Dear parents,
After having battled for 5 years with my son's condition, iam here to see if I I will be able to find out some information about the condition that my son has. He is born with an unbalanced amount of genetic material between t4 and t6. The manifestations are a 3 mm ASD with pulmonary hypertension since birth ( cause unknown and yet to rule out primary or secondary to his adenoids ) , congenital glaucoma, pedal edema, left undescended testicles with global development delay. He is now 5 years old. He has been having recurrent cheat infections with intermittent wheezes and high grade fever since he was 2 or 2.5years old( this is what I remember) . He gets hospitalized whenever his chest gets infected. Since we stay in Bangalore, India majority of his conditions are attributed to the environment. But one thing that kept me worrying was his persistent nasal discharge. I would say he has a transparent, foamy nasal discharge , predominantly from his left nostrils, ( which would get thick and sticky as the infections progress) most of the times. There were times when he was completely dry , but very few days in his 5 years of life. Now that he has developed grade 4 tonsils and grade 3 adenoids accompanied by sleep apnea. My cardiologist suspects that his pulmonary hypertension may be secondary to his sleep apnoea. When we consulted an ENT and was enquiring for his surgery, the ENT mentioned the term "PCD" and this needs to be ruled out before any surgery can be done. My son also has GERD and some say that acid reflux can also contribute to his nasal discharge and wheeze. Kindly help me in assessing if my son has this condition. Here in India , I don't think we have a support group or any good diagnostic centre for this. Please help and this is urgent.