Hello. One of my 6yr old twins has always been more susceptible to illness, RSV at 5 weeks, a couple bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia, recurring ear infections and grommets at 7mo of age, then recurring sinus infections and asthma diagnosis after being hospitalized in respiratory distress from enterovirus D68 in 2014. They tested her around the same time for PCD via nasal biopsy but admittedly didn’t get a great sample and it was clear.
She has since continued to have asthma exacerbations, croup and a lot of difficulty with illnesses and sinus infections. Last year, she was on antibiotics 210 days. This year, since Jan 1, we have only been off of them 24 days. She has a continual wet cough. Last April she had a bronchoscope and her lower airway looked normal and no narrowing that would explain the croup. They also did a sinus balloon surgery as the CT scan showed chronic inflammation and took adenoids. None helped the recurring post nasal drip and wet cough.
Last summer, we did the sweat test and she was negative for CF and her titers were tested and she was reimmunized so all is ok there. She was recently given the nitrite oxide test and had low numbers so we finished a 6wk course of antibiotics, doubled nasal steroids and increased saline rinses and she tested higher (one side was lower) so now they said she is inconclusive for PCD. We are all stumped as we don’t believe it is her asthma giving us the grief. They mentioned genetic testing. Should I just push for that next visit to get a clear answer? Even on the antibiotics she improves some so she can sleep but still has the wet cough. We went to the ocean recently and after 2 days the nasal congestion improved some and the cough wasn’t as frequent but very productive and wet when she did have it. I just want my baby better and my gut knows something is off.