Has anybody out there had a submucosal uterine fibroid measuring 4cm removed via laparoscopic surgery? I recently have been to an appointment with the gynae and was told the only surgical treatment for this type of fibroid is uterine ablation or hysterectomy and I am not sure I agree.
Laparoscopic surgery for submucosal f... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Laparoscopic surgery for submucosal fibroid

I was told the same. Mine in on my ovary rather than in the womb. But he said removing will more than likely cause a huge bleed and then it would result in having to have a hysterectomy. Such a huge decision isn't it. I'm done with kids but I don't know if I wanna be doing thru menopause etc now.
Have the ablation, it’s not very painful at all takes minutes. I’ve had it for a polyp. They always suggest hysterectomy to everyone it seems, I said no straight away, felt like saying, ‘well let’s chop yours off, how does that feel 😂, 1year after that, said I have a fibroid about 4cm & Adenimyosis. They have said, when your period stops, they usually shrink cos there not getting the blood. Try the ablation, I was bleeding a lot, it stopped that. & then after that keep an eye on things, if it’s not causing you any problems it is not necessary for a hysterectomy. If concerned always ask for a second opinion, I do 😊 hope this helps
Yeah, I agree with you about the hysterectomy, those are my female body parts. I am in the process of getting a second opinion, there is no way I am having a hysterectomy when it is not necessary, and the thought of the ablation just doesn’t sit well with me as they destroy your uterine lining and it doesn’t get rid of the fibroid anyway. I am not keen on taking tablets either (got family history of blood clots) which just deals with the symptoms anyway, it doesn’t solve the problem, all I want is the fibroid removed, don’t understand why they can’t just remove the fibroid and be done with it.
That’s utter nonsense. Having a hysterectomy could cause damage to your pelvic nerves.
Have the ablation. Good luck.
Did your consultant talk about fibroid embolisation at all? If not, ask if you would be a candidate for that. I have 3 large ones (the biggest is 11cm) and have recently seen a Dr who isn’t phased by the size of the largest one to embolise.
I have considered that option, seeing a gynaecologist today for second opinion so I would like to see what surgical options they offer me, will keep that in mind and ask about it.
Hi Sharon,
I think it depends on where it is as to what treatment you can have i had a enlarged uterine fibroid 7yrs ago I had uterine fibroid embolisation a small op where crystals were injected into the veins that fed the blood supply to the fibroid it was successful and the fibroid shrunk from 10cm to 4cm, in October 3019 I was diagnosed with a second one 😓 the gynaecologist has said it's 6cm and it looks like it's inside the uterus wall I am having a mri scan to find out more but the doctor has said possible hysterectomy, ask your doc about different treatments and to explain why these are your only 2 options.
I had the ablation 2 years ago. It’s left my womb very scared and no my cervix won’t open due to scaring. I had a 16cm2 mass in my uterus because the blood couldn’t drain away. Never been in so much pain. In and out of emergency department and caught covid. If I had my time over again I would never of had it done. Now waiting hysterectomy so should have just had that to begin with as my womb is severely damaged now