I'm not sure what to do...I've been suffering from what I think is thrush since taking antibiotics for suspected strep throat 3 weeks ago. Tried pessary x 2 but its still there. Now it feels like a uti has started and gp had given me more antibiotics but if I taje them it will make the thrush so much worse. I will find out today or Monday if there actually is a uti or not. Should I hold off with the antibiotics till then or start them and stop if its negative. Has this happened to anyone?
Uti/thrush : I'm not sure what to do... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

hi ,iv just been reading your notice and when i had a prolasped bladder i had a pressy ring and it did help the heavy dragging feeling untill my op . i also had utis and i was given antibiotics then id get thrush and then trement for the thrush it was a like that the 2 years i was waiting for my op . personly i honestly think it was the pressy ring that caused my utis as soon as i had my op iv not had one and its been a year since op . but i had to have the pressy ring in to help untill my op as it did help me . sorry to hear your going through that . i know its not nice at all i drank plenty of water and cramberry juice every day to help
Regular (grain based) distilled vinegar mixed 50/50 with water - spray vulva for thrush relief (the acidity finishes the bad bacteria off, they can't stand it - a simple home remedy). Antibiotics lowers your gut biome so bad (have heard studies say up to 80% of the good bacteria are killed off!) and we need those good bugs so bad for overall good health - from gut to rectum, to vagina to bladder - all benefit from a healthy gut. find another healing modality that supports your overall health. consider looking at increasing your gut biome - fermented foods - lots of great advice out there on this on the internet. Best wishes to you, healing is real, our bodies are amazing.
Hi, my tip is whenever I have to take antibiotics I eat some live yoghurt twice each day and a few days after course ends, and pop a little yoghurt in an applicator and pop up myself - also rub around the vulva (start on day of first pill and go for a couple of days after). Pop in a panty pad and when showering don't use soap - just water and gentle flannel. Never had Thrush since - and I was a regular bad sufferer.
moring , sorry too hear that your going through the same as i went through from 2020 till 2o22 . it was horrible . i had antibioctic like you caused me to have thrush then id take treament for that . but in the end . i honestly beleive it was the pressery ring that caused the uti s. but i knew that i had to keep the ring in as it help the dragy heavy feeling in . i think they should clean the pressery ring more often than every 6 months as i beleave thats what caused my utis . if they could clean the pressery ring every 3 months i beleave i woulden have had so many utis . but they dont . once i had my op for my prolased bladder i stoped having them . so i realy do think it is the reason . i would take anticbiotics but in the end it seemed like my body was getting used to them . so i took the anibiotics and drank 2 littres of warther in a day and in between id have a glass off cramberry jucice 3 times a day and i also took d manose from holland and barratts they helped one a day and one anight they helped me to go longer with out having a uti . i know every one is different and what works for one person dosent for anther .but what have you got to louse . sorry i cant help you any more just check if your om any meds that youll be ok to d mansoe with your doctor. it is all natral so it should be ok but id ask doctor . let me know how you go on all the best
Do you actually have a yeast infection with the discharge or it feels like you have one? Do you feel a burning sensation in your vaginal area? If you test negative for a UTI and also negative for a yeast infection you may have Pudendal Neuralgia. I had what you are describing and tested negative for all infections. Most doctors haven't heard of PN. If your pain continues go see a urogynecologist.