after starting Vagifem, taking antibiotics, and doing kegel exercises.My first thought was the antibiotics disrupted my gut ( did take probiotics ) and it was just a blip, but alas no

Did try to sort myself for two weeks and then back and forth to Drs .Eventually, Referred to hospital l , had a sigmoidoscopy in Aug, was normal, do have small internal haemorroids, but said not an issue, but have to wait now for follow up in Jan.

Consultant on phone, prior to procedure, does think functional not diet related , did suggest pelvic floor dysfunction,but I was already attending NHS physio for a mild prolapse ( rectocele) and the physio said I did not have PFD or hypertonic floor. On my first visit to her she said rectocele was small and not to stress over it.

I have awful pressure/discomfort in my rectum/anus that feels like I need to do a big poo all the time or like there is something wedged in my bum, that you want to reach in and pull it out to relieve the discomfort, and its just taking over my life. :-(

This has been going on for a few months now. I do feel like I need regular anus massage LOL...

I Know the sphincter muscle is a band of muscle and wonder if it's that I can feel ??, but the actual muscle/ligament that is attached to my anus is the part where I feel my discomfort comes from, and is probably the bit working hard when going to toilet. doing kegels. Though I only do one set of each in morning now. one set of 10 x longer holds, and one set of 10 quick releases.

Straining on toilet is a no no for prolapse I kept being told, which did make me stressed, as I was trying so very hard to sort that and still am.

On my last visit in Sept, she did do a rectal examination and said muscles were all good, no tension, no sign of rectal prolapse.

The physio has now discharged me after 4 sessions, These consisted of internal examinations, and everything was the same when I went each time. She said rectocele does not move when I bear down. She has written to DR to ask them to refer me to gynae, and said even though prolapse is mild , it might be that causing me the issues . She said I had good pelvic floor and only need to do kegel exercises a couple of times a week.

However I know that is going to be a very very long wait. 😒

I now feel Im trapped in limbo waiting and just want to get better.

Constipation has returned after two weeks being off the Cosmocol, so back on the Cosmocol sachets, ( tried lots of other things that didn’t work ) These give me side effects, and I really hate relying on these, when prior to March I was fine.

anyone else had similar or can office advice ?

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Lovemy2woofs profile image
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22 Replies
Konagirl60 profile image

Have you had a tubal ligation with Filshie titanium metal clips? They can migrate. I had a clip migrate to my rectum and another one bore through small intestine. No doctor ordered an X-Ray!

If there is any metal in your pelvis, get an x-Ray.

Have you had any other pelvic surgeries? I hope it’s not your pudendal nerve.

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to Konagirl60


The only pelvic surgery I’ve had was in 1995 a radical hysterectomy , kept ovaries .

Yes do wonder about the nerve

Miriam123 profile image

Your symptoms certainly sound like they are from a rectocele.

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to Miriam123

I was hoping it wasn’t that, but more than likely 😩

suzie44na profile image

I have pain and It could be caused by Tarlov cysts on my spine and now I also have dysmotility because of neuro problems. Hope you get a diagnosis soon and help with your problems.

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to suzie44na

thank you

Hope something can be done for you too x

CockeyMoor profile image

You have just described my symptoms exactly. I have been sat here 5 hours with a dull ache in the rectal area and tummy pressure ache at the front. Been going on for two years on and off. Wakes me from sleep and comes on quite badly after my third wee of the night in the early hours which is the weird bit of it all and confuses the issue. Thought it was related to recurrent UTIs I suffered since 2019 at first but that problem has been solved with prophylactic antibiotics. I have a moderate Retocele diagnosed properly during a Cystoscopy March 2021. I am absolutely convinced now it is the Retocele after reading your post. The pain is really uncomfortable and is lasting several hours until noon now. I kept believing it was Diverticular disease etc. with flare ups of Diverticulitis but after a recent course of Antibiotics I am no better. I also tried a GF diet which seemed to help with the constipation a little and the bloatedness.I suffer a lot of constipation. Movicol and laxatives just upset my tummy more and upset the flora . I use glycerin suppositories regularly to avoid bearing down too much because I am terrified of the Retocele getting worse. Strangely I just phoned the GP yet again this morning just prior to reading your post. I feel I can stop worrying it is bowel cancer. My mind has been in a twirl all morning.

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to CockeyMoor

I tried the glycerine suppositories but they did nothing for me .

The Cosmocol works , but like you , hate the side effects .

I’ve booked an appt with a private Womens health physio for next week for a second opinion .

Antibiotics can upset your gut flora ..

Also if in UK , ask your Dr for a FITT test , the one they do for bowel cancer in the UK , it’s just a tiny scrape you take from your poo and it gets sent off . Easy to do , and will give you peace of mind re bowel cancer .

