i started taking d manose - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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i started taking d manose

Mrshappyme profile image
26 Replies

i started taking d manose s i kept getting uti infections which make me realy pooly . but i cant keep taking anibiotics one afte anther . as it caurses thrush then i have to have something for the thrush too. i bought dmanose a week and half ago to help perfent the uti coming back. well itook a sample to my dr and they said we have sent it to the lab you do have blood in it but we have to wait till the lab send results so they know what antibiotics to give me. when they give me antibiotics tomorrow and i still take d manose at night before i go to sleep ? will d manose react with my antibiotics ? as anyone taken antibiotics foe uti infection and took d manose . just feel so poorly

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Mrshappyme profile image
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26 Replies
Fra22-57 profile image

My sister has had lots of uti infections.Now she goes to t he hospital and has some kind of infusion into her bladder for a certain amount of time.She is hoping it cures them

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Fra22-57

iwill ask my doctor see what she says

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Mrshappyme

thankyo for your reply all the best

Fra22-57 profile image
Fra22-57 in reply to Mrshappyme

Also I forgot to add that on examination last she was told she had prolapse .I do too but don't get anywhere near as many uti's what she gets

pizon profile image

Yes I have taken both at the same time …you have to find why you keep getting them…I had gotten them due to bladder prolapse and when I had the corrective surgery they went away..I also drink marshmallow root tea and take cranberry extract I found this info. By googling it and going over. It with my herbalist…I take the d mannose once or twice a month as preventative…again I am not a medical dr. But this is what has worked for me…try the marshmallow root tea I buy it on Amazon from Frontier Co Op and take 4 tablespoons in a qt. Jar with water and let it soak over night then strain a cup three times a day with 2capsules of slipper elm it helps with any bladder pain..I hope this helps you…try also looking on the web for natural ways to cure UTI’ also interstitial cystitis again this is what has helped me take care

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to pizon

oh thankyou i will try that and ill tell my doctor i need to know whats caurseig my utis i think its due to my prolase as i never had them before my prolase . how did you find out it was your prolase caursing your utis ? what test do you have to have to find out . ?

pizon profile image
pizon in reply to Mrshappyme

Once I had the corrective surgery I have only had 2 uti’s in 4 years…my surgery was 2017…if you are considering make sure to talk with the dr about nerve damage that can happen but I would still have had the corrections surgery I could not live with that feelin again and of course the many uti’s

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to pizon

When I originally had the mesh sling put in I found I no longer got UTI's as well. But a year and 1/2 later it shrank and eroded. I do think bladder position has a lot to do with infections. Unfortunately for me no one wants to touch me anymore to correct my prolapses. Too much material removed. Obviously I can't have mesh in my body any more.

pizon profile image
pizon in reply to Desperateforrelief

Can they sew it up..this is what I had done no mesh

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to pizon

They say no, nothing left to sew it to. UGH.

pizon profile image
pizon in reply to pizon

So sorry do you go to physical therapy for women I believe in England they call it physo

anna1234567 profile image

As a prevention you take 2 grams each night. If you already have a UTI you have to take more doses during the day. It’s doesn’t interact with other meds. I take it on advice from a specialist in infectious diseases.

Yes, you can take with antibiotics. You should also take probiotics because antibiotic kills natural flora in digestive system, causing diarrhea. My immunologist says to take saccharomyces boulardii probiotic because it is the only probiotoc that has shown to prevent sepsis. I went septic from a UTI in May 2014. You mentioned before you have prolapse, that can definitely make you more susceptible to UTI's.

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Desperateforrelief

were do you get saccharomyces boulardii probotic? ill try that too

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to Mrshappyme

I get if from Amazon.

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Desperateforrelief

oh thankyou its been a night mare the last time i felt my old self was mid may 2019 . i just have been through alot health wise but always got back up . im astrong person but this time i feel so down with it . but i llnot let it get to me i have acry whem im on my own as my partner cant cope with any one poorly . so i feel alone . but when im over all this im going to go get my girls together and we are all going to book a log cabin somewere and have fun . miss not doing things with them . but thankyou for your replys you help me alot

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Desperateforrelief

hi were would i buy saccharomyces boulardii probotic to help to prevent septsis

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to Mrshappyme

I bought it on Amazon. But probably less expensive in a local pharmacy or discount store.

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Desperateforrelief

oh thankyou ill see . and try that hope youbare feeling a lot better than you was

Hey, I forgot to mention that I find a peri bottle filled with warm water flushing my urethra after I go also helps to cut down on infections. I think it helps because I have prolapses that effect each other. Keeping area clean as possible helps. Just FYI.

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Desperateforrelief

you have been realy helpfull to me as many ladys on here have .i dont know what i would of done if it wasent for this site . as since 2019 i knew there was something not right then 2o2o march i was told i had a prolase bladder but i think theres my ring in. and when i walk arould in the morning im ok but after a 1pm my feet legs ache so bad wish i knew what i could take to help that.

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to Mrshappyme

Are your legs swelling at all? Mine were, due to aging, mesh complications and prolapses. 2 drugs have helped. Progesterone- low dose daily, also helps with sleep. Women's hormone, lowered due to menopause . And the other is hydrochlorothyazide , lowest dose. I take maybe twice a month as needed. It is usually for high blood pressure. I have low BP. But doesn't really effect my BP. Does help leg pain. Definitely got better help with progesterone.

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Desperateforrelief

morning i realy feel for you you sound a very nice person and you have gone thourgh alot reeding your meassages. my legs arent swelled but all my legs feet arms like a tinkingly burny ache and headaches its got to be the prolaspe doing it as i was ok befor this come on . i just got up town and had to come back as my feet legs arms heade its like a nerve making me feel tremberly all through my body it come on worse than anther time its bareible. do you have any ideas what i could try .im trying to go down the natraul root. it stops me sleeping too . so im trying to finf something natraul

Desperateforrelief profile image
Desperateforrelief in reply to Mrshappyme

I'm not sure, since arms are involved too. Prolapse can cause low back pain and leg pain, from shifted weight, it tires out the muscles. But your arms as well, sounds like a neuropathy. Some medicines can cause this. I'd look up everything I take and read side effects. I'm so sorry for your suffering. I sure hope you find something that works for you

Mrshappyme profile image
Mrshappyme in reply to Desperateforrelief

thankyou what strength saccharomyces boulardii should i get


This is what I ordered. The immunologist had me take take it because of my history of going septic. He said this is the only probiotic shown to prevent sepsis.

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