Hi I'm 6 weeks post op from laparoscopic hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy with full excision of endometriosis and adhesions. I'm still having a lot of back and low pelvic pain behind my pubic bone, I have got the remains of a fluid collection but I just wondered if anyone had these symptoms after hysterectomy or wether anyone has or knows if endometriosis could be left behind and still cause pain. Any info would be much appreciated x
Pelvic pain : Hi I'm 6 weeks post op... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pelvic pain

I hv had pelvic, vulva, hip, groin, lower back , uretha, bladder pain 10 years & was narrowed down to Interstitial Cystitis. I took ton probiotics & stayed away from everthing diet exercise that hurt, got rid of it & decided to try shots for my back & now i hv all pelvic floor muscle chronic pain. I only suspected the shots to my neck prior to last onset. So, i hear those bedridden, life robbed pepl who just want to die. So painful & as such, what is life, even pain meds dont really help. All test show normal. They just dont know how body works to test. Its auto immune disorder, so all i can say is take 6-8 probiotics day & try to stay healthy becuz pain there no matter what u do or dont do. I had get on disability & gave my lucrative biz to another as no energy to sell.
Oh that sounds awful 😞 the pain I have now is almost identical to the pain I had before the op but they apparently removal all endometriosis and adhesions. The only difference is, is that I have a burning sensation behind my pubic bone. Hope there's not endometriosis left in my vaginal vault. Hope you're not suffering too much today and thanks for the reply xx
Hi Heidi
Sorry to hear your still in pain. I think the important point that jumps out of your post is that you only had surgery 6 weeks ago. Because it's done laparoscopically we tend to think that we should be pain free by now which is rarely the case. I know myself when I've had surgery to remove endometriosis I've still been in pain 4 weeks later. You've had a lot done in one operation which is why you are probably still in pain. It is possible for endometriosis to be left/missed but by the sounds of it you were operated on by a specialist so this is unlikely. Many of us with endometriosis are used to ongoing pain on a daily basis and even when the source of the pain is removed you can end up with pain constantly being generated even if it's at a lower level. I don't know if you've been on medications for nerve pain which is usually prescribed in these situations? If the pain continues after a few months it might be worth while looking at these either with your GP, consultant or pain clinic. I hope you start to feel better soon
Heidi. Long time no speak babe's . I'm now nearly 6 months post op TLVH and cervix and ovaries removed . I've been having a lot of pain soon after hyster when I pee and hip pain too. Why wee your symptoms of the bladder issue huni ? I'm awaiting a referral to urologist hopefully bloody soon xx