Anyone been left with a weak bladder after a bladder prolapse operation I didn't have it before I'm hoping yp god it goes bk to normal its been 3 weeks had a problem.peeing at first still very slow but better than it was ..I really thought I would bounce really no health issues and healthy but no I've had urine infections which I don't normally get..I'm.sure it will settle down only been 3 weeks but finding it hard to bounce back like I expected ..Good luck everyone x
Incontinence after bladder prolapse o... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Incontinence after bladder prolapse operation

Yes, I have the same problem. Very weak urine flow. Unfortunately it hasn't really got much better. That will be why you are having water infections, because your bladder is not emptying completely
Thanks for years reply its bad isn't it I'm wishing I had never had it done now I paid private as was nervous as hell my consultant suggested I had a hysterectomy aswell as I had thicknkmg of my uterus wall which they don't like after meno ..but after his visit when I was still out of it really he said he didn't do the hysterectomy he had to do 2 repairs anterior and posterier and said something in the lines of I didn't want to disturb the uterus ? But I had urine retention following this so had to go bk in for a catheter so had to go home with it ..had it taken out as I had got bladder infections and I never ever get them so now on the loo I have to shuffle around and lift my right buttock up to go but at night I'm in and out of the bloody loo like a yo yo..and plus I have urge now so if I don't get there I leak...ffs..excuse the swearing but I'm fed up..what was your story ...interesting to her..I had used a kegal 8 for years to manage my prolapse so can't wait to go bk on it I'm nearly 4 weeks now so seeing him in 2 weeks ...hope I've not bored you haha...Good luck and let me know how u progress ...jeanette x
Your pelvis is likely still in shock from surgery. Perhaps your bladder is neurogenic? There are meds that can calm your bladder down and prevent you from waking at night. Ask your doctor about a trial as you need your sleep to heal.
Did they culture your urine in a micro biology laboratory? What was the microbe? Was it E. Coli? Be sure to keep that area clean perhaps using wet wipes for a while.
Hi thanks so much for your message yes maybe ..I seem not bad in the day its during the night which I did have a overactive bladder before bit now if I don't get there quick enough I leak...I am.hoping it resolves itself...they have sent my urine off to hospital...I am vert clean and always use wipes I've never for bladder infections at I hope to be bk to normal.again I'm 3 weeks post op..thanks again xx
Hi my urine sample came bk but they couldn't identify the infection asked me to do another sample ..any ideas what this could be...I feel bit better now I'm 4 weeks post op so hopefully on the up...its been harder than i thought as I thought I would sail through it but no such luck...x