About a year ago I started using the concept of plateauing in that when symptoms stopped improving I considered that plateauing and rejected that meant I could only wait and changed my supplementation regime.
With experience I was able to discern that healing was slowing and I would change my supplementation.
The pattern I experienced was often when I changed my supplementation there would be a brief uptick followed by a downturn followed by improvement resulting in my deciding to change and hopefully improve the results of changing my supplementation.
I can often discern that a change is positive in a few days. The downturn period lasts 5 to 10 days followed by improvement.
About two months ago I experienced a radical positive change and was hungry three times a day and the cold did not bother me as it has for years.
Pretty much when a year ago I started injecting three times a day I started doing a lot better after 3 + years of trials. I currently inject 6 times per day as my body only uses B12 to effectively heal for a maximum of 6 hours and is most effective at every three hours. I determined that by trials, it is my personal work and I am not following anyone else's work as I used to do, somewhat.
I do not experience feeling wonderful as it is hard on my body for my neurological system to heal and it is hard to adjust to being more healed.
The cold and the lack of sun energy in the winter makes it harder to heal and I have to adjust my activity.
I experienced a kinda of going backwards and plateauing at a place that was less positive than say the fall of last year. I was not symptomatic rather I was healing at a slower pace.
The sun is out longer now and I am building up my store of sun energy. The cold air from Canada keeps dipping down into New Hampshire. This morning it is -15 degrees Celsius. Here when it gets that cold there is usually no wind so that helps.
I have had positive results taking Niacin. I used to take Betaine and then switched to NAD and the Niacin is more effective than the other two.
My current regime is complicated and very fluid as I adjust to everything. That is why I am not going into specifics of my regime at this time and sharing only the concept of plateauing and frequency and how I am experiencing that.
I have a plan. The first time it is forecast to be 10 degrees Celsius and sunny two days in a row within a two hour drive I will head south. Get sun, eat, take an epsom salt bath, eat and then sleep. I will then get up in the morning and decide what it is best to do.
I did something similar 6 years ago when I did not know I was B12 deficient and getting gradually worse after many misdiagnoses my whole life resulting finally in a 6 day hospitalization and two blood transfusions and three weeks from death. Followed by ineffective medical treatment.
The time I did it before I ended up driving to South Carolina which is a 16 hour drive before it was above freezing. I had unwittingly traveled in a polar vortex event.
I would fly to Florida and stay for 10 days if I was not so beat up from the last year of healing due to more effective supplementation. Nothing for that but to continue to suffer.