Bowel cancer usually is blood in poo , losing weight for no reason, tiredness

Granny-sitless profile image

I have mentioned before on this forum but not seen anyone else do so -- have you tried a special toilet footstool? The original brand is Squatty Potty but loads of other companies are making them now. Just search for squatty potty. I discovered them from reading Gut by Giulia Enders. My physio specialises in women's health & she recommends them too.

The idea is that your knees are raised & you lean forward a bit. This puts you in more of a squatting position & makes it easier to "go". If you can use your lower core muscles to help squeeze, rather than push down, it should also help.

Quote from WebMD article:

The problem with sitting is that it keeps the kink in your lower bowel. That forces you to work harder to push out the poop. Squatting relaxes your puborectalis muscle more and straightens out your colon, giving the poop a straight route out. As a result, you can go more easily with less straining.


Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to Granny-sitless

Thank you for your reply

yes I have a squatty potty, don’t actually find it helps really .

I do lean forward , and relax and breath out gently

Granny-sitless profile image
Granny-sitless in reply to Lovemy2woofs

I'm so sorry you are having such trouble. In case it helps, I'll give you "too much information". 😄 I think this forum can cope with it. Someone may even tell me I'm talking rubbish, so that's also useful.

If I am not actually constipated but things are not going through easily, here's what works for me. I worked this out for myself with no physio advice, so it may be inapproriate, but maybe worth trying.

After I breathe out gently, I breathe out a bit harder, pulling in my lower core muscles. This seems to squeeze rather than push. I can pulse these low core muscles gently a few times. Also pulse the anal sphincter a few times (as in kegels?) to help ease it through. I think all this can gently compress the lower part of the bowel & help things along. It feels quite different to the "push" which feels to me like it comes from much higher up (around the waist?). It took some experimenting. I do find that often the potty alone works well. I think I pull my stomach in to ensure my back is straight before I lean over, & I think that helps.

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to Granny-sitless

you can never have too much info , when trying to help .

Thanks for sharing , it’s how we can all try things that might work for us too x

Granny-sitless profile image

I forgot to point out - you are actually still sitting on the toilet but with your knees raised higher & you lean foreward a bit. It's not uncomfortable. No need to actually squat! 😀

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to Granny-sitless

I wouldn’t squat on my toilet, I would fall flat on my face 😂

Montana10 profile image

hi, I’m new here but not to pelvic pain. Your pain sounds very similar to mine.

Is it like a spasm that comes and goes?

Or is it constant?

I have been diagnosed with slow transit constipation so I take movicol to help and Naloxegol as I am on tramadol for chronic pelvic pain.

Have you had a transit study?

It might be worth getting them to do it to see if that is adding to your problem 😊

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to Montana10

Hi no spasms .

Just constant pressure , like you badly need to do a big poo, or have something wedged in your bum . It’s ok when I go to bed and I can sleep , thank god , sometimes I lay in bed in morning thinking this is how I use to feel .

I take Cosmocol which is the same as Movicol , but hate the side effects such as stomach ache and wind . As that goes when I don’t use it . Apparently anus discomfort is another side effect , so that may also play a part .

I’m trialling using it every 3 days at the moment ,as just want to get off it .

I don’t know what the NHS will be doing next as have to wait till Jan for follow up, and with covid that might get cancelled .

Not sure if you are in UK, but in UK it’s a long wait for things like this .😩

Rosepetal60 profile image

I have chronic discomfort in that area but if I ever feel I may be constipated, I take a magnesium pill two nights running OR a couple of glasses of 0.5% cider in the evening which never fails. Plain Apple juice would work in same way I would think. Some people find drinking coffee also helps.

Lovemy2woofs profile image

Thanks for replying . Glad you have found something that helps you.

I have taken magnesium daily last few years prior to getting constipated

Coffee can also cause constipation as well as help it .

I normally drink decaf as I have to watch my eye pressure and caffeine can raise it …but this year, hubby and I have been going out and we are drinking lattes and cappuccinos, so I did wonder about that .

hello lovemy2woofs. I totally get that feeling of pressure and not having fully evacuated... I have a fissure and hemorrhoids...🙄 add to that vaginal atrophy and the pain can be quite awful... I do use laxido as I'm scared of aggravating the fissure. I'm 62 and the past 8 months have been a nightmare.... I was perfectly okay beforehand so it's all a bit of a shock to say the least. I'm taking low dose amitriptyline for nerve pain...been on it about 6 weeks....but not sure it's really doing anything much atm...😊

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to

hi, yes I have vaginal atrophy too.

I would think your haemorrhoid and fissure are causing your issues . Are they giving you anything for those ?

Maybe some lubrication might help you re the fissure …something like organic coconut oil . You can buy that in the food section in Aldi . It’s Solid but does melt . Just put some around anus and a little inside .

Sending hugs x

in reply to Lovemy2woofs

Thank you...my gp recommended vaseline for fissure... its become chronic now so not much I can do as I dont want surgery..😊

Lovemy2woofs profile image
Lovemy2woofs in reply to


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