Hi, anyone experience this, had to be admitted by ambulance as I couldnt pass urine, the pain was horrific, it was discovered I had an 8 x 7 cm fibroid pressing on my bladder, I was kept in for 3 days and released on Esmya! Any one have any experience or tips so it wont occur again, im going on holiday in 3 weeks!
fibroid pressing on bladder - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
fibroid pressing on bladder

I think I'm going through this too! I found out that a small fibroid I had, has now grown to 10cm in size. I'm constantly leaking urine and my doctor thinks it's because the fibroid is pressing down on my bladder. I've had an MRI scan to check that it's not stuck onto anything before operating as he doesn't want to cause any permanent damage to my insides.
Can I ask, what's Esmya?
Hi, I was on it for 3 months had no prob with it. Then it was took off sale bcos some people had probs on it. So can't quite comment on full length of use.
Now no joke , I had 20 fibroids,largest was 15 cm by 10 and I'm 43 suffered for years with heavy periods.
The thought of having Hysterectomy mortified me..
But due to amount and size in the end had to have vertical abdo incision and kept my ovaries! BEST THING I EVER DONE!!!
These suckers just grow and grow most of mine were top of uterus so can't comment on bladder issues, but I know I pee'd alot more during the day. Was Esmya prescribed for shrinkage purposes? I did feel it worked in the month I used it for .
Best of luck