I'm Bernie and i'm 21. I have been suffering with abdominal pain for 6 months ago now, and I recently went for a laparoscopy to rule out endometriosis. Fortunately, i do not have endometriosis, however, unfortunately, i am still suffering with the abdominal pain! Endometriosis uk sent me here.
On Thursday night/Saturday morning, i was taken to accident and emergency by an ambulance crew because i was in so much pain that none of my coedine was working, they thought it was appendicitis, however after much poking and blood taking, they came to the conclusion it wasn't. I was in agony and they eventually admitted me and started me on oralmorph which helped. I was sent home yesterday lunchtime. I was okay. Today i am not, i'm in pain and again the coedine isn't helping. I just don't know what to do anymore! Feel like Dr's aren't really listening to me and i don't have any answers as to what the pain is
Hope you are all well, sorry about the long post, just needed to rant somewhere xx